Movies that could have a future cult following.


I thought cult implied it has a small but strong following. Films like Lebowski , Star Wars , Clerks probably shouldn't be categorized as such - pretty common favorites of most film watchers.

there's a frog in my snake oil
To my mind a cult movie almost always has a 'niche' following - IE it won't have appealed to a broad spectrum of society when it was released - and it still doesn't.

I often hear The Blues Brothers referred to as a cult film, and figure it kind of was when it bombed, (and slowly resurged), but isn't now.

But more importantly: If a tree falls in the forest, does that mean trees can walk?


EDIT - Bah, Meaty got in there while i was making coffee and said it more succinctly.
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

Golgot brings up a bona fide point, and one I was going to mention when I clicked on the thread.

Parodies that involve original music have usually turned out to be cult hits. Like the Blues Brothers. And This Is Spinal Tap. And the one I was going to add to this thread anyways:

Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story: This movie is brilliant! It is so funny, and the music is fantastic. If the critics never figured that out, then the fans one day will. It's a cult gem.
"Taking my gun away because I might shoot someone is like cutting my tongue out because I might yell `Fire!' in a crowded theater." --Peter Venetoklis

I think that one problem with cult now is that there's so much media around, so much time and space to fill now and so much access to so much, that anything that is 'cult' usually won't be for too long.

The biggest problem with cult is the definition though. Until an agreed upon definition is reach, anything can be considered cult or, at least, argued as such.

I do think that Star Wars is cult, however, I'd say that only Star Wars is cult. That is to say Episode IV.

Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo

Napoleon Dynamo (The Sequel to Napoleon Dynamite)

May is kind of a cult film. Still deserves more 'spect, though.

king_of_movies_316's Avatar
The King of Movies
I thought cult implied it has a small but strong following. Films like Lebowski , Star Wars , Clerks probably shouldn't be categorized as such - pretty common favorites of most film watchers.
Cult films are been looked at the same level as main stream movies that are either

A. Old
B. Unique
C. Directed by Kevin Smith.

Films like Starwars, Clerks, Donnie Darko and No Country for Old Men are not cult films but are been looked upon as cult films even though they are populer.

The idea of a cult film is that either everybody but a small minority realy hate the film and/or the film made no money at the box office and only a small group of people have seen it and liked it.

That is simply why you can not make a cult film.
__________________ - My movie reviews

Was waiting for you to pop in this thread UF. I thought about Death Race but it seemed bit obvious being remake of a cult flick and also thought about Doomsday which i think tries to hard to be a cult film. We studied cult cinema in the last year of my degree, the general consenus from most of the few theories there are on the subject is that you can't consciously make a cult film, which why i'm apprehensive about those two. Same applies to Grindhouse and Pineapple Express; both of which seem like they have an agenda to aspire to proven cult films and adapting their formula. But time will tell

Where you been, man?

In my opinion, I think "The Reaping" qualifies for this category.

Cult films are been looked at the same level as main stream movies that are either

A. Old
B. Unique
C. Directed by Kevin Smith.

Films like Starwars, Clerks, Donnie Darko and No Country for Old Men are not cult films but are been looked upon as cult films even though they are populer.

The idea of a cult film is that either everybody but a small minority realy hate the film and/or the film made no money at the box office and only a small group of people have seen it and liked it.

That is simply why you can not make a cult film.
I'm tempted to dig up my old work on the subject of Cult Cinema and remind myself of the theories as to what makes a cult film because Star Wars seems to be considered cult by most members. Films can have different followings from different kinds of fans which is why Star Wars does still hve cult following, i think.

king_of_movies_316's Avatar
The King of Movies
I'm tempted to dig up my old work on the subject of Cult Cinema and remind myself of the theories as to what makes a cult film because Star Wars seems to be considered cult by most members. Films can have different followings from different kinds of fans which is why Star Wars does still hve cult following, i think.
Im starting to see how Star Wars could be both. It obviously has some real die hard fans who probaly would make sweet love with the ground George Lucas has walked on, but then there are just people who like the series but are not over the top about it.

May is kind of a cult film. Still deserves more 'spect, though.
May is a good film but I don't think it has enough appeal to start a cult following or it would have one already.

Anyone who hasn't heard of it,
May is an independent horror film that came out in 2002, about a socially awkward young girl who has no friends and a unhealthy interest in human body parts.


A system of cells interlinked
I liked May...
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Not enough appeal? C'mon now.

That isn't a insult, I really enjoyed May, I was one of the few who spread the word about it back when it came out. But it doesn't have the same appeal that Blues Brothers or Little Shop of Horrors does that give them there cult following.

i know theyve had their share of bashing on this site but the crank films do have all the symptoms

both the first and the second did decently in theaters but the first exploded on DVD and thsoe sho did follow the st welccomed the 2nd with open arms the imdb boards are split throughout the middle between lovers and haters some lovers are still hoping for the 3D film

yep i say the crank frachise is on its way to being considered cult

Don't torture yourself, Gomez. That's my job.
Lots of cult film debate. I'm just going to put in my thoughts for movies from the last few years that I think might become cult classics with the idea that they are movies that not a lot of people liked but a few people loved. Me being one of them.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow (2004)

My friends and I watch this movie a lot. Its fun to quote from and its got a bit of that "so bad its good" feel you want from a cult movie.

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)

This is one of those movies that I think just got over looked by the main stream. I show this to so many friends who have never heard of it. Then they immediately love it. And how can you not? Mr Robert Downey Jr. and Mr Val Kilmer. Gold!

Black Sheep (2006)

New Zealand Horror movie about sheep. What else is there to say?

Black Snake Moan (2006)

So bad its so good. Oh and the music is awesome. oh and that tag line "Everything is Hotter Down South".

Superbad (2007)

I think this movie might have actually done quite well, but I think its staying power will prove its cult status.

Napoleon Dynamite (2004)

Someone else mentioned this and I agree. You either love it or you hate it. Perfect conditions for a cult following.


I've been trying to think of a few more recent movies, but I think that sometimes it takes a little while to find those perfect little movies that fell through the cracks, but I'm looking forward to finding them!
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