filmgirlinterrupted's TOP 50

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Rep for GoodFellas and Anchorman. Memento is in my watchlist.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission
11. Inception

12. Mystic River

13. Forrest Gump

14. The Shawshank Redemption

15. Ong Bak

"If we choose, we can live in a world of comforting illusion."
- Christopher Nolan

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Inception is another good pick.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

We have very similar tastes, filmgirl. Though I will just forget that you've included Forrest Gump, Tommy Boy and Reign Of Fire

Seriously though, our tastes are virtually identical. Obviously i'm as big a Nolanite as you are. Absolutely LOVE A History Of Violence, Heathers, Ong Bak and Unforgiven. Those films are the definition of visual pleasure. Terrific picks, young lady.

If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission
We have very similar tastes, filmgirl. Though I will just forget that you've included Forrest Gump, Tommy Boy and Reign Of Fire

Seriously though, our tastes are virtually identical. Obviously i'm as big a Nolanite as you are. Absolutely LOVE A History Of Violence, Heathers, Ong Bak and Unforgiven. Those films are the definition of visual pleasure. Terrific picks, young lady.
Thanks, Prestige! Nolanites UNITE!

If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission
10. Dumb and Dumber

To this day, the only movie that still makes me laugh out loud as hard as I did the first time I watched it, no matter how many times I watch it, it's "Dumb and Dumber." If I had to venture a guess, I'd say that I've watched this movie about 100 times. Not once has it felt stale or out-dated. Even after 17 years, the antics of Harry Lloyd on their Aspen adventure still hold sway over my funny bone. The Farrelly Brothers paved the way for comedy directors and writers of today: there would be no Todd Phillips, no Judd Apatow, no Paul Feig...without the brilliantly wacked minds of the Farrelly Brothers.

And let's not forget about Jim Carrey. Perhaps the funniest man of our generation, Carrey was working his way up in the comedy world through a little show called "In Living Colour." It was in 1994 when Carrey took the final step towards solidifying himself as one funny m***er f***er: in one year, he starred in "The Mask," "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective," and "Dumb and Dumber." Legend accomplished.

In my opinion, what makes "Dumb and Dumber" magnificently brilliant is that it reaches across all barriers. It's difficult to make a funny movie that appeals to more than one kind of humor. Making a comedy is risky in that every human on this earth has their own personal definition of 'funny.' I had previously listed "Tommy Boy," and some of you obviously didn't find that movie funny. It's full of childish antics and sarcasm; that's not for everyone, now is it? However, "Dumb and Dumber" is a classic in that it has something for everyone. You want a buddy flick? You got it. You want a road trip comedy? You got it. You want a humorous nice-guys-finish-last story? You got it. You want a movie you can easily quote for the rest of your life without it getting old? You got it.

"Dumb and Dumber" FTW.

I know this is your list but...

I was totally with you until Inception turned up at number 11. Inception is a fun, not-quite-brainless summer popcorn flick, but 11 is crazy high for an all time list, IMO.

Second, Dumb and Dumber doesn't have something for everyone. I hate it. It's juvenile and pedestrian.

To say they paved the way for modern comedy is a fallacy. Modern comedy, Farrelly Brothers included, stood on the backs of Ivan Reitman, John Landis, The Zucker Brothers, and Mel Brooks. Those are the guys that paved the way for R-rated antics. Watch Stripes or Blazing Saddles and then tell me where modern adult comedy comes from. The Farrelly Brothers didn't pave the way for anything.

Normally I agree with your sensabilities, and I love most of your list, but Dumb and Dumber isn't the trailblazer you try to make it out to be.

If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission
I know this is your list but...

I was totally with you until Inception turned up at number 11. Inception is a fun, not-quite-brainless summer popcorn flick, but 11 is crazy high for an all time list, IMO.

Second, Dumb and Dumber doesn't have something for everyone. I hate it. It's juvenile and pedestrian.

To say they paved the way for modern comedy is a fallacy. Modern comedy, Farrelly Brothers included, stood on the backs of Ivan Reitman, John Landis, The Zucker Brothers, and Mel Brooks. Those are the guys that paved the way for R-rated antics. Watch Stripes or Blazing Saddles and then tell me where modern adult comedy comes from. The Farrelly Brothers didn't pave the way for anything.

Normally I agree with your sensabilities, and I love most of your list, but Dumb and Dumber isn't the trailblazer you try to make it out to be.
Like I said before, I'm not trying to gain popularity or + reps by making this list. Obviously some of my choices won't be on par with everyone. I respect your opinion.

I have seen Blazing Saddles and Stripes. Although I thought both films were funny, they didn't have the same impact on my movie sensability. I'm only 23, so most of my choices reflect the generation I'm coming from. My dad thinks that Blazing Saddles is the funniest movie of all time. If I was an 8 year-old boy and I watched that movie for that first time back in '74, I might agree with him.

The great thing about these forums is sharing our love for movies across generations. I'm part of the younger generation, and I will have my own list of 'classics.' I respect the status of older movies, but they simply won't have the same affect on me.

So for me, "Dumb and Dumber" is a classic. I humbly respect your opinion. I'm not one for conflict

Dumb and Dumber is a damn fine #10! I love that movie. And the rest of your list is great too so far. You have alot of my favorites on there. +rep.

I'd rather watch Dumb & Dumber twice, back to back than have to suffer 5 minutes of Blazing Saddles. Stripes is ok, but I'd still rather watch D&D.

That said, as This Is Spinal Tap is the funniest film of all time, ever, in the history of the world, all this is moot.