Do you ever make any blind purchases?


Do you ever pull a Ray Charles?
3 votes
No, I only buy what I already like
5 votes
Yes, but rarely
8 votes
Yes, occasionally
3 votes
Most of my purchases are blind
1 votes
I never buy something I've already seen
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mattiasflgrtll6's Avatar
The truth is in here
It's common for people to get their favorite movies/TV shows on DVD, Blu-Ray, 4K or what have you. But do you ever buy a movie just because it looks cool and you might be into it? Or maybe you have no idea if it's gonna be your thing and you do it just for the thrill. Which type of physical media purchaser are you?

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I have. I remember a few. "Born To Win" with Robert De Niro on the cover, since he was in it for 20 seconds
"Mulholland Drive" was one I got when my brother and I went to the supermarket to get some food, and saw it in a bin, got it, and saw it when we got home.

I used to do this all the time at 17 when I rented movies and it's how I found out what I liked after noticing a trend. I think I bought "There Will Be Blood" before ever renting it, but I remember this guy in my band saying it was a good movie, having it confirmed by another guy in the band. They just mentioned oil, and I thought it would be some movie about Iraq or something..

Trouble with a capital "T"
I don't purchase movies or tv shows these days. I did in the past buy some of my favorite TV shows in box sets:

Star Trek: TNG,DSN,Voyager,Enterprise, Babylon 5...and Laverne & Shirley. Don't think I'd ever buy anything blind.


I did some for each video store that was having a closing sale. Some looked good in quality (Brick, Mystery Team, The Bronze), some not so much (Soul Survivors, Suck). Hadn't seen any of those.

More recently, I picked up American Sniper via Wal Mart because that was the last 2014 Best Picture nominee that I've yet to see, Mother which was cheap at the Dollar Tree and Our Brand is Crisis which was free with a purchase from Big Lots (the only other one I considered was Stealing Cars with that guy from Brooklyn on the cover).

If I had to spend full price for those DVDs, they would stay on the shelf. But make it cheap enough and I'll consider it.

Very rarely, and basically not at all in the last 7-10 years.

I have a few movies that I plucked from those $3 bins/shelves at Wal-Mart or 2nd & Charles.

In terms of digital media, there have been a few times that a movie I haven't seen but was excited for was only $2 more to buy than rent and I've gone, "What the heck?" and just purchased it.

Actually, about a million years ago I purchased a DVD of the movie Signs, not knowing anything about it except for the fact that Mel Gibson was in it...HUGE disappointment.

I do occasionally, but only if I'm pretty certain I'm going to like it (though I'm more likely to put it on my Amazon wish list than I am to buy it myself). I've been burned too many times wasting money on movies that I ended up hating or just never wanting to watch again.

You mean me? Kei's cousin?
It happens pretty often, and since I have a pretty good gauge of what kinds of films I enjoy, I rarely get disappointed.
Look, Dr. Lesh, we don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.

Most of my purchases are blind buys nowadays. I was buying too many films for Nostalgia reasons, so thought I'd only get ones that will offer me some new experience. Recent Examples:

Daughters in the Dust
Desert Hearts
Bram Stoker's Dracula 4K (this was a mistake as I hated it)
Pierrot le Fou
Irma Vep
Horse Money
Liv Ullman's Faithless
The Girl with the Crystal Plumage

Used to at flea markets before i stopped going because i realized I'm super picky. Bought Brain Dead(1990) on a whim, i ended up loving it even though it's super campy.

And who wouldn't buy it with that cover design?

I typically don't buy movies that I have seen before, but I hesitate to say that those are "blind buys." I am probably a horribly unfun/not impulsive at all when it comes to collecting things, so I have usually done some reading/research on a film before I actually pull the trigger on spending money.

I had one recent blind buy, though, when I got Cronenberg's Naked Lunch, which I thought was only ok.

When I am renting from my library/streaming online, however, that is another story...

I atleast watch the trailer but if its one of my favorite actors then yeah i would.

It's common for people to get their favorite movies/TV shows on DVD, Blu-Ray, 4K or what have you. But do you ever buy a movie just because it looks cool and you might be into it? Or maybe you have no idea if it's gonna be your thing and you do it just for the thrill. Which type of physical media purchaser are you?
I have to see some kind of review before I’ll buy it. And I’ve stopped buying DVDs. They’re all over the house so I have them to watch any time & new stuff I will in the future stream because - well - streaming is good.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.