15th Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capital "T"
Do you think you'll do the reveal before Monday? Thursday?

just like to know when my Netflix mailing tipping point is (or you could do me a solid and PM the noms)
I can't PM you the noms as they are kept private until the reveal.

But, I can do the reveal on this Sunday night, that's tomorrow probably in the evening time. @rauldc14 can you get your nom to me by then?

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Will skip this one this time, but I'm keeping you under observation
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Well, I am pretty certain Miss Vicky has seen my nomination (I think I read something written about it somewhere on here), but I know Citizen Rules and cricket have not. And I am iffy about two other people in this as to whether or not they have seen it. I kind of hope not because I would like someone else to experience it as a first-time viewing.

I have been wanting to nominate this for the longest time and now I finally just got over the fear of any negativity towards the film and I am taking a chance with it.
Paint me intrigued!
Also, I love that Citizen is running this HOF. Raulduc was great the last go round and edarsenal was legendary for his 1970's HOF. I'm starting to enjoy these things.
been pretty frickin awesome having you, Joel!
I won't join but will try to participate on the sidelines... for the eight billionth time.

And Cosmic is in?!?! SWEEEET!!!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I know one of the other participants has already seen my nom, but from what I can tell none of the others who've signed up so far have seen it. I expect very mixed reactions to it.
very cool, always got a kick out of your mixed reaction noms

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Will skip this one this time, but I'm keeping you under observation
and we'll be observing YOUR observation while observing the, um, observing observation of before mentioned. . . observing. You. Us, Them.

I probably won't have time to commit to this but will be following it closely

Originally Posted by Iroquois
To be fair, you have to have a fairly high IQ to understand MovieForums.com.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I won't join but will try to participate on the sidelines... for the eight billionth time.
You're welcomed to hang out Swan and we always need more dialogue going in these Hofs, so hopefully you can check out some of the noms and comment.

I probably won't have time to commit to this but will be following it closely
Yam, ditto what I said to Swan. What we really need is more people interacting and discussion the films, as an Hof is not about winning it's about the group effort. So yeah add to the discussion when you can

I'm really looking forward to hearing these noms, hopefully tomorrow. Especially @Miss Vicky 's selection, just to see if I've seen it, so I can bust her chops a little.
If your lists are up to date, you haven't seen it.

If your lists are up to date, you haven't seen it.
I don't make lists. I watch movies and sometimes write reviews. I'm only a completist in the bedroom. Need my 40 winks.


Actually, I have made lists, and my bedroom habits consist of trying to sleep, often unsuccessfully. Sorry if that came off creepy. I was going for that vibe, but reconsidered. Damage Control, "for your health!"

I don't make lists. I watch movies and sometimes write reviews. I'm only a completist in the bedroom. Need my 40 winks.
Those are lists you check off, not make, but whatever.

Given what (admittedly little) I know of your tastes, I'd be surprised if you have watched my nomination.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Paint me intrigued!
It isn't going to be that big of a deal nomination for anyone else but me. I am just a tad bit nutty when it comes to this film for some absolutely crazy reason that I can't explain other than the fact that I simply love this film.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

I ended up going with a film that I haven't seen in a really long time, but unlike say, The Last Unicorn, this is a film that I know a number of other people legitimately like, without nostalgia clouding their judgment haha.

Without even looking at lists, I'm sure most here have seen it. Miss Vicky might not have, since I don't think she's really a big fan of films from that decade. I wanted to go with something more recent, but I'm just really in the mood to rewatch that movie, and nominating it is a good excuse to do so.

Also I probably couldn't have come up with a another nomination before the reveal tonight. Since yesterday evening I've become really sick and congested, so I can't really think very hard right now without getting a headache haha.

My selection is frankly shocking that it's never made a Hall of Fame list before. It is a foreign film but it launched a prolific and popular film makers career, was the sign of the new independent film movements, and yet still manages to feel like a big budget epic.