Rate The Last Movie You Saw


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Akira (1988)

Ok so I kinda cheated here a wee bit. I first watched this at the weekend and although I thought it was very good, it flew over my head a little. Rewatched last night and it really is excellent. The animation is spectacular and the ending is like something I've truly never seen before!!

Enjoyed this much more than was expecting

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
great movie, Akira impresses me every time I see it (and that's a LOT of times)
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
The Infiltrator (2016)

I really liked this movie. Well done. Pretty good cast. Very absorbing, for me anyway.

He came on to me, too. F*cking maricón. But the cartel loves him. He is the favorite son, Mr. Bob. So, even if you see him f*cking a goat, which you might, you must say, "That's a f*cking nice-looking goat, man."
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"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

+++ I was very surprised that IMDb only rated this a 5.8 perhaps because there's nothing "new" here. Still, a good sci-fi flick with dark undertones that, while I figured out the twist at the end, I had a good time getting there.
I was reading all the reviews on IMDb and "nothing new here" was the consensus but maybe I'll give it a go after your review.

Passengers (2016)

I wanted this film to be good, all I can say is its an average film that had a potentially interesting premise. Kind of disappointed because its got Chris Pratt & Jennifer Lawrence in it and they were serviceable but that's it. My biggest problem with this movie is that there is a moment in this film that was revealed at the beginning of the movie that should of been saved and would of been a better plot twist towards the third act-

WARNING: "Passengers" spoilers below
Chris Pratt's character actually waking up Jennifer Lawrence's character on purpose so that he doesn't have to be alone on the ship. They just have him do it towards the beginning of the movie like its nothing when it should of been saved and revealed later on in the film so we could actually feel how Jennifer Lawrence's character feels. It could of been a great twist. Also this film has one of the worse & biggest plot holes in a film that I have ever seen and its that Pratt's character figures out that the Autodoc in the medbay has an option to put someone back into hibernation, but then states THERE'S ONLY ONE AUTODOC ON THE ENTIRE SHIP??!! ARE YOU ****ING KIDDING ME! 5000 PASSENGERS AND ONLY ONE AUTODOC GTFOH PRATT I SAW HOW BIG THAT GOD DAMN SHIP IS COMPARED TO YOU THERE IS NO WAY THERE'S ONLY ONE AUTODOC.

This movie is starting to irritate me the more I think about it. I liked the actors but this movie had so many problems I just listed the 2 biggest ones.

This was my second David Lynch movie!
Saw this and Lost Highway!
Both are AMAZING! I loved
I need more of this!
I'm in love with Laura Harring's breast!
Fantastic movie, one of my favorites. Pure magic.
I didn't like Lost Highway nearly as much, but it has some great moments as well.
The Mystery Man "phone call" scene is alone worth the price of admission.

You might want to try Eraserhead next but proceed with caution - even though I really liked it a lot, I also thought it was one of the most psychologically unsettling and depressing films I've ever seen.

I've been meaning to watch Inland Empire but haven't got around to it yet. I hear that's a really creepy one.

Eye for an Eye

Fairly predictable but enjoyable nonetheless. The film centers around the concept of taking justice into ones own hands... which I think is quite an interesting topic. And Keifer Sutherland always makes a good baddie.

Straight Time (1978)

I would definitely recommend this overlooked picture. Pretty emotional crime/drama.

Straight Time (1978)

I would definitely recommend this overlooked picture. Pretty emotional crime/drama.
Love this movie. Theresa Russell is heartbreaking. And Gary Busey pre-accident.


Haven't got much to add to edarsenal's review although I guessed the twist about 30 seconds into the movie, I blame edarsenal for telling me there was a twist it wasn't bad by any means but a middling effort and for that reason I give it a middling rating 2.5/5

Welcome to the human race...
Ok so I kinda cheated here a wee bit. I first watched this at the weekend and although I thought it was very good, it flew over my head a little. Rewatched last night and it really is excellent. The animation is spectacular and the ending is like something I've truly never seen before!!

Enjoyed this much more than was expecting
I don't blame you. It's such a dense film that it's practically impossible to take in everything in a single viewing (one blurb I read in a book once suggested that it would take about seven viewings to truly understand it, though I personally don't think that many are needed).

Last movie I watched...

Band of Outsiders -
, maybe

I guess I got what I expected.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Swiss Army Man

(Dan Kwan & Daniel Scheitert)

The most original film of the year and one of the more original films of the last decade.

