Most Overrated Movies


Burn baby, burn.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

aww. I figured it was bound to happen. A'lot of people I meet can't understand how I could possibly dislike that movie...but it's just so mean spirited.
A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything. - My Collection

I can understand why you didn't like the film, you are a witch therefore not human and in need of a good stake burning. Of course I'm kidding, except for the part about understanding how you could dislike the film, taste is different with each person, thankfully, can you imagine if we all liked the same thing. Of course the film gets a 5/5 from me, but just because you don't like it I'm not going to get all offended, and I'm pretty sure mark posted that picture without any malice, at least I hope he did.

No worries, I'm all for a good spirited ribbing. That does seem to get to a'lot of people though. I'm still working on why it's a great movie, so until then I don't like it haha.

What do you think is the most overrated movie of all time? Here is my list...

10. Titanic
9. A Beautiful Mind
8. Monsters Ball
7. Chicago
6. Braveheart
5. Armageddon
4. Lost in Translation
3. Mystic River
2. Scarface
1. Edward Scissorhands

Now im not saying that any of these movies are bad, as a matter of fact I enjoy some of them. Just think they get to much credit for being mediocre at best.
Decent, but I don't think Armageddon was overrated. Most critics and film goers took it for the piece of crap that it was. It DID get overwhelmingly bad reviews.

here's my list:

10- Scarface
9 - The Last Picture Show
8 - Terminator
7 - Saw
6 - Star Wars IV: A New Hope (I'm not hating on Star Wars so don't flame me, but it was overrated. the series was better when George Lucas wasn't directing.)
5 - Titanic
4 - Milk
3 - Jerry Maguire
2 - A Clockwork Orange
1 - the Incredibles

here's my list:

9 - The Last Picture Show
2 - A Clockwork Orange
1 - the Incredibles
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Pretty sure that was a spammer nebs... they're already gone.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

The Terminator overated? This movie revolutionized special effects as many of James Camerons movies have. Maybe an overated love story!LoL!
Stallone is my hero!

RIP 2002-2010
The problem with the phrase "overrated" (well, one of them) is that it tends to make us talk down films that are pretty flippin' great. The Dark Knight and The Shawshank Redemption are both great films. That the former is probably way too high on IMDB's Top 250 list shouldn't be used as a reason to lay into it. Discussions about what is "overrated" always seem to veer off into oddly personal territory that has almost nothing to do with the films themselves, but caricatures about who we think likes them too much.

We might need a new word -- underoverrated. It refers to any film which gets overly criticized by people who feel they have to offset those who like it too much.

Or critically recognized films that we don't hold in high esteem. That's too long I reckon.

I don't usually mind overrated but yes people will nitpick. I didn't much care for The Dark Knight but I loved Batman Begins. Too many side plots going on in The Dark Knight. The Two Face/Harvey Dent thing never really interested me and I tend to dislike Hannibal Lector-like super villains and The Joker was certainly one. I dislike how they are all knowing and seeing. It was my same complaint against No Country For Old Men. As far as the Joker goes I prefered Nicholson's in the original Batman. I also hated how they did away with The Scarecrow. I thought the first film was stylish and a great revisiting of the Batman hero, but The Dark Knight was just too much.

OH and my answer of course is Jaws, which I think someone has already mentioned.
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Let's try to be broad-minded about this
We might need a new word -- underoverrated. It refers to any film which gets overly criticized by people who feel they have to offset those who like it too much.
that's sooo true, i was reading through this thread months ago and everybody was complaining about Citizen Kane so much that i almost got it in my head that it was a bad movie until i actually saw it and was blown away completely, now it's in my Top 30 maybe (that's a very general statement but you get the point) i absolutely loved it so i've been avoiding this thread pretty much until now because there's so much untrustworthiness in here >.>

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
I would love to blast the AFI's lists, but that would be endless.

I'm going to stop referring to IMDb's Top 250 or the Bottom 100.

"The Quick and the Dead" was horrible. Nothing in the movie made any sense. There was no plot and the acting by some very fine veteran actors was mediocre at best. 2 thumbs down. If I had a third hand it would be 3 thumbs down.

But that is just my humble opinion.

I'm changing my answer to Reservoir Dogs, shouldn't have been R, should have been PG at the most.

Also, American Pie : The Book of Love - which I believe appeared on AFI's top 100.

Banned from Hollywood.
Goodfellas-never got into it, and all this "best ganster movie of all time" the way it is often labeled seems laughable to say the least.

Fight Club- was never a big fan of the whole experience. Although i really respect and love all the other Fincher movies.

American Beauty- ugh!

Edward Scissorhands- Burton has made better movies than this. namely: Big Fish, Sweeney Todd.

Shampoo- it still amazes me that not only this piece of utter gabage is on Empire's top 500 list, but also is considered Ashby's greatest movie..weird that another one of his movies (The Last Detail) is on my personal top 10 list of favorite movies of all time.

Brokeback Mountain- probably just the fact that it's a love between 2 homosexual/bisexual men..other than that there's really nothing special about this...had it been a story of 2 heterosexuals, i think no one would have been interested.
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