The 11th Hall of Fame


For my nomination, even if you're not familiar with the issues surrounding German reunification, Good Bye, Lenin! is still a very clever and charming film that has a nice blend of comedy, drama, and political commentary. I think it's a shame that it doesn't seem to have much exposure here (right now there is nothing for it in the Review section), so hopefully some of you guys will appreciate this film as much as I do.
WOAH! De Ja Vu!

Deadline then will be 10 weeks from tomorrow which if my calculations are right will be the 26th November, i'll put it in the first. As i said if you need a bit more time when it comes i'll give you it as long as it isn't too much and i hope everybody tries to finish it by then.

So yeah, just start whenever and have fun

And don't think i'm accepting any list with Bringing Up Baby lower than #2

Bashu, The Little Stranger (Bahram Beizai, 1986) Nominated by Guaporense
Initial Thoughts: Haven't seen this and I don't know what to expect. I've not exactly had good experiences with Guap's nominations in the past, though.
Review: October 2, 2016

Bringing Up Baby (Howard Hawks, 1938) Nominated by Camo
Initial Thoughts: I know I've seen this, but that was decades ago and I remember practically nothing about it.
Review: September 22, 2016

The Dead Girl (Karen Moncreiff, 2006) Nominated by Topsy
Initial Thoughts: No idea what to expect from this.
Review: September 16, 2016

Embrace of the Serpent (Ciro Guerra, 2015) Nominated by Swan
Initial Thoughts: I've read great things about this, so I'm interested to see for myself what it's like.
Review: September 18, 2016

The Flowers of War (Zhang Yimou, 2011) Nominated by Citizen Rules
Initial Thoughts: No idea what to expect from this, but I really don't like Christian Bale. I did like Raise the Red Lantern, though.
Review: September 30, 2016

Good Bye Lenin! (Wolfgang Becker, 2003) Nominated by Cosmic Runaway
Initial Thoughts: No idea what to expect, but I really liked Daniel Brühl in Inglourious Basterds and Rush so I'm interested to see more from him.
Review: September 21, 2016

Her (Spike Jonze, 2013) Nominated by Miss Vicky
Initial Thoughts: Love it, obviously. I might rewatch it just to keep it fresh in my mind for discussion.
Review: April 26, 2016

Ida (Pawel Pawilikowski, 2013) Nominated by MovieMeditation
Initial Thoughts: No idea what to expect from this.
Review: September 28, 2016

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Shane Black, 2005) Nominated by Neiba
Initial Thoughts: I watched this once before and didn't like it, but that was a few years ago. I actually have the DVD (it was a blind buy) so I'll probably start here.
Review: September 16, 2016

Moonrise Kingdom (Wes Anderson, 2012) Nominated by Raul
Initial Thoughts: Haven't seen it, but it's Wes Anderson, so I'm pretty sure I'm going to hate it.
Review: September 19, 2016

Ronin (John Frankenheimer, 1998) Nominated By Clazor
Initial Thoughts: No idea what to expect.
Review: September 27, 2016

Samurai Rebellion (Masaki Kobayashi, 1967) Nominated by Cricket
Initial Thoughts: Not seen it, but I really liked Harakiri so this should be good.
Review: September 17, 2016

Other than KKBB and Good Bye, Lenin!, I've only seen Samurai Rebellion and Bringing Up Baby, but I don't remember anything about those two so I'll have to rewatch them for sure.

I've been meaning to watch Moonrise Kingdom, Her, and Embrace the Serpent, so at least now I have more motivation to do so. I have to say that I like the variety of films in this HoF, though it will probably make it harder to rank them at the end.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yeah the noms are in! They look really good too. Some of these I've been wanting to watch for awhile Some thoughts:

Moonrise Kingdom (Wes Anderson, 2012) Nominated By Raul
I'm glad to see another Wes Anderson film as I haven't seen many of them.

Her (Spike Jonze, 2013)Nominated By Miss Vicky
I was wanting to watch this one for a long time, glad it's here.

Samurai Rebellion (Masaki Kobayashi, 1967) Nominated By Cricket
I recently watched this one and was blown away by the intricacy of the story, this is a well done film.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Shane Black, 2005)Nominated By Neiba
This was on my radar, I seen it on Gideon's reviews and he really liked it.

Bringing Up Baby (Howard Hawks, 1938)Nominated By Camo
This is one of the first 'old' films I watched when I got into movies. So looking forward to revisiting it.

The Flowers of War (Zhang Yimou, 2011) Nominated By Citizen
This one is mine, the director did Raise the Red Lantern. I really liked this movie so wanted to share it with everyone.

Embrace of the Serpent
(Ciro Guerra, 2015)Nominated By Swan
Very cool, I also wanted to watch this every since I seen it talked about here at MoFo.

Le Cercle Rouge (Jean-Pierre Melville, 1970)Nominated By Sean
I have no idea. But my wife speaks fluent french so she can translate for me

The Dead Girl (Karen Moncreiff, 2006) Nominated By Topsy
Yeah another interesting one from Topsy!

Good Bye, Lenin! (Wolfgang Becker, 2003)Nominated By Cosmic
I never heard of this one, but it sounds interesting. I've had good luck with German films.

though it will probably make it harder to rank them at the end.
I've seen 4 and 3 of them are all time favourites, not sure how i'm going to rank those. Then i've seen 2 films each from Melville and Kobayashi and all of those are favourites as well so it would be weird if i didn't at least like their films nominated this HOF. Ranking is going to be murder for me.

Also we may have a special guest this HOF joining us to discuss one film in particular. Won't say who it is since it was in PMs and S(he) (why am i even doing that we all know there's no real women on MoFo) may not want me to say or whatever, and i'm not sure if they even still want to. Just getting you all super hyped and curious though i'm sure.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Also we may have a special guest this HOF joining us to discuss one film in particular. Won't say who it is since it was in PMs and S(he) (why am i even doing that we all know there's no real women on MoFo) may not want me to say or whatever, and i'm not sure if they even still want to. Just getting you all super hyped and curious though i'm sure.
One of the directors I hope (how cool would that be!)

Trouble with a capital "T"
My public library rocks! It had all of the movies except, Le Cercle Rouge, which I can get at Netflix. So I will be getting a boatload of movies to watch in the next few days...

Wauw, this looks like a great HoF! And as previously pointed out, this HoF doesn't have that one certain winner...

Anyways, I've seen 4/10 and the rest is a good mix of stuff I have heard of, stuff I already have on my watchlist and stuff I don't know anything about.

I'll try to follow the HoF from the sidelines and see all y'all reviews and discussions when I check in from time to time. Maybe I'll watch some of them as well.

Looks like most of these are available from my library. Samurai Rebellion is on Hulu and Embrace of the Serpent is on Amazon Prime. I couldn't find The Dead Girl from any of my trusted sources, but did find a DVD on eBay really cheap. Assuming there's nothing wrong with it, I can send it on to any U.S. participants if they're having trouble finding it.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
This is a cool lineup. Glad I joined. I have been putting off Embrace Of The Serpent for a couple months, so I will probably start with that.Been wanting to rewatch Her as well, I didn't love it like a proper cinephile should. Might pick up the Blu-ray, it should look good.