Who Will be Our Next President?


I find far right might start with harmless and apparently reasonable arguments, but their ultimate goals are draconian. It's a slippery slope with them. Once one of their goals is realised, they have ready new and more extreme goal to seek. If they talk long enough and you listen long enough, they reveal their true ultimate goals which aren't pretty. It puts their starting position into perspective.

I'm not saying Trump is far right.

Mao, Stalin, etc. disagree.
Closer home to me, we have two states here that have seen or see Communist leaders winning elections. And they follow the same exact pattern. Infact the current leader of the state of Kerala once publically described the best way to bury a dead body(involved a sack and salt), and nobody on the left was offended because he is fellow comrade.

Anyways, extreme right or extreme left follow the same pattern.

Alright, I asked nicely a few times that people not start in with sweeping unkind generalizations, and we keep going past that line. Gonna have to ask for this to be scaled back majorly, or I'll have to close the thread.

Not trying to come down on anyone, I know this is intense and people feel strongly. That's precisely why we need to be careful.


Once again we find ourselves with a couple of pretty rough choices. That said, out of the two, I think Trump is much more equipped to handle the position at this point in time. Biden is a shade of what he once was, and I see clear signs of cognitive decline. In fact, I don't think the Democrat's plan is to keep Biden in place at all. Pelosi's push to form the committee that will analyze the President's ability to lead seems like she is hedging her bets, preparing to have Kamala invoke the statute to begin the process to take Biden out, after which Harris would be installed.

Trump, for better or for worse, is currently a towering figure in our culture, completely dominating the mentality of the fanatical fringes on both sides of the political spectrum. TDS, which is Trump Derangement Syndrome on the left, and Trump Devotion Syndrome on the right, has most of the public discourse concerning Trump boiling over constantly. He dominates all the media outlets, infests both real and virtual culture around the globe, and all the while, he swaggers through everyone's lives like the proverbial bull in the China shop without ever stopping to contemplate the effects of his presence, except to perhaps stop for a few seconds to fix his coiffure in the mirror.

So, on one hand, we have a bell-rung old codger, with a really rough record on policy, who lurches and putters around, occasionally forgetting where he is, and on the other hand, we have a brash blowhard that constantly dives head first into situations and manages to come out looking like he knew what he was doing all along (with a few obvious and dire exceptions, such as COVID), even though it's pretty clear he doesn't.

I dunno, for me, it's a fairly easy call, as I am pretty firmly planted in that odd space between libertarian, center right, so it's a vote for Trump for me, even if I will wince a bit when I pull the level. Actually, i already pulled the lever. That said, I am by no means dressed up in MAGA gear, parading around extoling my devotion to the guy.

Lastly - this thread will be locked, and probably soon. Our patience with these threads has worn pretty thin. We aren't quite zero tolerance, but we are getting there! So, fair warning: at the first sign of a fire starting, this will probably be closed.


So a person having an Indian mother has some chance of becoming US president according to you . Her name Kamala is also Indian , meaning lotus flower which is election symbol of India's hindu nationalist party--BJP .

But most people in India are not in favour of her or Biden because Trump is more likely to help India to combat the Chinese armed forces camped threateningly against India in the himalayas .

Trump called it fraud last election...then he won. He's just adding fuel to the fire that he knows will erupt.

I expect more violence in the states.

I don't think so. Its been pretty tame so far.
Δύο άτομα. Μια μάχη. Κανένας συμβιβασμός.

The question was who you thought would win, not even who you wanted to, let alone the many reasons you want them to.
Amazing how many posters never answered my very simple question.

@Yoda said only yes or no responses.
Don’t think he said that. He said please respond to my OP with the name of who you think will be president.

To me, he appears busier than presidents of the past. He always seems to be on the go and I don't recall him taking vacations like others.
Seeming to be “on the go” doesn’t necessarily mean he’s actually doing something. He tweets a heck of a lot, I will give him that.

His salary is a drop in the bucket
Unsure what you are saying. 400k is a drop in the bucket or it’s a drop in the bucket as a donation?

