The MoFo Top 100 of the 80s: Countdown

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Chappie doesn't like the real world
I thought that you would be happy to know that I voted for The Dark Crystal. If you want to PM me about how good the movie is, you can do that anytime you want to Sexy.
I almost did. It came seriously close and I think I regret not putting it on.

100. Hannah and Her Sisters -
99. Stop Making Sense - Not Seen

Wow, I really expected Hannah and Her Sisters to be higher, but I guess Woody is not THAT popular on this forum, so I should be glad it made it at all. I had it at 18 on my list.
It's not one of my ABSOLUTE favorite Allen films, but it's definitely one of his ten best (which means a lot already, as he's probably made about 20 top notch films, in my opinion).
It's basically a typical Allen story with loads of characters having neurotic problems and facing moral dilemmas. This film does it magnificently, though. It's full of great and funny scenes with a lot of philosophical depth and the characters are wonderfully fleshed out. Also the atmosphere is PERFECT! This film truly points out what happiness is all about in one of the most beautiful ways I've ever seen. If you would ever get into Woody's style, this film will be able to reward you endlessly!

Classic Woody, exposing the meaningless of life and the tragedy of death.

Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

I agree with you it's the movie that made me like Woody Allen and made me want to watch some more os his work. (I had watch Annie Hall previously that is not that good imo)

My favorite scene in Hannah and her Sisters is when Woody Allen goes watch a movie (I think from the Marx Brothers) and the speech says something like I don't know what's the meaning of life, but what I know is that right now I have a good time and that is meaningfull. So that we should stop asking ourselves some questions about the meaning of life because what we know for sure is that we live for a short period of time and the best we could do is to enjoy it while it lasts
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

My favorite scene in Hannah and her Sisters is when Woody Allen goes watch a movie (I think from the Marx Brothers) and the speech says something like I don't know what's the meaning of life, but what I know is that right now I have a good time and that is meaningfull. So that we should stop asking ourselves some questions about the meaning of life because what we know for sure is that we live for a short period of time and the best we could do is to enjoy it while it lasts
Yeah, that part and the ending are truly feel-good stuff (but still in a sort of thoughtful way). It's funny that he made Crimes and Misdemeanors as a response to his optimism in this film, because he felt the message might have been too positive. Classic Woody.

I don't think crimes and misdemeanors is that much of a negative film, but I see your point

You seem to be a fan of his work. Where would you put Annie Hall amongst his other films?

I don't think crimes and misdemeanors is that much of a negative film, but I see your point

You seem to be a fan of his work. Where would you put Annie Hall amongst his other films?
It's not one of my favorites of his, but I still think it's very good. Probably around tenth place or maybe even a little bit lower. I think he both did better comedy and better (neurotic) drama in his career than in Annie Hall, but it was definitely a game changer and a lot of people still love it, so there's no way to deny the strength of that film. Like most of Woody's best films, it's also very rewatchable, which is of course a big plus.

Well, Crimes and Misdemeanors makes a very realistic, but cruel point, so in that sense it's much darker and much less uplifting than Hannah and Her Sisters.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Haven't seen neither of them.

Not that hot on 'Hannah...' as I didn't like 'Annie Hall' that much.
I listened to Talking Heads' album once and thought it's decent. Not going to see the concert.

I really hope for some films from my list to show up! (and they certainly will, but on higher positions )
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
For those who haven't seen it, Stop Making Sense is more than a concert film. Jonathan Demme directed it in his best David Lynch mode, and the band, especially singer David Byrne, was possessed. I saw them on the Stop Making Sense tour. Here's a tasty taste. Sorry I couldn't narrow it down, but you have to watch the last one if nothing else.

It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Hannah And Her Sisters is one of the eight Woody Allen films I have watched this year in my journey through his films. Unfortunately it is my least favorite so far and did not make my list. I still think it is pretty good, just not great.

Have not heard of the other film.

I haven't seen Hannah and Her Sisters or any other Woody Allen film, and I never will. I don't like anything about the guy. I'm not at all surprised it made the list though.

I'm very surprised that Stop Making Sense made the list, although I think The Talking Heads are a great band.

I didn't vote for Dead Ringers but I'm surprised it only got 1 point. Out of all the films to get just one point, that's the only one I thought had a chance to make it.

I'm so pleased to see The Dark Crystal won't be showing up. That's one hugely overrated pile of crap I won't have to complain about. Sadly, Aliens will.

The list hasn't started for me yet as I feel nothing for either film. Of course, I haven't seen Stop Making Sense, but that's because I'd have to turn the sound off to make it bearable and then I'd just be bored.

Despite that, one of my films has already shown up.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Thanks for the videos Mark, actually looks quite intriguing. And I didn't realise they sang Psycho Killer, something about that daft, catchy song I've always loved.

Great first two films. This list has promise.

Also, liking your choice of formatting, Skepsis. Looks good. And so quick to get the first two up, puts the rest of us to shame.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

Great first two films. This list has promise.

Also, liking your choice of formatting, Skepsis. Looks good. And so quick to get the first two up, puts the rest of us to shame.
Yes, I forgot mentioning that. Looks good indeed!