The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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Damn, two films I haven't seen.

My Ford/Wayne experience is limited to a couple of films, but I've heard good things about The Searchers.

Also, I've only seen four Kurosawa films, but haven't gotten to Ikiru yet.

Shame on me. So far, I've seen only two (The Seventh Seal, Enter the Dragon) of the 7 films mentioned
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Again, I'm new here but it's interesting to see that, out of the 7 films mentioned so far, only 2 were on the previous list and none of them are recent (post-2010).

The Searchers is easily a 9.5 movie, but I'm pretty surprised that it made the list. I didn't have any westerns on my list, but Rio Bravo is my favorite western and favorite John Wayne movie.
The searchers is arguably more a drama set in the west than a traditional western

Again, I'm new here but it's interesting to see that, out of the 7 films mentioned so far, only 2 were on the previous list and none of them are recent (post-2010).
Forget about post 2010, none of them were post-2000 or even post-1985 !

3 50s movies 3 70s movies and an 80s movie until now.

Which is not a bad thing at all mind you !

I've watched The Searchers a few times over the years and although I like JW, I've enjoyed his other movies more so.

Ikiru is a pleasant surprise, it may tend to run just a bit long but it's top shelf Kurosawa.

Good selections so far.

I have to admit it did cross my mind that The Searchers seemed a tad too obvious after Yoda's clue.

It came down firmly on the side of "meh" for me when I saw it. I'm not big on westerns anyway and I've never really gotten the appeal of John Wayne.

Ikiru is one I've been meaning to get around to for the longest time.

Skepsis' List  

Forget about post 2010, none of them were post-2000 or even post-1985 !

3 50s movies 3 70s movies and an 80s movie until now.

Which is not a bad thing at all mind you !
I agree, but my point was more to the fact that these films were available/out back in 2010 when the old list was made.

But yeah, it's refreshing to see a film with classics so far.

While The Searchers wouldn't make my top Westerns list (Red River, 40 Guns, Once Upon a Time in America, The Great Silence, High Plains Drifter, Unforgiven, Good the Bad and the Ugly, and on and on), it could be my favourite Ford. It's a great film, looks beautiful, has the rare Wayne performance I can get behind and it is probably one of the more lucid anti-racist Western up to that point, which is strange given its reputation as very much the opposite.

It's been way too long since I last saw Ikiru, but I know I was a huge fan at the time. I would just naturally place it in my top 5 Kurosawa, even if my memories are vague. Another great filmmaker who didn't get any placing on my list (along with Bergman, Hitchcock, Bresson, Godard, Leigh, Lang and lots of other personal favorites)

Still, none of my films have made it. Unlike the rest of the posters here though, I'm more interested in seeing others picks make the list, since I already know what mine are and am already bored thinking about them. My list sucked, even though I can't imagine making any changes to it.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I agree, but my point was more to the fact that these films were available/out back in 2010 when the old list was made.

But yeah, it's refreshing to see a film with classics so far.
It will all balance when Guardians of the Galaxy 2 hits #3.

gosh. i had to edit this three friggin times!
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"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Ok, just like I did with Bergman, I do with Ford... so far, I've only seen three of his films: Stagecoach, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, and The Grapes of Wrath. I enjoyed all three to varying degrees. Where should I go next?

Kurosawa is one director I've been trying to go through lately. So far, I've seen four of his films: Yojimbo, Rashomon, Seven Samurai, and Throne of Blood. Got my eyes mostly on Ikiru and Ran, but also Sanjuro and High and Low. Any other recommendation?

Ikiru is my second or third favorite Kurosawa film, depending on the day, though I didn't quite make room for it on my ballot this time. It finished up at #16 on the MoFo '50s List. The Searchers finished at #18 on that same list and all the way up at #5 on the MoFo Westerns List earlier this year.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Didn't vote for either but they are worthy. I don't have much of anything new to say so here goes.
In many ways The Searchers seems a perfect movie but at least for me, it could be because I've watched it so many times. I wouldn't put all of Wayne's personal flaws on the shoulders of the film. It actually went pretty far for its day and besides that, it's powerful, suspenseful and funny ("Boy, watch that knife."). So just sit back in your rocking chair, like Old Mose, and enjoy The Searchers.

