The Amazing Spider-Man


Movie Forums Insomniac
He's talking about the tags on this thread.
oh hahaha

Why? he looks perfect and hasn't got Tobey M's annoying voice. Who would you cast?
Exactly. AND..he is actually has an athletic background too. He was a decent gymnast, apparently. He is probably the best casted actor in the film.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
Let's face it. He is not really playing Spiderman.

He is playing Peter Parker.
It reminds me of a toilet paper on the trees
- Paula

Movie Forums Insomniac
Let's face it. He is not really playing Spiderman.

He is playing Peter Parker.
There are scenes with him in the spidey suit, so yes he is playing Spider-Man.

He's making a comment about the way he's playing the character. Did you seriously think he literally didn't know he was "playing Spider-Man"?

I am going to go ahead and guess that this gets a 60% on RT and is bashed by many and found acceptable by many.

I'll still go see it, though!

Fanboy fever!

Movie Forums Insomniac
He's making a comment about the way he's playing the character. Did you seriously think he literally didn't know he was "playing Spider-Man"?
Ahhh, And I guess not.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
the trailer makes it sound like they borrowed the essence of the failed origin story of ang lees hulk.

or am i crazy.
It definitely changes up the origin story a bit.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I hate judging an actor in a role without seeing the film, but I will say that the bits in the trailer with him cracking a joke about the doorman being intimidating and the one with him saying "You thought I was a cop in a blue and red skin-tight suit?" are just awful. I don't know if Garfield is to blame or terrible writing, but pretty much every "joke" he makes in the preview makes me throw up a little in my mouth.

I'm sorry, but I just can't imagine this being anywhere close to the level of awesome that is Spider-Man 2. The somewhat more serious tone and Garfield's lousy jokes/delivery certainly make me disinterested.

I am going to go ahead and guess that this gets a 60% on RT and is bashed by many and found acceptable by many.

I'll still go see it, though!

Fanboy fever!
I'm fanboy as it gets but even I'm having my doubts about this one. Trying to keep an open mind, however.

I do know that GI Joe moving means Amazing Spider-Man drew a huge box office break. It will own July 4th unchallenged now.

Strange... The Amazing Spider Man is out in a few days, yet there's been hardly any marketing, nobody has really said much about it, even the movie magazines have had barely 2 pages on it during the lead up...

Comparing it to TDKR which has been talked about constantly for months and had half a magazine dedicated to it over a month before the release, and even Seth MacFarlane's Ted has had more marketing and reports.
The Hobbit is still 6 months away and has had pages and pages of reports too.

... is this a sign that this is a movie that nobody is really bothered about and will be box office bomb?
I said before about this reboot (on page 12 of this thread in fact), it's just too soon after Raimi's attempt.

I am curious on this film works. I was going to boycott it since Tobey McGuire isn't Spiderman anymore (the guy is like family because he was spiderman). But I have made my peace that most actors don't stay super heros past three films (Robert Downey Jr and Christopher Reeve are the exceptions). I think this might actually be a good movie. Hopefully better than Spiderman 3.
Going 18600 miles per second.

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"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.