Halloween Horror Challenge


Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
The Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb (Michael Carreras, 1964)
Average Hammer horror which means it's kinda-fun if you don't expect much.

Tales from the Dark Side: The Movie (John Harrison, 1990)
Movie-version of the better TV show has some modest charm and gore but should have been much better. Always nice to see Debbie Harry, here as a witch planning a dinner party where the main course is to be a local kid.

Blacula (William Crain, 1972)
William Marshall adds some gravitas to low-budget blaxploitationer which isn't particularly scary or funny. honey should like it.

Scream Blacula Scream (Bob Kelljan, 1973)
+ Bigger-budgeted-and-sillier sequel, with Pam Grier along for the flight, is only slightly-better. Still, both flicks have cults.

The Lost (Chris Sivertson, 2006)
Overlong cat-and-mouse thriller of a young man who kills two women, gets away with it, has some cops trying to catch him repeat the act and catch him at the last second, and, sure enough, he flips out eventually, even comparing himself to the Manson Family. Plenty of nudity and the finale is gory, but sometimes the flick is almost incomprehensible in the moment.

44 Movies
48 Points
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

P2 (2007) - Franck Khalfoun
- Not bad but the vilain suck in my opinion and the storyline is too simplist and not enough creepy.

À L'intérieur (Inside) (2007) - Alexandre Bustillo, Julien Maury (rewatch) (foreign)
- hmmm ok... it's gory and disturbing per moment but I find it very boring and stupid ... the ending suck and that's very not a good point for a horror movie. I like it more the first watch .

Trick 'r Treat (2007) - Michael Dougherty
- Nice movie. Not very scary but at least it's entertaining. Love the part of the bus with those handicap children and the werewolves chicks are nice.

The Collector (2009) - Marcus Dunstan (rewatch)
- Very cool film with one sadistic killer with those awesome deadly traps inside the whole house. Josh Stewart acting is one very good factor of the movie. Brief , I like it and very good rewatch.

Movies: 27
Points: 34
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Chappie doesn't like the real world
The Yellow Brick Road - My second viewing of this and I still can't figure it out. People take the same route that others took a long time ago and were never heard from again. Madness ensues. I still like this movie, but I don't know why.

House - I hadn't seen this one in ages and I forgot how good it is. It's more campy than scary and has some of the funniest scenes found in a horror movie. Watch this if you haven't.

movies 15 points 21

The Shining (2h theatrical)

I'll skip writing a short review and leave a rating this time around since this particular movie has been with ups and downs for me. I first saw the director's cut and wasn't a huge fan, but then when watching the theatrical I thought it was quite good actually AND I had a feeling that the 1st time wasn't the DC but the theatrical. So maybe the DC can bring even more to the film since that's the preferred "fan version" so to speak.

But defiantly good, I just need that 3rd watch to make a complete and suitable judgment on the movie.

Movies: 8
Points: 9

The Collector (2009) - Marcus Dunstan (rewatch)
- Very cool film with one sadistic killer with those awesome deadly traps inside the whole house. Josh Stewart acting is one very good factor of the movie. Brief , I like it and very good rewatch.
^ The sequel is far better, to me The Collection is superior in every way.

The Collector (2009) - Marcus Dunstan (rewatch)
- Very cool film with one sadistic killer with those awesome deadly traps inside the whole house. Josh Stewart acting is one very good factor of the movie. Brief , I like it and very good rewatch.
^ The sequel is far better, to me The Collection is superior in every way.
For me it's totally the other way around.

The first was great, not a truly original movie but a lot of fun and 'the collector' was an awesome killer.

Then came the second movie. Where they tried to make the killer human. And in the end turned him into a pathetic, stupid, boring idiot instead. And the movie itself was just on "try hard" mode all the way through imo and never really succeeded in anything really...

But of course that's just my personal opinion. I think I gave the first like a 7 or 8 - great flick in its genre. And I gave the sequel a 3.


Fun documentary covering the Elm St legend featuring in-depth opinions from Wes Craven, Robert Englund, Heather Langenkamp, John Saxon, Jsu Garcia, Robert Shaye, Charles Bernstein, & many other stars from the series. Taking us through each installment

10.0 / 10


Entertaining mash-up of two fun slash legends. Some fun scenes, and some not so good.
Favorite: Jason in the Cornfield

+ 6.5 / 10


Not as good as the Scream movies, the original Nightmare, or Dream Warriors, but comes in at #3 in the Elm St series, for me

7.0 / 10


Some striking scenes here and there, perhaps, that don't cohere too well. Freddy has a daughter?

6.0 / 10


Least favorite of the Elm St stories

5.0 / 10


Entertaining entry, Debbie and her big 80's hair is my favorite character

+ 6.5 / 10


Fred at his most creative. 2nd favorite in the Elm St stories. Welcome to PrimeTime b!tch

+ 7.5 / 10

2: FREDDY's REVENGE (1985)

Freddy 'looks' best in this one to me. Has some issues as far as breaking Wes Craven's rules set out in the original. And well-documented not-so-sub-textual-homo-eroticism. Interesting bc it is different from the others

+ 6.5 / 10


Psychological terror meets movie magic. Love from start to finish

10.0 / 10

Movies: 9
Points: 9

Blacula... honey should like it.

Scream Blacula Scream (Bob Kelljan, 1973)
+ Bigger-budgeted-and-sillier sequel, with Pam Grier along for the flight, is only slightly-better. Still, both flicks have cults.
Yep. I like both of them. Not a big fan of either and not seen either for a long time, too, but I did like them.
House - I hadn't seen this one in ages and I forgot how good it is. It's more campy than scary and has some of the funniest scenes found in a horror movie. Watch this if you haven't.
I used to love this film. I saw it again for the first time in forever a few years ago and still really liked it. As you said, more campy than scary, but it has a few memorable scenes I still remembered 15 or 20 years later and a few more which I remembered as they appeared.