This post has 10 Reps while the actual review has 3. Cray-Cray.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Welcome to the human race...
Like I said before, people actually read this thread. I could make a one-line post in here that could get more rep than my last three multi-paragraph reviews combined.

I repped that post then read your review i just don't like giving out two reps for the same thing, some people post their rating of one of the hall of fame movies they watched here with a link to the review and i always rep one of them. Would've made more sense to rep the review but i had already done it.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Finally saw Jurassic World. Not terrible. Just more interested in spectacle than story driven entertainment. No characters were memorable and some of the dinosaurs looked worse than the original from more than 20 years ago!!!!

This rating is surprisingly generous.

Krampus (2015)

That's the one with Adam Scott and David Koechner... not the rip-offs called Krampus Reckoning and Krampus Unleashed that were made by (probably) The Asylum or whoever.

Some spoilers:

A family who can't stand each other, and the youngest son writes a letter to Santa asking for love and affection and success for his family members.
Given that everyone else is simply having digs at each other, all the time, he decides not to post his letter and rips it up... taking back his Christmas Wishes for peace and love.

So, because of his innocent but justified decision, instead of getting Santa to show up on Christmas Eve... the boy unwittingly invites Krampus...

Erm... billed as comedy-horror? There's not a great deal of comedy.
The start sequence is borderline hilarious in a satire kind of way... but then the film turns into an Evil Dead kind of comedy.
As in... you sit thinking "am I meant to laugh here?".

Not that the film is bad... it's just unsure of what it wants to be.

There's a few funny scenes, mainly from David Koechner. One scene on particular is when he's taking a shotgun to an army of Gingerbread Men who in turn are firing a nailgun at him while he uses a breadboard as a shield.
Then there's the scenes in the attic, fighting demonic toys.
It's a solidly disturbing scene, especially when Toni Collette gets strung up by Christmas lights by a demonic toy while the kids are being swallowed whole by a giant jack-in-the-box.
But it's the rest of the stuff going on, and the cast involved who are unsure as to what they're supposed to be doing.
One minute they're serious, the next they're too jokey and quipping funny things satirically. Some of the time the jokey lines are in serious scenes, and the serious lines and acting are during something that should be taken as funny.

If it had dropped the plan of trying to be comedy, then yeah, it could have been pretty damned scary.
In turn, if it had dropped the idea of wanting to be a solid horror, then yeah, it could have been hilarious.
The mixture of the two genres from scene to scene rather than lacing them together, for instance like Tremors does, or Zombieland or even Beetlejuice for that matter, Krampus doesn't quite work.

The end result, is a just a really weird fantasy movie.
Worth a watch though given how odd it all is.

I think the right term of phrase isn't Comedy-Horror... it's Offbeat-Horror.

(My own ratings would be between 51-60%).

I, Daniel Blake -

Been really looking forward to this, i have to check out more Loach films; great director. Nobody is close to him at depicting British working-class life and characters, the characters in this film feel like real people i know. I mean Daniel feels like a composite of at least a dozen guys i know; generally a good hard working man but aging and feeling easily irritated at life and societies sh!tty curveballs, well known in his community, etc. There's stuff i won't go into because he felt scarily like some close people to me both in personality and circumstances which made this film feel somewhat personal to me. All i'll say is that his frustrating and depressing experience with the benefits system seems to be fairly accurate from anecdotes i've heard anyway. Watching a really good man get completely broke down by an awful system is so sad and the knowledge that it happens in real life makes it that much worse. Saw the ending coming a mile away and i mean about 15 minutes into the film but it didn't make it any less effective.

Loved his relationship with Katie and the kids, it was so tough to watch a young mother who clearly loved her kids and went without to provide for them struggling so much. The scene she broke down in the food bank was so depressing. The prostitution part as well, i figured that's where it was going before Ivan even came into it but the scene that Daniel confronts her was heartbreaking. It wasn't all bleak the humour even though not constant was great, Daniel being extremely hopeless on the computers was brilliant "it's frozen. What, can you defrost it?" . Alot of the humour and good feelings came from his friendship with his younger neighbour (forgot his name) which was very well done.

Great film, the story is very simple but that's part of why it is so good; it feels like real life. It's certainly not going to be for everyone it pretty much heaps misery after misery on you then when a bit of hope finally comes it is cruelly snatched away. Regardless though i loved it; either my second or third favourite of 2016, Dave Johns is my favourite male performance and Hayley Squires is up there too.