Alright, I asked nicely a few times that people not start in with sweeping unkind generalizations, and we keep going past that line. Gonna have to ask for this to be scaled back majorly, or I'll have to close the thread.
Please close the thread when we have a definitive answer as to who our next president will be. I sincerely hope that announcement will be today. By that time we surely will have discussed this to death.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

To be fair, I think that may be more in line with what Yoda mentioned about what we see around us. I mean, where I live in rural Alabama people have been stock-piling munitions and buying rifles and pistols that there's hardly any stock left. Kids I went to high school with are sharing militia group information and literally hoping for conflict, at least in their posts. A few of them have posted that if Biden wins there will be a civil war in retaliation, arguing tactical details I don't care to repeat.

Not that I take Facebook chatter very seriously, but that side wants violence too and are fanning flames as well. Different regions of the country, different ideals, different media coverage. The general mindset of most of the people here is one of the reasons I voted the way I did.

Just sayin' it's never one size fits all or that generalizations really ever apply across the board.
I'll believe it when I see it.

Again, Biden is winning. He's winning in Nevada and he's flipping Arizona, Wisconsin and Michigan. He may even win in Pennsylvania, but that's not necessary.

Arizona slightly in dispute, some vote reporting issues mean there might be more uncounted ballots there. Still lean Biden but not as sure as before that news.

But yes, Biden's in a very strong position right now, pretty much any remaining significant state likely does it. But it'll still be awhile, lot to count.

Please close the thread when we have a definitive answer as to who our next president will be.
So another 5-6 months of this then? Or just until Trump is announced President? Or will that be the same thing?

Seriously though, the only thing about all this which is annoying me here in the UK is the 'faux' outrage/surprise about what Trump has said and done. For months now I've heard the talking heads on TV talk about how they thought Trump would do this. Probably because the man himself has spent months saying he'd do this. And now I'm supposed to be surprised that he's calling fraud and talking about a stolen election?

To answer the question. Next president? Trump.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Heh. Definitely plausible, but it won't surprise me if Biden lives through eight years or (just as likely?) decides to just serve the one term, too.

I'm taking the approach that if I don't watch the results the band-aid that is this election year will seem like a quick tear off instead of a slow and grueling "peel" process. Just ignore it, let tomorrow come, get it over with, have me scream and then live with the fresh wound for yet another four years...
Imagine an eye unruled by man-made laws of perspective, an eye unprejudiced by compositional logic, an eye which does not respond to the name of everything but which must know each object encountered in life through an adventure of perception. How many colors are there in a field of grass to the crawling baby unaware of 'Green'?

-Stan Brakhage

You’re the disease, and I’m the cure.
“I really have to feel that I could make a difference in the movie, or I shouldn't be doing it.“
Joe Dante

A system of cells interlinked
So a person having an Indian mother has some chance of becoming US president according to you . Her name Kamala is also Indian , meaning lotus flower which is election symbol of India's hindu nationalist party--BJP .

But most people in India are not in favour of her or Biden because Trump is more likely to help India to combat the Chinese armed forces camped threateningly against India in the himalayas .
A chance, sure. Just understand this was just an observation on the situation, and not any sort of statement of my position/hopes personally.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

We've gone on holiday by mistake
It seems to me as an outsider that AOC is on course to be a female President (first or not), though I believe she couldn't run until 2028 due to her young age, not sure how correct that is. Something about being 35 to be President or start a campaign.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I think Trump is pulling the fraud card because he doesn't want history to see someone like Joe Biden beat him fair and square. He doesn't want any blame. I would also hate being the guy who lost to Joe Biden, just like Hillary pulled her garbage, because she'll go down in history as losing to Trump (and Obama).

The few people I talk with (in person and online) seem to vote against their interests (what THEY say matters). I wanted Trump (who I disliked more before he became President) to win for reasons I probably shouldn't mention seeing the apprehension of keeping this thread going. Anyway, it would be too long to read. And no, I'm not a moderate or a Leninist accelerationist.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...I wanted Trump (who I disliked more before he became President) to win for reasons I probably shouldn't mention...
I think I know your reason: your upset that Bernie Sanders didn't get the Democratic nom last time around, so you blame the Democrats and embrace Trump out of sour grapes. Is that about right?

Trouble with a capital "T"
It seems to me as an outsider that AOC is on course to be a female President (first or not), though I believe she couldn't run until 2028 due to her young age, not sure how correct that is. Something about being 35 to be President or start a campaign.
AOC, I don't know if that's a person's initials or slang for something, what does it mean?