MBTI Personality Type Test


Would you guys say it was a good or a bad thing if you were in a relationship with someone with the exact same personality type according to this?

Asking for a friend....

Master of My Domain
INFP - which I've been ever since I first took this test.

The questions for this version were a bit confusing but nonetheless very accurate. Drifting into pleasant thoughts, then suddenly becoming depressed is totally me.

i'd the online test couple of times in different sites and results were either INTP or INFP which i have shared some of both traits and also there are not. considerating back, probably i'm more as infp i guess, as myself is not so hunger with knowledges as they said with NT types but more fit with identity seeker or NF. pretty sure my percentage of T~F and P~J is thin enough in between.
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

Trouble with a capital "T"
Would you guys say it was a good or a bad thing if you were in a relationship with someone with the exact same personality type according to this?

Asking for a friend....
Rhys, I have a suggestion for you. Take the online test, but answer as your friends girlfriend would. Then read the results and see if you can gleam any insight into the personality of your friends girlfriend. But take the results with a grain of salt and don't believe every thing you read there. That might just help give some clarity.



Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein
The INTP personality type is fairly rare, making up only three percent of the population, which is definitely a good thing for them, as there’s nothing they’d be more unhappy about than being "common". INTPs pride themselves on their inventiveness and creativity, their unique perspective and vigorous intellect. Usually known as the philosopher, the architect, or the dreamy professor, INTPs have been responsible for many scientific discoveries throughout history.

Personality type: “The Executive” (ESTJ-A)
Individual traits: Extraverted – 63%, Observant – 79%, Thinking – 63%, Judging – 72%, Assertive – 73%.
Role: Sentinel
Strategy: People Mastery

I don't think the description really fits me. Maybe I'm wrong.


89% Introverted
58% Observant
70% Thinking
65% Prospecting
83% Turbulent

Just saw this part:

Optimistic and Energetic – Virtuosos are usually up to their elbows in some project or other. Cheerful and good-natured, people with the Virtuoso personality type (especially Assertive ones) rarely get stressed out, preferring to go with the flow.
This is not me, at all.



INFP personalities are true idealists, always looking for the hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. While they may be perceived as calm, reserved, or even shy, INFPs have an inner flame and passion that can truly shine. Comprising just 4% of the population, the risk of feeling misunderstood is unfortunately high for the INFP personality type – but when they find like-minded people to spend their time with, the harmony they feel will be a fountain of joy and inspiration.

mediator . i guess people who discuss things on forums are mediator types

mediator . i guess people who discuss things on forums are mediator types

Yeah, I was expecting people who choose like activities (such as forum participation) to be somewhat similar. On the one hand, I think short of the INFP Reddit page, this is the largest gathering of INFP I've seen. On the other hand, several more extroverts than I'd expected.

I was hoping Yoda would participate

Hoping also for more participants so I can get a more comprehensive set of data to look at.

I think that was right.
From the INTP Page: People with the INTP personality type take pride in their knowledge and rationale, and enjoy sharing their ideas, but in trying to explain how they got from A to B to Z, they can get frustrated, sometimes simplifying things to the point of insult as they struggle to gauge their conversation partners’ perspective. The ultimate insult comes as INTPs give up with a dismissive "never mind".

Not meaning this as any kind of slight so please don't take it as such... but this is interesting when considered in combination with the goings on in the MoFo Support thread. That last sentence directly correlates to Yoda's quote on the topic over there.

I can certainly see many of my own weaknesses in my 'type'. I absolutely take things personally (and get called out on it), and I'm often impractical.

Like I said, not an analysis tool but an interesting lens to look through when trying to understand behavior (one's own or others).

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
INFP-T Mediator, Diplomat group. Have to say that it's pretty much correct
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

The Adventure Starts Here!
I came out as Advocate Personality (INFJ, -A/-T). Hadn't seen the -T addition at the end before (Turbulent). Since they had a gradation of how much you agree or disagree, I noticed that I answered quite a few around the middle and fewer at either extreme than I would have thought. Still, I came out as 88% Introverted (not surprising), 63% Intuitive, 74% Feeling, and 66% Judging.

Didn't find out what the -T Turbulent addition means. I will say that, with the longer version of this test, I often sway more toward the Thinking than Feeling option, so seeing the 74% Feeling was a bit surprising. Some of that had to do with how questions were worded, I think. (I often struggle with ambiguously worded questions on all sorts of tests, since I am a proofreader and have to nitpick word meanings all the time.)

I too would be interested to see Yoda's test results. Since I've known him his whole life (plus his in-utero life!), I have a hunch he might not be at one extreme or the other. If I had to guess, I'd place him as an Ambivert (though I don't think this test will use that term -- it might just show him as slightly more introverted than extroverted, or vice versa, without swaying to one end of the spectrum like mine always does.

I too would be interested to see Yoda's test results. Since I've known him his whole life (plus his in-utero life!), I have a hunch he might not be at one extreme or the other. If I had to guess, I'd place him as an Ambivert (though I don't think this test will use that term -- it might just show him as slightly more introverted than extroverted, or vice versa, without swaying to one end of the spectrum like mine always does.
Spot-on. I was unsure of a lot of my answers, and obviously this test is slightly different than the one I took years ago (and maybe I'm different, too, for that matter), but I just got ENTJ (instead of INTJ), and all of the percentages were between 57% and 62%.

I've taken this test three times and still get the rather inaccurate "Virtuoso" personality type.

Described as "friendly, private (ha!), calm but spontaneous (double ha!), "very loyal and steady for a while, but they tend to build up a store of impulsive energy that explodes without warning, taking their interests in bold new directions" (um, what?), optimistic and energetic (um, no), great in a crisis (no), and relaxed () .

The weaknesses seem fairly true though. Well not the part about being private and reserved. I think I'm only really reserved when I'm with people I don't know, don't know well, or in large groups.

Stubborn – As easily as ISTPs go with the flow, they can also ignore it entirely, and usually move in another direction with little apology or sensitivity. If someone tries to change ISTPs’ habits, lifestyle or ideas through criticism, they can become quite blunt in their irritation.
Insensitive – ISTPs use logic, and even when they try to meet others halfway with empathy and emotional sensitivity, it rarely seems to quite come out right, if anything is even said at all.
Private and Reserved – ISTP personalities are notoriously difficult to get to know. They are true introverts, keeping their personal matters to themselves, and often just prefer silence to small talk.
Easily Bored – ISTPs enjoy novelty, which makes them excellent tinkerers, but much less reliable when it comes to focusing on things long-term. Once something is understood, ISTPs tend to simply move on to something new and more interesting.
Dislike Commitment – Long-term commitments are particularly onerous for ISTPs. They prefer to take things day-by-day, and the feeling of being locked into something for a long time is downright oppressive. This can be a particular challenge in ISTPs’ romantic relationships.
Risky Behavior – This stubbornness, difficulty with others’ emotions, focus on the moment, and easy boredom can lead to unnecessary and unhelpful boundary-pushing, just for fun. ISTPs have been known to escalate conflict and danger just to see where it goes, something that can have disastrous consequences for everyone around if they lose control of the situation.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Spot-on. I was unsure of a lot of my answers, and obviously this test is slightly different than the one I took years ago (and maybe I'm different, too, for that matter), but I just got ENTJ (instead of INTJ), and all of the percentages were between 57% and 62%.
That completely matches what I might have thought. And yes, life-events and life in general can certainly change your answers and therefore your results. Your middle-range percentages square with what I know about you. (This means I have two solidly introverted children, one extrovert, and one ambivert.)