It's good fun and I'd recommend it, too. I think there were four of these in the end. I remember seeing the first two.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Seventh Moon (Eduardo Sánchez, 2008)
+ Perhaps this will be suspenseful for some, but it was just so dark and shaky that I found it difficult to tell or even care. Exotic story set in China though.

13 Eerie (Lowell Dean, 2013)
Students undergoing a test in a remote area get more than they bargained for with some man-made zombies. Watchable but it gets increasingly-stupid.

Hellraiser (Clive Barker, 1987)
Clive Barker wrote and directed this paean to weird sadomasochism which started a franchise. The Cenobites appear late in this one, but there's still plenty of kink to go around.

247°F (Levan Bakhia & Beqa Jguburia, 2011)
After one of their party disappears, three young people are left locked in a sauna to literally roast alive in a remote area. Some suspense and attractive bodies, but subpar acting.

48 Movies
52 Points

Jesus Camp (Heidi Ewing & Rachel Grady, 2006) –

The scariest movie ever made.

Movies: 1
Points: 1

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Night of the Creeps

"The good news is your dates are here. The bad news is... they're dead."

Great throw back to 50's sci/fi flicks with a perfect mix of horror and comedy. I really dug the opening sequence being in black and white and the film screamed 80's horror...which is the BEST decade of horror.


What's Gotten Into You?

A perfect follow-up to Night of the Creeps. It's a double feature I recommend to everyone who loves their slug movies. It's obvious to see the influences here and James Gunn has a knack for weird comedy. Loved the practical effects and wish Fillion was a bigger star.

Movies: 2
Points: 2
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

A system of cells interlinked
The Exorcist III (Blatty, 1990)

A good cast and decent script make this an enjoyable watch. George C. Scott and Brad Dourif in particular turn in good performances.

The Den (Donahue, 2013)

Some cool ideas here, but overall, this fell short for me.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Young Skywalker. Missed you, I have...
Well, I just ran on to this thread yesterday so I am a little late to the party.

October 14. Jason Goes To Hell

It's hard to give any Jason movie over a 3, just because of sheer horrible ness. They do have that jump factor though, if you haven't seen them a thousand times. All the body switching in this one was a killer for me. (See what I did there?)

You are no Vader. You are just a child in a mask.

Lord High Filmquisitor
Asylum of the Dead - 1/10

This is a serious blunder on every conceivable level of execution: acting, directing, writing, all of it. It was a massive chore to get through that neither I nor my girlfriend were happy about (but we're both pretty stubborn, so it happened).

Haunt - 4/10

While far from great, this was at least an obvious and immediate improvement over Asylum of the Dead. It was slow, lumbering and generally boring for most of its entire run-time, with some false starts and misdirection along the way. It actually came together pretty nicely in the end, though, with a well-done "twist" (to use the term loosely) and a satisfying final ten minutes. If only it could have sustained its end-quality throughout the rest of the film...

Shadow of the Vampire - 7.5/10

This is basically the director letting Willem DeFoe be as Willem Defoe has he possibly can, and it works. It's the creepy, unsettling and absolutely runs with the rumors on-set that Max Schreck was an actual vampire.

The Sacrament - 7.5/10

This feels in every respect like the movie that Red State wanted to be. It has a more cohesive narrative, more solid premise and overall better execution. It doesn't suffer from overly absurd deus ex machina nor an awkward shift from climax to resolution. I was pleasently surprised that I enjoyed this purely random pick from my girlfriend as much as I did (chosen since I picked out Shadow of the Vampire).

Dawn of the Dead (1978) - 8/10

Despite an overly silly climax, the film does a great building upon and expanding on he groundwork that Night of the Living Dead laid out for it. It features a far superior cast, better writing (especially in terms of the female characters) and more mature direction. While I don't prefer it to its predecessor, it shows how much ten years of experience can make when producing a film.

Movies Seen: 8

Total Points: 8
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Halloween II (1981) - Rick Rosenthal
- Very good sequel of one of my favorite horror movie. Michael Myers is one awesome unkillable vilain that I really appreciate and Jamie Lee Curtis is once again more than very good. Also like Donald Pleasence in this one (like in the first one). More darker than the first one but the awesome mood of the original is not very present... still very nice.

Halloween: H20 (1998) - Steve Miner
- Nice but definitely not comparable to the first two.... like the storyline, Jamie Lee Curtis and Michael Myers but that's all still decent.

Halloween (Remake) (2007) - Rob Zombie
- Cool movie. Like to see the past and the childhood of Michael Myers before he become a complete psychopath. Nice acting and McDowell is always a good factor in a movie but I prefer by far Donald Pleasance as ''Dr. Samuel Loomis'' and as ''Laurie Strode nothing can beat Jamie Lee Curtis. Decent remake but not comparable to the 1978 classic by John Carpenter.

Halloween II (Remake) (2009) - Rob Zombie
- Very more darker than the first one of Rob Zombie but so incoherent and boring.... for an horror movie, this is the perfect definition of an unnecessary sequel. Hate the ending and find it weird and no sense.

A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984) - Wes Craven
- This movie is awesome. The vilain is great , the mood is great , the storyline is great and the scary factor is always here. Love Freddy Krueger for some weird reason he got the charisma and the great touch for being an awesome legend of horror. Depp and Langenkamp are also very good in their respective character. A classic.

Movies: 32
Points: 39