Vote on the next countdown (Oct. 2023)


What should our next countdown be (Oct 23)?
17 votes
Films not on previous lists
13 votes
Underseen films
17 votes
26 votes
16 votes
Some decade refresh
6 votes
Other (specify below)
56 votes. You may not vote on this poll

i’m in favor of a 90s redo personally, as i think it would be drastically different from last time. speaking for myself, i would be surprised if my list today has more than five films in common with the list i made back then, and that’s before you factor in the dozens of new members who weren’t around last time. i also just like the genre->decade rotation we’re on, and don’t feel like having the pesky genre eligibility arguments again so soon after the war countdown.

also a huge fan of the not-on-previous-lists idea, although my preference would be to wait until after the 90s one. these are the only two that interest me at the moment, but i will of course participate in whatever the group decides.
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

Trouble with a capital "T"
Looks like I could probably get a list together for under seen but two things while looking at those movies come quickly to mind. Fair to point out these things have already been mentioned too.
Serious apologies to anyone who likes or suggested it, but I really dislike this idea. I would probably participate, because I have in every list since being here. Saying it would be half hearted participation would be very generous.
Good post, because you're thinking about the variables and parameters, which we should being do more of. It'll help to make better countdowns now and in the future.

1) Are they under seen by mofo? Probably not, definitely not in most cases because I found them because of mofo.
*I'm guessing 'underseen' would be up to the individual.

2) How in the world will these movies get multiple votes to create consensus.
I'm also guessing for a consensus only a small number of people would have to vote for it, meaning any of my films won't make an underseen countdown, unless you all love this underseen gem.

*I would participate in any countdown, so far the Western and War countdowns have been my favorite.

so far the Western and War countdowns have been my favorite.
Western countdown was fantastic, really wish I had done my homework for that one though. Sometimes when you have a nice list of faves already it keeps you from digging deeper.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Western countdown was fantastic, really wish I had done my homework for that one though. Sometimes when you have a nice list of faves already it keeps you from digging deeper.
I binged watched westerns all through the pre countdown thread and during the countdown too. I must have seen hundreds of westerns before I finally got unto another movie watching theme.

2) How in the world will these movies get multiple votes to create consensus.
I think this is a very real concern. There's the possibility that we will end up with hundreds of films with 1 vote.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I think this is a very real concern. There's the possibility that we will end up with hundreds of films with 1 vote.
Would that be a bad thing? Seems like it would be a fun countdown as there would be lots of surprises and not the same predictable movies.

*BTW, I'm not pro Underseen countdowns, just trying to keep the convo going

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Because the decade did so well on the larger list and it seems to hit the demographics/taste of the site well, I nominate Top 100 Comedies of the 1980s.
Make it 80s/90s and I'm down

I’m not super keen on any of the options listed, especially not if Noir is done as two separate lists, but I would probably participate in any of them - though perhaps not with a full ballot.

That said, what I would like to see is a refresh of the Animation Countdown. 2024 marks ten years since the original and lots of animations have been released in that time. I would also be down to host it again.

The trick is not minding
I’m not super keen on any of the options listed, especially not if Noir is done as two separate lists, but I would probably participate in any of them - though perhaps not with a full ballot.

That said, what I would like to see is a refresh of the Animation Countdown. 2024 marks ten years since the original and lots of animations have been released in that time. I would also be down to host it again.
Yeah, there are plenty of lists that could use an update, such as animation and 90’s.
Right now Noir has my vote, but like Miss Vicky, I’d rather not have separate ballots for noir and neo-noir.

Would that be a bad thing? Seems like it would be a fun countdown as there would be lots of surprises and not the same predictable movies.

*BTW, I'm not pro Underseen countdowns, just trying to keep the convo going
That would be the essence of an "Underseen-or-whatever" countdown, but given the scope, there's the possibility that we would end up with a #1 that was present just in 2 or 3 ballots, if at all. I think this idea is better suited for a smaller countdown, maybe.

