Rice's Radical Reviews

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Let's try to be broad-minded about this
yeah, if i think something is a 5.8 i'll say that...and do a two and a half popcorn thing

Thanks Rice, i The Good, the bad and the Ugly
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
The Cell (2000) -

First off, i wanna say how disappointed i am in google's image selection for this movie because it is absolutely gorgeous and i want more pictures Anyway, i think this movie is incredibly underrated. I don't understand how it is ignored so often, i mean c'mon Jlo was a downer but she didn't ruin the flick. (That seems to be some people's reasons for hating it) The concept of the film is awesome, it's about this serial killer who puts his victims in this box that fills with water slowely and over time they drown. The serial killer gets caught and is in a coma because he didn't take his pills and just before they caught him he put a new victim in the box so they need to find out where it is so they can save her in time. So it sounds like a regular intensem, cop, suspense movie right? nnnnoooope! So in order to find out where the victim is, Jlo goes inside his mind to try to find out. (there's a new technology invented to help people out of comas) and so she goes into his mind and it is messed up. I have seen this tons of times before but i just watched it recently again so since it's fresh in my mind i thought i'd write this. The cinematography was beautiful, the plot was enticing, i just can't understand what so many people hate about this. The killer was a creepy ass like he was supposed to be everything was done very well.

"A film is a putrified fountain of thought"
Totally agree, i love that movie and don't understand why it's so underrated. There is nothing in it that I don't really really like.

Better pics

And pics from Tarsem Singh's new movie The Fall cause the art direction is equally as amazing in that. I rented it on a whim simply cause the cover was so pretty and it turned out to be an all around great movie. It's a little different flavor than the cell, more emotional.

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
Yeah, i like the big big BIG pictures As big and pretty as they can be without stretching out the page lol. I wanna see The Fall! really bad. Which movie store did you get it at?

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I loved how The Cell looks, but whenever we are not inside the killer's mind, I found myself bored.

The film also showcases Vince Vaughn, before he found his comedy niche.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

"A film is a putrified fountain of thought"
Yeah, i like the big big BIG pictures As big and pretty as they can be without stretching out the page lol. I wanna see The Fall! really bad. Which movie store did you get it at?
AV Hollywood. And they put up a little "recommended" billboard by it i noticed when i returned it and it made me happy. Dont go in with too high expectations though, cause that always risks ruining a movie. And i don't even know if its your kind of movie, i can see some of the dialog annoying you. But it works with it...idk, i wanna be there when you watch it thouogh cause im craving to see it again.

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
man yeah i really really love The Cell, the more i keep thinking about it...i need to find it and buy it! so anyway...

Taxi Driver (1976) -

Not what i was expecting at all. I thought it was going to be a psychotic sociopath with an obsession with a 12 year old prostitute who then goes on a kill rampage killing off all her 'loved' ones. Completely off, he was (for the most part) mentally stable but there was a kill rampage. Travis Bickle i think just felt completely alienated from New York (and mankind) which led him to do what he did. I liked watching him progress, his attempts at making a connection with Betsy which failed due to his lack of social skills and that seemed like his last hope for relating to people. And i loved Scorcese's cameo! Actually i should go look that up and make sure that was him because i just recognized his voice i could barely see him and it did NOT look like him lol...*two minutes later* k yeah it was him which just made me like it that much better and has anyone else noticed that Harvey Keitel has no torso?

Taxi Driver is great! It's my favorite Scorsese film (I've only seen Taxi Driver, The Departed, and Goodfellas - I'm not a fan of the latter two).

Robert De Niro is so cool in it.

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Let's try to be broad-minded about this
Wanted (2008) -

I absolutely hated the first half of this movie. There were countless movie cliches, stupid lines and most of it was completely unbelievable and not in a good way. When there weren't big action sequences i was completely bored i found myself not caring about the character or his past or 'who he is' at all (this was just the first half of the movie) and even during the action sequences i was happy because nobody was talking but then the effects weren't good enough to keep up with the ambition of the film. So then came the plot twist and thank god for that because the movie started to pick up from then on out and it made some of the loose ends earlier tie together. And speaking of loose ends how the hell did they find their way out of a train wrecked canyon that deep? Normally i can dismiss things like these in movies, the things that are just completely not plausible but this one really got to me. I thought Jolie's character was very dry and then i also hated the backstory on her. Morgan Freeman was nice as usual and i like James Mcavoy all the actors were good for what they were given and i wish Common had more lines. And it seemed to me that almost all of the best action sequences were put into the preview so i wasn't pleasantly surprised by much of anything.

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
All the President's Men (1976) -

Directed by Alan J. Pakula

I found this movie to be very compelling, it was almost addicting i was extremely tired and had school at 7 am the next day and i couldn't turn it off! It seemed the movie had two different aspects about it, the watergate scandal, and an inside look on what real journalism is. The watergate scandal is in itself incredibly intriguing so of course that kept my attention but i really liked the journalism part of it. Some people said that the reason they liked it less was because it's easy to get the names and dates that are constantly being thrown at you confused. I like to watch all movies i see with subtitles because i feel like i get more of the movie, the whole script and i never miss things so for me it was way easier to keep track of everything. The subject matter and execution of this movie i think was near perfection because i didn't feel like they were giving it to me in laymen's terms they straight up showed the investigative mechanisms used by journalists at that time and i really liked it and like i said in the movie tab thread, i like staring at Robert Redford's face

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
Thanks Rice I didn't see this at the movies after seeing the shorts I thought I will wait until it comes out on DVD
haha yeah that's a good idea, i'm glad i waited for it on DVD, all my friends saw it in theaters while i was at work and so i had nobody to go with and i was sad but now i'm glad i didn't pay money for it

"A film is a putrified fountain of thought"
That's so disappointing that you didn't like Wanted as much as me. Granted A few things about it bugged me, but it was overall very entertaining. I still don't really understand why you didn't like this one vs Transporter or The Condemned or the countless other mindless action movies you love and yet have the same flaws as Wanted that you pointed out in this review... Nice picture choice btw

king_of_movies_316's Avatar
The King of Movies
i like the 0-10 rating system, i feel like i have more room but alas, i shall convert...i just need to figure out the popcorn things...

omg i did it!
how do you use those popcorn things?
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