The Top MoFos Countdown 4ever - The List


Cricket, you were my #7.

Citizen, you weren't on my list, you apparently talked badly about me in PMs to TONGO, but I forgive you, we all do it.


Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Well done, CR! I think I had you on my list, but if I didn't, I certainly meant to include you!

And well done Cricket! Is this the second year you've grabbed onto number 1?

Congrats to everyone who made the list, and sorry to the people I neglected to include, and to those who there just wasn't room for. Great job Miss Vicky with the countdown, and with the great picture choices!


(627 points)
First the Patriots, and now this?!

2017 is looking like your year Crick, you deserve it you rotten bastid'

Trouble with a capital "T"
Congrats Cricket!

I don't know of any other MoFos who support the other members, as much as you do.

I know you make sure and comment on peoples reviews and countdowns, and I know those people appreciate it, I sure do.

You're always friendly and cool to everyone. Way to go bud!

Well thank you for the votes everyone! I think I'm a good member and I take pride in that, but there's many other members who do much more whether it's writing reviews, hosting countdowns, helping with graphics, or creating fun threads. I probably just post in the right places.

Congrats to everyone and a special thanks to Miss Vicky for all that hard work!

Damn, cricket. That's sum points you got yourself there.

You were almost my #1 but got beat out by the mad clown, mr. Spaulding. A strong second though, on my list.

Well thank you for the votes everyone! I think I'm a good member and I take pride in that, but there's many other members who do much more whether it's writing reviews, hosting countdowns, helping with graphics, or creating fun threads. I probably just post in the right places.

Congrats to everyone and a special thanks to Miss Vicky for all that hard work!
You deserved it and I hope you like that new TOXIC AVENGER avatar I made you. You deserve that big breakfast that he's eating.

Great job, Miss Vicky!

I will look through all I missed in a minute, but for now, really good work on making this happen. Also, it was a simple layout but man did you find some fitting and often very expressive and personal pictures for each member. Good job.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
I do remember that CiCi was in my Top 5 though.
CiCi is one of nicest people here and has really made himself at home on MoFo. I had him high on my list.
Good to see CiCi, he was of course on my list. He's been very pleasant to talk to

You do spoil me

But thanks so much for everyone who voted for me! I'm genuinely astounded as to the number of points I got, I had like 58 last year.

And well done to everyone who made the list, I hope you placed where you wanted

And thank you again to Miss Vicky for toiling away getting this done!

Many things were considered for this list, including how well I got to know you over the past year, how interesting you were on the forum, how you performed, how much I liked you, how good you were to me, and overall all-time love. Maybe I didn't have you on a previous countdown list, and should have, so I was making it up.


1. TheUsualSuspect
2. rauldc14
3. Swan
4. Gideon58
5. Camo
6. Gatsby
7. cricket
8. CosmicRunaway
9. nostromo87
10. The Gunslinger45
11. CiCi
12. Captain Steel
13. Derek Vinyard
14. The Rodent
15. donniedarko
16. Omnizoa
17. Captain Spaulding
18. Daniel M
19. JayDee
20. SilentVamp
21. Miss Vicky
22. jiraffejustin
23. seanc
24. Cobpyth
25. Mr Minio

You better make it up next year then, Sexy!

I am sorry. There's some MoFos I sadly neglect.