The Resident Bitch's Movie Log

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Empathy can't always be our entry point.
I'm not necessarily looking to empathize with a character, though. Hatred or respect work just as well to help me connect, but I felt neither for Andrew - which made certain scenes lose a lot of their potential impact for me.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'm not necessarily looking to empathize with a character, though. Hatred or respect work just as well to help me connect, but I felt neither for Andrew - which made certain scenes lose a lot of their potential impact for me.
I get you. He is an arrogant jerk. I think the dilemma of the character is whether he is going to allow himself to become Fletcher or not. Glad you enjoyed it. I have watched it twice now and think highly of it.

Whiplash (Damien Chazelle, 2014)

Date Watched: 12/04/15
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: It was available on Starz Play
Rewatch: No

I'd heard nothing but great things about this film and, in particular, about the performance of J.K. Simmons. There's no doubt that Simmons deserves this praise. His performance is phenomenal. Fletcher's intensity and volcanic temper are riveting. He's so unlikable that he's almost likable.

Andrew Neiman, on the other hand, I found totally unlikable and because of this, I struggled to connect with the film. I suppose I was meant to respect his drive, but he was far too self centered and arrogant for me to care. Still, there's more than enough in what Simmons has to offer to make for a compelling and very watchable film. I just don't know if it's something I'll revisit.

It's nice to know that someone else had issues with Whiplash...I got a lot of hostile response to my review that didn't refer to the film as the next Citizen Kane.

Personally I liked Andrew and felt that I could relate a lot to him. After I watched it, I got the urge to put everything I have into my own passions. It was a really inspiring movie. It's pretty amazing what a person can accomplish if they really give it their all. And it's possibly my favorite J.K. Simmons performance. He is such a beast the way he pulled off all that intensity.

I've been busy with other things. Maybe I'll watch something tomorrow.
Oh no... I think you get banned from if you go 5 days without watching a movie...

I have to return some videotapes.
Every morning I get on and my day gets gradually worse after I find out there's no update to your thread.

So basically it's been sh*tty for the past 3 days.

Update this pls!

Master of My Domain
Empathy can't always be our entry point.
I think this is what I keep telling you whenever disagree with one of my favs. Have you finally learned?

Obviously I liked the movie way better than Miss Vicky did but I'm giving her a thumbs up because she didn't give it a bad rating at all.

The Warriors (Walter Hill, 1979)

Date Watched: 12/10/15
Cinema or Home: Home
Reason For Watching: It seems to be popular on MoFo
Rewatch: No

This was a good bit of stupid fun. The acting was pretty terrible and the story was near non-existent but it had a cool soundtrack and was an entertaining watch. I did find the costume design a bit distracting and laughable though. Am I really meant to buy that these effeminate looking dudes in matching outfits are tough street gangs and not just people with s***ty fashion sense? Because they look more like poorly dressed dance troupes on their way to a competition than anybody to be feared.


The Warriors, classic.

I pretty much agree with you about the acting and story. It's a fairly unique movie, so I liked it for that.

The Warriors is brilliant. I love that film so much. It's a huge part of my childhood.

I was looking at when you watched it and wondered how the hell you managed to watch it tomorrow, considering that you're on the wrong side of the planet for that to be the case. Then I realised that you all put the date the wrong way around.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Welcome to the human race...
All things considered, I find these "you haven't updated your thread in days" posts rather amusing.

Meanwhile, as much as I love The Warriors, I am not surprised to see people think of it as just good.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I did find the costume design a bit distracting and laughable though. Am I really meant to buy that these effeminate looking dudes in matching outfits are tough street gangs and not just people with s***ty fashion sense?
This is what I like most about this film.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
The Warriors is good for a few laughs, nothing more. Actually, the best thing about this trailer is the Tangerine Dream music from Sorcerer.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

This is what I like most about this film.
Same. I'm not even a big fan of the film, but their outfits are brilliant. Miss Vicky, it is basically West Side Story without the Musical element and with more repressed dancing outbursts