The Mofo Top 100 Television Shows


Nothing against King of the Hill, but I never cared for it. Never seen much -- if any at all -- of Colbert.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Funny all that talk about Family Guy and The Simpsons and the next entry is an adult animated series I do find funny. I just have not seen enough of it for it to make my list and maybe it wouldn't anyway but it is good.

Colbert is a genius. The character he created is really amazing. I am a little sad it is going away but also kind of excited to see how he does in his new gig. None of this type of show made my list, I decided to go all narrative. Colbert is one of the great ones though.

the colbert report was my #3. it's the funniest thing on television right now and it makes me crack up every single night. can't believe it's almost over.

haven't really seen much of king of the hill since they stopped airing reruns of it after reruns of the simpsons on fox, but everything i've heard about it sounds like it could become a new favorite of mine if i gave it a chance.

I'm skeptical of Colbert's greatness because I have looked through his book I Am America before, but I'm not gonna make a big scene about it, like Sedai, because as I said, I haven't seen much.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
whichever one was voted on by better members.
I found this particularly funny because I voted for one show and you the other.

It's really fun being the only one to know all the information. Several times I've been amused by a post by knowing what they don't.

I had King of the Hill at #14. I hated it the first few times I saw it. I was absolutely intolerant of it but a lot of people I knew were fans, so I kept being exposed to it. Eventually it grew on me and I came to be very fond of it. Mostly because I really, really like Hank. He's a good guy that sees the world the way we sees it and takes very seriously the things that are important to him. It's really a very warm and funny show where friends, family, lawns and beer are the things that matter. Yep.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Folks we have a tie

81. King of the Hill (1997 - 2010)
81.The Colbert Report (2005- )

I'm not a fan of either show, but it's great timing for "King of the Hill". Today (Oct 17th) is Mike Judge's birthday (He's the show's creator).

Chappie doesn't like the real world
The couple of episodes I've seen of The Colbert Show, I thought were hilarious. Colbert's delivery is great and I think I would really like the show. I don't really know why I'm not watching it but I never think about it until someone mentions it.

@gbgoodies: That is great timing for King of the Hill to be posted. Cool.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I've certainly watched and enjoyed both shows quite a lot, but with only 25 shows, I never considered them for my list. So far, I've got one of the first 20 - "The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson".
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

I've never watched The Colbert Report.

I've checked out a few episodes of King of the Hill (partly because Tom Petty voiced one of the characters) and it was okay, but nothing I could really get into.

Still none of my shows have made the list so far.

King of the Hill was #6 on my list. I was only ten years old when it first aired in 1997, and I thought it was kind of lame at the time, since it lacked the usual zaniness of most animated shows. But a few years ago my college roommate was watching re-runs on Adult Swim, and I found myself watching it along with him and really enjoying the show. I started watching it regularly after that, and I've since bought the first several seasons on DVD. I haven't seen many episodes from the later seasons, so I can't attest to their quality, but the first few seasons are great.

King of the Hill is basically the opposite of animated shows like Family Guy (which I loathe). In many ways, King of the Hill doesn't even feel like an animated show. In fact, with just a few exceptions, most episodes would work just as well as a live-action sitcom. I think that's part of the show's brilliance. The humor in King of the Hill is subtle and often delivered in the form of dialogue rather than some ridiculous gag that bashes you repeatedly over the head (like Family Guy). Even though I've never been to Texas, the characters on the show remind me very much of people I know, especially some of my uncles and cousins. They're simple people. Standing on the lawn with a cold beer while discussing sports and the propane business with neighbors is its own form of luxury. I love the show's simplicity, its good-natured charm, the down-to-earth quality of its characters and their traditional American values. Unlike Family Guy, the humor isn't crude or mean-spirited. You laugh with the characters, not at them.

Still none of my shows have made the list so far.
Well, nobody else here watched that special one hour failed pilot that aired back in 1987, The Lindsey Buckingham Comedy Hour.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
King Of The Hill wasn't on my list, but I do like it quite a bit. It's rarely ever laugh-out-loud (except in the case of Dale and his antics), but it's always entertaining.

I've watched a few episodes of Colbert, not my thing.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Never seen Colbert (Hun will prob tell me it was on TV here now ) .
I like King of the Hill much more than Family Guy. Wouldn't have come anywhere near my list tho

You know what's funny about that? Roger makes me think of you, sometimes. I'm not exactly sure why, but he does. My hand to god I once told a friend that Roger reminds me of this guy on a forum named Sexy Celebrity.

I like the character, so it's not an insult.
Couldn't agree with this any more, it's just all of the drama he attracts and tries to create . Also Rogers multiple disguises and personalities, could be compared with SC's love of making threads out of practically anything, and him er..... knowing all of those personalities ; like Psychic Isaac, Database Errol, Dorothy Michaels, etc. No doubt it's a compliment, imo at least Roger is the best character in any of Seths shows.

Only seen one of the early seasons of King of the Hill, that i had from a friend, i really need to watch more when i get the chance because i do remember liking it. Never seen or heard of The Colbert Report.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Never seen Colbert and only watched a couple of King of the Hill episodes, it's hard to say if I like it or not...

As for the tie, what about using the airing time to untie? Like, the ones with the biggest airing time are first...

Well, nobody else here watched that special one hour failed pilot that aired back in 1987, The Lindsey Buckingham Comedy Hour.
Or Tom Petty, Private Eye: Won't Back Down Edition.

Colbert is the man! And King of the Hill is a damn classic. I don't know how the hell I forgot to put in on my list. It easily would have made mine.