I love Ikiru - it is sad, but at the same time, it's also exhilarating so it merits a cry (times two.)
One from my list - Cabaret at #98.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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Ok, just like I did with Bergman, I do with Ford... so far, I've only seen three of his films: Stagecoach, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, and The Grapes of Wrath. I enjoyed all three to varying degrees. Where should I go next?

Kurosawa is one director I've been trying to go through lately. So far, I've seen four of his films: Yojimbo, Rashomon, Seven Samurai, and Throne of Blood. Got my eyes mostly on Ikiru and Ran, but also Sanjuro and High and Low. Any other recommendation?
Outside of The Searchers, which should definitely be the priority, I've always had a fondness for his The Informer. I'm not a huge John Ford nut though, so I also have limited exposure.

Kurosawa? His lesser talked abouts shouldn't be overlooked. Stray Dog! Bad Sleep Well! I think Drunken Angel was pretty neat too. I've only been unimpressed with a handful of his, really, so it's hard to go wrong. Wasn't much on Lower Depths, hated Rhapsody in August, think Do'Des'Ka'Den was an understandable failure and no thanks Redbeard (I know, I know, some people love this but shrugs)

Kurosawa is one director I've been trying to go through lately. So far, I've seen four of his films: Yojimbo, Rashomon, Seven Samurai, and Throne of Blood. Got my eyes mostly on Ikiru and Ran, but also Sanjuro and High and Low. Any other recommendation?
Definitely make Ikiru, RAN, and High & Low priorities. Three of his very best. I also love Stray Dog, Red Beard, Drunken Angel, Dreams, and The Bad Sleep Well. But with the exception of a couple outliers just about ALL of his films are worth seeing. He is truly one of the masters of cinema.

I can't stand John Wayne, so no way in hell was The Searchers going to get a slot on my ballot. Its appearance this far down does just about dash my hopes of any of the westerns I did vote for making the cut, though.

I've seen a few Akira Kurosawa movies, but Ikiru isn't one of them.

My Ballot:
25. Clay Pigeons (One-Pointers)

A system of cells interlinked
I'm more interested in seeing others picks make the list, since I already know what mine are and am already bored thinking about them. My list sucked, even though I can't imagine making any changes to it.
I will echo this. My list contains no surprises, and I am always more interested in finding things to watch that I haven't seen, that others perceive as among the best films ever made.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Just as a side note, even though Ran isn't my favorite Kurosawa, it is probably the most spectacular film I've ever seen. Ever. It has moments I can't even wrap my head around, like, how did he do that???? It's one of the rare moments a directors work no longer seems tethered to our natural laws. It defies gravity.

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Ok, just like I did with Bergman, I do with Ford... so far, I've only seen three of his films: Stagecoach, The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, and The Grapes of Wrath. I enjoyed all three to varying degrees. Where should I go next?

Kurosawa is one director I've been trying to go through lately. So far, I've seen four of his films: Yojimbo, Rashomon, Seven Samurai, and Throne of Blood. Got my eyes mostly on Ikiru and Ran, but also Sanjuro and High and Low. Any other recommendation?

Red Beard

not have much memory of the searchers, i have really short attention with it at the time compared to another john ford like stagecoach or liberty valance.

and yes, Ikiru is the only my pick for kurosawa this occasion. finally one of my bet shows up.
17 Ikiru 1952
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

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"Ikiru" was close to making the list, but not that close. Most definitely a Top 40-50. It was the first Kurosawa (well, I did see "Dreams" 18 years ago, and didn't like it at all) and loved it. It went on longer than I expected, but I still consider it a great film.

I gave "The Searchers" a 7/10.. I've seen a lot of John Ford, but the only one that really got to me was "The Grapes of Wrath".