I’m not super keen on any of the options listed, especially not if Noir is done as two separate lists, but I would probably participate in any of them - though perhaps not with a full ballot.
I'm very much pro-Noir countdown, but I'm not so sure about the idea of separate lists.

i’m in favor of a 90s redo personally, as i think it would be drastically different from last time. speaking for myself, i would be surprised if my list today has more than five films in common with the list i made back then, and that’s before you factor in the dozens of new members who weren’t around last time. i also just like the genre->decade rotation we’re on, and don’t feel like having the pesky genre eligibility arguments again so soon after the war countdown.

also a huge fan of the not-on-previous-lists idea, although my preference would be to wait until after the 90s one. these are the only two that interest me at the moment, but i will of course participate in whatever the group decides.

Mostly this, but while I dig the idea of the "not on previous list" idea more than musicals, it feels like it's the list to be done after the major genres and decade updates (i.e., I guess we do noir and westerns first).

I checked some of my favorite Underseen films on IMDB to see how many votes they have? Maybe some of us could do that too?
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane 17k
Demons (Shura) 2.6k
In a Glass Cage 4.9k
Poison for the Fairies 2.3k
The Reflecting Skin 9.1k
The Winter War (Talvisota) 8.5k
J'accuse 2k
Sundays and Cybele 4.7k

Personally, I really like the underseen and "not on previous lists" even with the potential issues of lacking any sort of consensus.

I checked some of my favorite Underseen films on IMDB to see how many votes they have? Maybe some of us could do that too? That way we could see if a Underseen countdown is feasible? This is what I got just off the top of my head.
Miracle Mile (1988) 12k votes
Cherry 2000 (1987) 10k votes
Fat City (1972) 10k votes
Caged (1950) 4.4k votes
American Movie (1999) 19k votes
Sundays and Cybele (1962) 4.7k votes
Meek's Cutoff (2010) 15k votes
The Big Knife (1955) 4k votes

*yes I realize not all of those would be considered underseen films but I included them to show how their vote numbers appeared.
These are the ones I brought up on the podcast episodes I mentioned. They had to be within certain genres, so...

Horror: The Void (2016) - 40K votes
Crime: 11:14 (2003) - 49K votes
Western: A Man for Hanging (1972) - 89 votes
Action: The Wave (2015) - 41K votes
Random: Conspiracy (2001) - 23K votes

I remember most of these being lower when I did that episode 2-ish years ago.

Fantasy: Belladonna of Sadness (1973) - 7.3K votes
Documentary: Back to Bosnia (2005) - 86 votes
Crime: 10 Rillington Place (1971) - 9.4K votes
Musical: Cabin in the Sky (1943) - 3.2K votes
Random: Glass Chin (2014) - 890 votes

This one I did a couple of months ago, so they are all significantly lower.

Trouble with a capital "T"
That would be the essence of an "Underseen-or-whatever" countdown, but given the scope, there's the possibility that we would end up with a #1 that was present just in 2 or 3 ballots, if at all. I think this idea is better suited for a smaller countdown, maybe.
You could be right, maybe a smaller countdown of some type would be the best for Underseen.

I'm very much pro-Noir countdown, but I'm not so sure about the idea of separate lists.
Noir countdown: I don't know if I made it clear in my 1st post, but I was meaning the choice to send two ballots or just one, would be up to the individual. A person could send both ballots or just one, their choice.

The reason being if it was just an all noir countdown with just one ballot, the classic era noir movies would be way overshadowed by the more popular modern neo noir/crime movies, so it wouldn't be worth doing for classic noir fans. Sort of like doing a French New Wave countdown but including all French films. If we want to make a solid list that's better than the current BFI Noirs two ballots is idea.

The trick is not minding

Noir countdown: I don't know if I made it clear in my 1st post, but I was meaning the choice to send two ballots or just one, would be up to the individual. A person could send both ballots or just one, their choice.

