Donald Trump for President?


I'm voting for Abraham Lincoln.
In todays world - Too tall, lanky, longwinded, and weird looking. Plus his wifes a nut. Tabloid fodder and he'd truly never be considered.

but why has he become popular ??

can anyone tell me the reasons ??
Disgust in the establishment. Americans arent happy with how things have been in the White House since the Gore/Dubaya election. Trump is the wrong guy at the right time.

Ross Perot had a real serious chance of winning, but he pulled out of the election. Then he went back in. He never recovered his prior #'s in the polls.

Not running, wouldn't win.
Obviously a typo that should read "Shouldn't run, shouldn't win"

John Oliver's segment on Trump was only released on Monday (Sunday for you other side of the worlder's) and already has reached over 49 Million views, 988 thousand shares and 623 thousand likes. I enjoyed it. As an outsider I am unsure of what Trump's appeal is. Sure he offers solutions to problems but they are often illegal, inhumane or just weird. Sure he has been successful with making millions but it's not like he built his empire from the ground, a multi million dollar loan from Dad is a wonderful head start (I assume).

#makedonalddrumpfagain has been trending high for three days straight. I guess he can be entertaining but I am yet to see one idea of his I think is actually feasible.

I posted that in 2011, just in case anyone didn't notice. I would've been less convinced he wasn't running last year.
Some Yoda you are, not foreseeing the events of the future.

I'll say this for him. At least he's not boring. You never know what's going to come out of his mouth.

He is sure making the Republican Party establishment sweat bullets.

Look what he did to poor Jeb Bush who started last year with a hundred million bankroll.

Some Yoda you are, not foreseeing the events of the future.
That's my job.

Political Correctness. When it comes to the schools and workplaces people react and the pendulum swings into an another direction. Hopefully thing normalise after a while.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
but why has he become popular ??

can anyone tell me the reasons ??
He's mean spirited is reason #1. If you want to know the kind of debating Americans like take a look at Facebook. You say something I fundamentally disagree with and my big comeback is to get louder than you and call you sophisticated names such as idiot. We are essentially a bunch of 7 year olds snd Trump exemplifies that.

Then there is the fact that he is scared of everything that is different than him. Mexican and Muslims are the target right now. He is going to rid the country of these nast viruses.

Sad time for me politically. I am almost completely punched out. I have no more energy for politics.

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Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have the most support - but the DNC and RNC isn't going to let it happen.. Debbie Schultz is corrupt. Even the vice-chair dropped out so she could endorse Sanders knowing it wouldn't help, but I appreciate someone who believes in something willing to lose their position.

I'm tired of a stockbroker mentality for human values.

How about Robert Blake?

Even that bird on Baretta was scared of him.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump have the most support - but the DNC and RNC isn't going to let it happen.. Debbie Schultz is corrupt. Even the vice-chair dropped out so she could endorse Sanders knowing it wouldn't help, but I appreciate someone who believes in something willing to lose their position.

I'm tired of a stockbroker mentality for human values.
Sanders got trounced last night. He made it respectable and that's...respectable. He is far from having the most support though.

Why do we see boogey men everywhere?

I voted for him today..........

And I don't care what you think. I've been a fan of his long before this whole president thing even happened.
I know this will probably look and sound like a personal attack, but that's honestly not what I'm intending.

Having said that, this is everything that's wrong with this whole thing.

No one's supposed to be seen as the most 'pure' fan. This isn't a band you're were into before they even had a recording contract. You aren't meant to be a fan of someone and follow them blindly and, being a fan of someone and then blindly following them in a completely different arena is, frankly, ridiculous and, when it comes to things as serious as this, potentially dangerous.

I'm not saying this because I disagree with Trump's policies. If you agree with them, then you should vote for him. However, as he doesn't have any yet, I can't disagree with them and people can't vote for them.

As someone who rarely agrees with (and even more rarely believes) what a lot of politicians say, Trump has an attraction to me. Nothing I've heard thus far is going to get anywhere near done and, as Trump has no idea how to do anything other than promote himself, nothing really will get done. By him, anyway. And that's where I feel the real problem lies. If he's not there making decisions or leading policy for four years, who will be? Trump will jump on any idea which can be sold to him as promoting him and making him look good, which is worrying to say the least.

I was listening to someone a couple of weeks ago who had a theory I'd love to think was true.

He thinks that all Trump's talk of running for President was just another branding strategy (which I can completely believe is how it started) and is something which snowballed. Once it became clear that people were doing more than just attending and listening, Trump turned it up a notch. Saying things which should've damaged his run enough to put him out.

He could then do the whole 'they can't bear to hear the truth/of course the Establishment is running scared and that's why they're after me. etc' kind of thing. But this didn't happen. People still kept cheering. He was still winning. So he upped it more. Mexicans, Muslims, walls and all the rest of it. Definitely political death, right? Nope. He got bigger. He's even leading the polls with the very people he's denigrating. This guy said that Trump has done all he can to lose and he keeps winning and now he's panicking and hopes that Hilary will finally help him out.

Sadly I worry that Hilary is so toxic that there are people happy to vote against her, regardless of who they have to vote for.

Even the Pope has said things about him which put him in a poor light for such a Christian country (maybe not the 'right' Christians, I don't know) and his reply is that when ISIL attack Vatican City the Pope would have wished Trump had been elected. What kind of answer is that? Doesn't matter. He's kicked on again and is more popular. Believe me when I say that every politician in the world is looking at Trump and his campaign and is trying to work out why it's working. The answer, of course, is that he's not one of them and they can't fight that.

The US isn't the only place in the Western world where this is happening. It's been happening in other countries for a few years now. But it's possible that he is the worst candidate and the one with the best chance of taking charge.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
I'm not saying this because I disagree with Trump's policies. If you agree with them, then you should vote for him. However, as he doesn't have any yet, I can't disagree with them and people can't vote for them.

i don't understand... are people rallying for him because he just says what he wants and hates political correctness? other than making Mexico build a wall and registering Muslims to some database, what has he said his policies are? those are just broad statements about groups of people...