
Saw VII (Saw 3-D)

Release Date: October 22, 2010
Studio: Lionsgate
Director: David Hackl
Screenwriter: Marcus Dunstan, Patrick Melton
Starring: Tobin Bell
Plot Summary: No official summary available at the moment.

Is Saw VII the Final Chapter?

Today, cameras began rolling on Saw VII with Kevin Greutert in the director's chair working from a script by Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan. Will this be the final chapter? The question of the franchise's longevity has always been in question. The producing team behind it have given us various answers: There will be eight films. Nine films.

Well, "seven" might just be the magic number. Melton explains why to Demon FM:

"I think it's going to end with Saw VII. I have a very strong feeling its going to end with Saw VII. That's something we're debating now. You saw in previous interviews or discussions where we thought Saw VIII would be the last one where we had the first trilogy and the second trilogy and then sort of a grand finale wrapped up in two films. But frankly because Saw VI hasn't performed as well as we anticipated, the idea is well why make two movies when we can make one really excellent movie that wraps up as best we can? And it's going to be in 3-D which sort of adds to the spectacle. So if you had to ask me, I don't own the franchise, nor do I run the studio, but I have a feeling, a strong feeling that it's going to be Saw VII which will be also known as Endgame. And nothing's official yet, but that's where we're hoping things will go."
Source: Shock Till You Drop

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I have to say I am a fan of the Saw series but I think they are milking it far to much

I havent seen VI yet so I better get on that when it comes out to buy.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

The Saw films have become a bit like Big Brother to me. Every summer I know Big Brother will be everywhere. If it's Halloween, then I know there'll be a Saw film released.

They also resemble Big Brother in that I gave up on both after three 'editions'.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
"I think it's going to end with Saw VII. I have a very strong feeling its going to end with Saw VII. That's something we're debating now. You saw in previous interviews or discussions where we thought Saw VIII would be the last one where we had the first trilogy and the second trilogy and then sort of a grand finale wrapped up in two films. But frankly because Saw VI hasn't performed as well as we anticipated, the idea is well why make two movies when we can make one really excellent movie that wraps up as best we can? And it's going to be in 3-D which sort of adds to the spectacle. So if you had to ask me, I don't own the franchise, nor do I run the studio, but I have a feeling, a strong feeling that it's going to be Saw VII which will be also known as Endgame. And nothing's official yet, but that's where we're hoping things will go."

Sad proof that everything is about money and nothing is about story or the fans.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Buy the ticket, take the ride.
I'm sort of glad that they might end with Saw VII, the plot was getting too drawn out. They should probably stop while they're still, sort of, winning.
"Life has become immeasurably better since I have been forced to stop taking it seriously."

Tobin Bell was going to stop after the 4th or 5th one...he's sold out...sad day. I think his acting skills are being put to use which you didn't really get to see alot of in the first few. Still though...
But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet, Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. W.B. Yeats

Registered User
Please, let them stop..

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I have seen Saw VI now and I was quite impressed with it even though the story is always the same but I do wish they left it at the end of the sixth film tbh The Detective should of died and ended it there. But I can guess that even at the end of the seventh movie there will be, like in all horror movies a tape will start playing and will leave you to think there could possibly be another sequel in years to come.

A Familiar Face Confirmed To Return For ‘Saw VII’

For die hard fans of the long-running and shockingly successful Saw franchise, you’ll probably be glad that there’s been as many movies from the series as there has been. For the rest of us (either those who loathe the series or enjoyed the first couple and have tolerated the rest) it’s gone beyond surprising and irritating, to just plain ridiculous.

Nevertheless, the Saw franchise has continued to make serious money at the box office (when compared to the relatively small amount they cost to make) so it’s inevitable the studio will keep making more.

We’ve been hearing details about Saw VII ever since they announced it but one key detail of note is from last month when Saw VII writer Patrick Melton did an interview, pointing out that we’d be seeing characters from past films returning. It's a guess that he was hinting at Dr. Lawrence Gordon who was last seen at the end of the first movie, crawling out of the dirty bathroom minus a foot after he cut it off to escape.

Lionsgate (via Bloody-Disgusting) has confirmed the cast for Saw VII and it includes Cary Elwes a.k.a. Dr. Lawrence Gordon. The rest of the cast includes Tobin Bell (Jigsaw), Costas Mandylor, Betsy Russell, Sean Patrick Flanery, Gina Holden, Chad Donella, Laurence Anthony, Dean Armstrong and Naomi Snieckus. Bloody-Disgusting have also heard rumors that Monica Potter (Dr. Gordon’s wife) might be returning but that’s not been confirmed.

The studio also released the official synopsis for the movie:

As a deadly battle rages over Jigsaw’s brutal legacy, a group of Jigsaw survivors gathers to seek the support of self-help guru and fellow survivor Bobby Dagen, a man whose own dark secrets unleash a new wave of terror…

will be shot and released in 3D on October 22nd, 2010, going head-to-head with Paranormal Activity 2.

Source: Screenrant

i think with this meant to be the last one it will sort out all the loose ends and the synopsis above covers that. i like the saw films, good gory horror and hope it finishes with a good gory bang

How many of these are they going to make!? I gave up after i watched Saw V. I couldnt take it anymore. The first one was the best imo, and that should of been it. They are all the exact same.

I dropped out after the 2nd one. Liked the first one very much, hated the 2nd and feel no need whatsoever to watch any more torture porn

I am so disappointed with the Saw series now. Part 6 was pretty good, but wasn't it supposed to be the last one? And wasn't there supposed to be a really great, surprising ending to the whole series?

If Saw VII is it, thank god, but I fear Saw will continue to parts 8 and 9 and 10 and beyond. This is probably the fastest moving horror series ever. Seems like only yesterday (2004) I was dissing the first movie, vowing to never see it at the movies 'cause I figured it would stink.

i read somewhere recently the producer wanted to stop at 8 but couldnt get finance for 7 & 8 so the next one number 7 will be the last (so they say)

they were going to make 10 but because of the drop in the takings there finishing it at 7 mow..