Are You Psychic? Take My Test.



Okay, so I already know what the results are going to be, but let's do this anyway, because even if you already know everything that's going to happen, you still have to live through it all anyway.

I have designed a test for you to test your psychic abilities.

I want you to answer these ten questions. You are going to guess what I am thinking of for each of these ten questions. The person who guesses the most right either has some or a lot of psychic power.

Concentrate and try to read my mind.

All of these questions already have answers which I have written down.

Here we go:

Psychic Isaac's Psychic Test

1. What NUMBER am I thinking of (1 to 700,000) ?

2. What COLOR am I thinking of?

3. I am thinking of a WOMAN'S NAME. What is it?

4. I am thinking of a MAN'S NAME. What is it?

5. What CITY am I thinking of?

6. What FOOD am I thinking of?

7. What DRINK am I thinking of?

8. What MOVIE am I thinking of?

9. What SONG am I thinking of?

10. What WORD am I thinking of?

Good luck and yay for psychic abilities!

Results will be given after everyone's taken the test. I know when that will be.

Diet Dr.Pepper
The House of The Rising Sun
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

1. What NUMBER am I thinking of (1 to 700,000) ?


2. What COLOR am I thinking of?

Purple, the color of your aura

3. I am thinking of a WOMAN'S NAME. What is it?

Psychic Irene

4. I am thinking of a MAN'S NAME. What is it?

Bob Dole

5. What CITY am I thinking of?

The one most under-appreciated in your eyes

6. What FOOD am I thinking of?

The food you're about to make for dinner

7. What DRINK am I thinking of?


8. What MOVIE am I thinking of?

The one with the guy and the other guy who do the thing

9. What SONG am I thinking of?

Killing Joke - Night Time

10. What WORD am I thinking of?

You're actually thinking of a phrase Who the hell is Killing Joke?

1. What NUMBER am I thinking of (1 to 700,000) ?

2. What COLOR am I thinking of?

3. I am thinking of a WOMAN'S NAME. What is it?

4. I am thinking of a MAN'S NAME. What is it?

5. What CITY am I thinking of?

6. What FOOD am I thinking of?

7. What DRINK am I thinking of?
Prune juice.

8. What MOVIE am I thinking of?
X-Men Origins: Wolverine

9. What SONG am I thinking of?
She Loves You by The Beatles

10. What WORD am I thinking of?

Chappie doesn't like the real world
1. What NUMBER am I thinking of (1 to 700,000) ?


2. What COLOR am I thinking of?

Lime Green

3. I am thinking of a WOMAN'S NAME. What is it?

4. I am thinking of a MAN'S NAME. What is it?

5. What CITY am I thinking of?


6. What FOOD am I thinking of?

7. What DRINK am I thinking of?

Long Island Iced Tea
8. What MOVIE am I thinking of?

9. What SONG am I thinking of?

Love is a Battlefied

10. What WORD am I thinking of?


1. What NUMBER am I thinking of (1 to 700,000) ?


2. What COLOR am I thinking of?


3. I am thinking of a WOMAN'S NAME. What is it?


4. I am thinking of a MAN'S NAME. What is it?


5. What CITY am I thinking of?


6. What FOOD am I thinking of?

Hannibal's Sweetbreads

7. What DRINK am I thinking of?

Skywalker's Blue Milk

8. What MOVIE am I thinking of?

Howard The Duck

9. What SONG am I thinking of?

Lea Thompson singing Howard The Duck

10. What WORD am I thinking of?


1. 474182

2. navy

3. Rachel

4. Steve

5. Dallas

6. spaghetti

7. iced tea

8. Re-Animator

9. Go Your Own Way by Fleetwood Mac

10. sheep

I'll explain my shock momentarily.

1. What NUMBER am I thinking of (1 to 700,000) ?

2. What COLOR am I thinking of?

3. I am thinking of a WOMAN'S NAME. What is it?

4. I am thinking of a MAN'S NAME. What is it?

5. What CITY am I thinking of?

6. What FOOD am I thinking of?
Brussel Sprouts

7. What DRINK am I thinking of?
Apple juice

8. What MOVIE am I thinking of?
The Dark Knight

9. What SONG am I thinking of?
American Idiot

10. What WORD am I thinking of?

Using my psychic abilities, I already know that these are wrong.