The reason being if it was just an all noir countdown with just one ballot, the classic era noir movies would be way overshadowed by the more popular modern neo noir/crime movies, so it wouldn't be worth doing for classic noir fans. Sort of like doing a French New Wave countdown but including all French films. If we want to make a solid list that's better than the current BFI Noirs two ballots is idea.
In response to “classic” being overshadowed by “newer” noir, you get that anyways with our usual countdowns, where more recent, that is films within the last 20-30 years, overshadowing more classic older films.
Noir and neo-noir has always been combined in any lists of Noir that I have seen.

The analogy of French New Wave films and allowing any French film doesn’t work because the two are so distinct from each other.

Now, I know noir/neo-noir do have differences, but they’re certainly more alike in terms of “genre”.

Whatever it is I think we should have 3 months max for a watching period.
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
You could be right, maybe a smaller countdown of some type would be the best for Underseen.

Noir countdown: I don't know if I made it clear in my 1st post, but I was meaning the choice to send two ballots or just one, would be up to the individual. A person could send both ballots or just one, their choice.

The reason being if it was just an all noir countdown with just one ballot, the classic era noir movies would be way overshadowed by the more popular modern neo noir/crime movies, so it wouldn't be worth doing for classic noir fans. Sort of like doing a French New Wave countdown but including all French films. If we want to make a solid list that's better than the current BFI Noirs two ballots is idea.
I actually think you are thinking this wrong. The classic noirs have a pretty big fan base here at mofo. Almost my whole list would make it up.

Trouble with a capital "T"
In response to “classic” being overshadowed by “newer” noir, you get that anyways with our usual countdowns, where more recent, that is films within the last 20-30 years, overshadowing more classic older films.
Noir and neo-noir has always been combined in any lists of Noir that I have seen.

The analogy of French New Wave films and allowing any French film doesn’t work because the two are so distinct from each other.

Now, I know noir/neo-noir do have differences, but they’re certainly more alike in terms of “genre”.
I actually think you are thinking this wrong. The classic noirs have a pretty big fan base here at mofo. Almost my whole list would make it up.
Holden Pike's post from a previous discussion convinced me he was right, see below:
Yes, the big problem with Film Noir is defining what we mean by that. The actual period is from the '40s until the early '50s or so. Which is a very rich, interesting movement and has hundreds of titles even though it is only twelvish or so years. For those of us who are Film Noir nuts that is more than enough to make a Top 50 for absolute sure but probably even a Top 100. However, getting more than thirty or so MoFos to make super deep dives into the Classic Noir period is basically not gonna happen.

Which means opening it up to Neo Noir so that we could get participation into the sixty-or-so mark that we had for say the Westerns list. But the problem there is while there is plenty of bickering among Noir enthusiasts and scholars about what is and isn't part of the classic canon, when it comes to Neo Noir it is open to much wider interpretation. So wide that it would be difficult to argue too much with somebody about what should or shouldn't count. If somebody says Chinatown and Night Moves (1975), obviously the answer is yes. If somebody else says Body Heat and Blade Runner, yeah, you can see it. But then when it becomes every thriller ever made and somebody wants to include three of the Fast and the Furious flicks on their ballot and The Human Centipede and Donnie Darko and Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery and Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse it will so dilute the group list that to call it "Noir" of any kind is just ridiculous. And if voters can completely make up their own definition that means all of the cooler, obscure actual Film Noir from the '40s and '50s has absolutely zero chance of making it and being discovered - which to me would be the point of such an exercise. Even the acknowledged classics of the genre would fall well behind David Fincher and Christopher Nolan movies so that something that by all rights and by any objective metric should be obvious Top Ten material on a Film Noir list - Double Indemnity, Out of the Past, The Postman Always Rings Twice, In a Lonely Place, The Asphalt Jungle, The Killing - would be well down the list if there at all.

So instead of Noir you could call it "Thrillers" or "Crime Films" or something else, but again, it becomes so broad that all of the usual suspects from the decade lists rise to the top and maybe you get a handful of actual, classic Film Noir. Maybe.