Most Overrated Movies


Theres only one for me, and it`s "The matrix", a visually good film, with a bad narrative and some of the worst acting I have seen in a blockbuster film that captured the minds of my generation. And the referance to philosophy by Niche and Hegel... blasphemy! Although it has a similar idea like a great film that was released a year before "the matrix" called "Dark City" it`s nowhere near as good and interesting. And plus it resulted in a revolution in which we got films like "Torque" and some other idiotic films that make Ed Wood`s films look like masterpieces.

Originally Posted by Yoda
The problem with the phrase "overrated" (well, one of them) is that it tends to make us talk down films that are pretty flippin' great. The Dark Knight and The Shawshank Redemption are both great films. That the former is probably way too high on IMDB's Top 250 list shouldn't be used as a reason to lay into it. Discussions about what is "overrated" always seem to veer off into oddly personal territory that has almost nothing to do with the films themselves, but caricatures about who we think likes them too much.

We might need a new word -- underoverrated. It refers to any film which gets overly criticized by people who feel they have to offset those who like it too much.
An underoverrated movie might be Avatar as lots of people are criticizing it to balance the people who like it too much. I am one of the liking part but I think the movie deserves it

Titanic. It was a hideously long and boring movie of which I shall never see the end.

New Moon
The Lord of the Rings trilogy

haha after reading through this thread i realize people cited so many good movies that i like and definitely do not think is overrated..

but the TWILIGHT SAGA is definitely overrated.. all that hype over poor dialogue. =/

and LOTR is just WAY TOO LONG borefest.

Blade runner, I hear all the chatter of it being a the best science fiction film ever made, and I could barely get half way through it. Somewhere between the organic androids, and a slightly grungier New York, I was fairly disappointed.

...uh the post is up there...

Another that comes to mind is Dark City, not commercially, but all the praise it gets from people who consider it an indie Matrix. I'm just really sick of the comparison, first of all aliens that feed people false memories to "discover the soul," is convoluted, but the themes are vastly different. The Matrix deals with perception of reality, and boarders on neuro-techno-theological analogy. Dark City deals with nature vs. nature, i.e.; would a man who has been led to believe that he's a murderer be capable of murder? They tend to lump them together because they deal with a reality designed by a malevolent intelligence, beyond that they are completely different.

Independence Day???

I'm on the band wagon with Blade Runner and Dark City.
In my book, Equilibrium is the indie version of the Matrix. Dark City is a thing of its own (although it kinda reminded me of the Thirteenth Floor, I enjoyed that one quite a bit too).
But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet, Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. W.B. Yeats

I agree that Dark City is much more like The Thirteenth Floor (which I also liked) than The Matrix (which I think is very overrated)

I agree with Napolean Dynamite too. I only made it 45 minutes into that film before giving up. What I saw of it was total crap.