Is Hollywood afraid of the female form nowadays?


Some Bond girls (will have to take your word for it as I don't watch Bond movies) and a Terminator movie (though that girl is NOT flat) do not equate to "Hollywood being afraid of the female form."

i don't know if that's true or not, i mean, i don't pay much attention to it
i think that if you are an actress and the audience don't want to have sex with you the changes they'll cast you are low, at least in terms of commercial movies where the young people are the major target. is the typical culture of fear that is going on for a long time

i think that if you are an actress and the audience don't want to have sex with you the changes they'll cast you are low, at least in terms of commercial movies where the young people are the major target. is the typical culture of fear that is going on for a long time
Sad but definitely true.

Yes, it's true that actresses frequently get cast based on sex appeal, but how is that relevant to Hollywood's supposed fear of the female form?

Depends on what you think most men find attractive, I suppose, at least on aggregate. Anyway, just saying that particular part is true, whether it has applicability to the OP's claim or not.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Somebody help me out Ironpony meaning larger sized women when he says voluptuous? As in 20-30 extra pounds? Or is he meaning thinner women with large breast? Or is he meaning the way the movies present the female form I.E. tight fitting revealing clothes?

Depends on what you think most men find attractive, I suppose, at least on aggregate. Anyway, just saying that particular part is true, whether it has applicability to the OP's claim or not.
Sorry, that was directed more at JoaoRodrigues.

I think it goes without saying that sex appeal is a huge factor in the casting of many, even most, female roles. It's just not clear what relevance, if any, JoaoRodrigues's statement has to do with the subject of the thread.

Somebody help me out Ironpony meaning larger sized women when he says voluptuous? As in 20-30 extra pounds? Or is he meaning thinner women with large breast? Or is he meaning the way the movies present the female form I.E. tight fitting revealing clothes?
I'm not sure even he knows what he means when he says "voluptuous."

like a good boy i decided to make a google search: fat female actresses
i mean, call things by there name, i'm fat, obviously i occupy more f- volume
the names were nikki blonsky, gabourey sidibe, chrissy metz and queen latifah
i don't know about you, but the only one i knew was queen latifah, that isn't fat is heavy, and she didn't even appear in the google search, i knew her name, and i knew her name for a reason, and that reason is the reason i know her and the reason hollywood cast her in some movies

Weird is relative.
Rebel Wilson is a "curvy" girl as well who was in a Valentine's Day movie. I was actually really happy to see that a person with a "normal, everyday" appearance was the leading heroine for a romantic comedy. Plus, where I live, ladies who look like that are much more likely to find a lasting relationship or get married than women who look like me. (And maybe that's why I'm single. Ha.) And yes, they date good-looking guys, just like in the movie.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
It seems like everyone is afraid. I hear or read "You could NEVER make that today" at least once a day, while those same people will say how much they love "Blazing Saddles" and yet, will say something innocuous about a (fake) controversial comment. I guess I don't believe that they believe - its waiting for everyone else to answer, and follow suit (like Joe Biden on that debate stage). I'd like to tell them all they'd have almost nothing if there weren't guys with guts and talent. You wouldn't even have the chance to enjoy or even talk about the controversy of a movie in question. I wish Hollywood wouldn't condescend their audience - we aren't that bad. AND, when given a chance, people acknowledge great movies most of the time, and its a triumph for good taste.

Not to worry - Spielberg will make sure everything is a-ok.. How dare Netflix try and compete?!?

My wife and I were watching a horror movie some eight years ago. There was a young lady on the screen in her underwear who maybe, maybe weighed 90 pounds. (For comparison, my wife weighs about 180.) My wife couldn't help herself and she blurted out "For Heaven's sake, eat a cheeseburger!"

It was sooooo funny.

Not sure I'd agree with the OP's Bond girls examples, most of them in the Craig era have tended to be quite "voluptuous".

That said Hollywood as a whole does often seem to be guilty of the media obsession with ultra slim women seemingly picked up from haute fashion, there are exceptions but actresses being asked to slim down dispite not carrying much fat has come up quite a few times.

These days of course you could argue the body part that gets played up for sex appeal most is at the other end, for both genders.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Oh well I thought that the Craig era is the skinniest era so far, accept for Monica Belucci, but she is only in the movie for like 10 minutes, where as the more skinny and petite girl got the lead love interest role.

Oh well I thought that the Craig era is the skinniest era so far, accept for Monica Belucci, but she is only in the movie for like 10 minutes, where as the more skinny and petite girl got the lead love interest role.
Is Lea Seydoux that skinny? I'd say she's an example of someone who's avoided having to comform to that look and her, Belucci and indeed Eva Green are some of the actresses with some of the most famously sex heavy roles in recent years so it really doesn't seem like a case of Bond flms being "afraid of the female body" even if being non R there not going to show a great deal of it.

Elsewhere as mentioned having more female action stars is going to mean pushing towards more athletic builds but I wouldn't call them unsexy, if anything the reverse as superhero fllms feature a lot of idealised bodies female and male.

Going back to some of your earlier threads I would personally say Hollywood doesn't have an issue with "casual sexuality", if anything it tends to overuse it. What its much more afraid of is cinema were sex is a driving force of the story, as in something like Lost Highway. Whilst he might not show nearly as much I find the sex in Michael Bay's films more offensive and out of place than in Lynchs films.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...Whilst he might not show nearly as much I find the sex in Michael Bay's films more offensive and out of place than in Lynchs films.
Why so?...I'm not saying your wrong, I'm just curious as I've only seen 2 of his films: The Rock and Pearl Harbor and I don't remember anything odd about the sex in those films. But it's been years since I seen them.

Is Lea Seydoux that skinny? I'd say she's an example of someone who's avoided having to comform to that look
That's who I thought of straight away.

and her, Belucci and indeed Eva Green are some of the actresses with some of the most famously sex heavy roles in recent years
I noticed that too .

Why so?...I'm not saying your wrong, I'm just curious as I've only seen 2 of his films: The Rock and Pearl Harbor and I don't remember anything odd about the sex in those films. But it's been years since I seen them.
I'm thinking more of the Transformers films that had female characters who seemed to exist to do little other than wear cut off jeans. I mean in terms of what it was showing yes it was very mild compared to films some of the above actresses have done but things like The Dreamers or Blue is the Warmest Colour actually had sex closely bound up to the characters/plots. In Bay's films a lot of the women tend to barely even exist as characters, more trashy sex objects.

Again I think it seems to be a feature of US(and UK) culture generally that you get an overuse of sex in a casual fashion in the media to sell some other product. By comparison you could argue sex itself as a real focus is arguably under presented in cinema relative to its importance in society.

Trouble with a capital "T"
OK thanks, that's what I kinda thought you meant. I haven't seen any of the Transformer movies, so can't commit directly, but I can see what you're saying.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Yeah I agree on the Transformer movies that the female form is shown in too much close up and too exploitative there maybe.

It's hard to explain what I mean maybe, but it just seems that way for me that Hollywood is afraid of the female form now. What about the new Terminator movie as an example?

The female Terminator in T3, they weren't afraid to make look feminine and more voluptuous, but the new female Terminator is completely flat chested, and looks boyish compared to the T3 one. Is that a better example?