1. What NUMBER am I thinking of (1 to 700,000) ?


2. What COLOR am I thinking of?


3. I am thinking of a WOMAN'S NAME. What is it?


4. I am thinking of a MAN'S NAME. What is it?


5. What CITY am I thinking of?


6. What FOOD am I thinking of?


7. What DRINK am I thinking of?


8. What MOVIE am I thinking of?

Jurrassic Park

9. What SONG am I thinking of?

ACDC - Whole Lotta Rosie

10. What WORD am I thinking of?


Let the night air cool you off
1. What NUMBER am I thinking of (1 to 700,000) ?


2. What COLOR am I thinking of?


3. I am thinking of a WOMAN'S NAME. What is it?


4. I am thinking of a MAN'S NAME. What is it?


5. What CITY am I thinking of?

Paris, Texas

6. What FOOD am I thinking of?

Beef Jerky

7. What DRINK am I thinking of?


8. What MOVIE am I thinking of?

Manos: The Hands of Fate

9. What SONG am I thinking of?

Brown-Eyed Girl by The Golliwogs

10. What WORD am I thinking of?


Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
French Lick, Indiana
Mamma Mia Pizza Beer
Doctor Who
The Streak
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

I love this guy. Although I am suspicious that it may just be Sexy messing with us.

1. What NUMBER am I thinking of (1 to 700,000)?

2. What COLOR am I thinking of?

3. I am thinking of a WOMAN'S NAME. What is it?

4. I am thinking of a MAN'S NAME. What is it?

5. What CITY am I thinking of?

6. What FOOD am I thinking of?

7. What DRINK am I thinking of?

8. What MOVIE am I thinking of?
Without a Paddle

9. What SONG am I thinking of?
Beethoven's 5th

10. What WORD am I thinking of?

1. What NUMBER am I thinking of (1 to 700,000) ?


2. What COLOR am I thinking of?


3. I am thinking of a WOMAN'S NAME. What is it?


4. I am thinking of a MAN'S NAME. What is it?


5. What CITY am I thinking of?

New York City

6. What FOOD am I thinking of?

Pizza with pepperoni

7. What DRINK am I thinking of?

Gin and tonic

8. What MOVIE am I thinking of?

The Dark Knight Rises

9. What SONG am I thinking of?

Always look on the bright side of life - Monty Python

10. What WORD am I thinking of?


Psychic Isaac, you're mental!
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I love this guy. Although I am suspicious that it may just be Sexy messing with us.
Let us not forget who predicted the top 6 of the MoFo Millenium countdown.

Pencils down. Test over.

That was a dud, though. The reason I was shocked was because after I started this test, there was what's called a Universal Psychic Blackout. Basically, it's just as it sounds. A blackout all across the universe with psychic communications. It means nobody can predict anything. Mind reading is impossible.

It's awful. I had to shut down my Psychic Friends Network for the day.

So, nobody got any of these right, and even if you did, it was just a fluke. Universal Psychic Blackouts are rare. This is only the third one I've experienced in my life (the 35th, though, if you include my past lives).

I would say let's redo this again, but I'm not in the mood, and I'm sure you aren't either (if I'm wrong about that, then the Universal Psychic Blackout is still causing problems, but all should be back to normal by Friday).

Here are the answers to my psychic test:

1. What NUMBER am I thinking of (1 to 700,000) ?
I was thinking of 999.

2. What COLOR am I thinking of?
I was thinking of white.

3. I am thinking of a WOMAN'S NAME. What is it?
I was thinking of Maureen.

Maureen McCormick, AKA Marcia-Marcia-Marcia!

4. I am thinking of a MAN'S NAME. What is it?
I was thinking of Langston.

Langston Hughes.

5. What CITY am I thinking of?
I was thinking of Budapest.

6. What FOOD am I thinking of?
I was thinking of mushrooms.

7. What DRINK am I thinking of?
I was thinking of Ginger Ale.

8. What MOVIE am I thinking of?
I was thinking of Bones (2001).

9. What SONG am I thinking of?
I was thinking of Shake It by Metro Station.

10. What WORD am I thinking of?
I was thinking of Gasoline.

I know that someone among you is psychic. Unfortunately, the Universal Psychic Blackout ruined the chance we had to prove it.

Love & Spiritual Blessings,
Psychic Isaac