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Of all people...

How an internet overlord could be without a steady stream?

The People's Republic of Clogher
Frustrating isn't the word.

I'd been dropping connection whenever it got windy, and an engineer came out on Monday. He fixed a couple of things on the cable near the house then told me that he could see another fault on the cable .... then left. Things were no better - my router would be rebooting multiple times an hour when it was wet and windy, not unheard of in Tyrone in January.

Had another engineer here today who (hopefully) has fixed what the first guy couldn't. He said the line was damaged and moved me to an adjacent one. Apart from a brief drop after an hour's uptime (which might well be to do with my connection training itself to the new cable) it's been fine. I won't really know, however, until the next blowy day.

It's times like this I hate living in the country, and times like this when I realise just how reliant on the internet I am.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

there's a frog in my snake oil
I'm back in 2015. It is no less confusing...

That is a heartfelt song about living as a space whale.

These are the completely unironic creations of a SC fan called AdzAdama. He is something else.

Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

Just finished playing Life is Strange: Before the Storm. The ending involved me making one of the toughest decisions ever in a game.

WARNING: spoilers below
Took me a while to finally decide, but I chose to tell Rachel the truth. It was tough, but it's what I would've actually done if I was ever in that situation, so there ya go. Luckily I had Rachel's bracelet to give to her Mother, so I had the ending where she finally got to meet her. Needed that sliver of hope.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Follow-up: the wife and I finished The Dream Machine yesterday. I think we ended up playing it over the course of something like 4-5 years, though that's mainly because we stopped playing for a couple of years in the middle there (I think three of the eventual six episodes had been released when we started, and the last time we stopped they'd released four).
Wow, I own up through chapter 6 and also played a while (I have 7 hours in) and haven't touched it for ages! Time to get back in, I guess. Or did I get through all six chapters? I don't even remember! If it's only the six chapters, I should definitely get in there and finish it.

The Peterson Case

"Set in 1947. In a location near the Roswell UFO incident. You will play as an experienced detective who has been called in to find information and clues about a missing family. Franklin soon discovers that there is an unearthly presence within the house that is hot on his tail – but can he solve the crime before it’s too late?"

there's a frog in my snake oil
This is just my game. It's my favouriiiite game...

WARNING: spoilers below


It seems, although no one's quite sure, that this glitch involves ship debris getting stuck to players. (If it turns out that ships are actually turning back into 'jpegs' I might not stop giggling )

The People's Republic of Clogher
I've been spending the last week playing Monster Hunter World, aka: Unintuitive Menus: The Game.

I'd not played a Monster Hunter game since its debut way back on PS2 but World, with its promise of more accessibility allied to being on a console I actually own, looked like a must buy. A shining star in the new year lull.

It's great and frustrating in equal measure.

Loving: The monster variety, the myriad weapons and armours to craft, the online (when it works), the heft of combat, the palicos.

Not loving: The endless menus, the weird control scheme, the way that the tutorials contain so much text yet say so little.

I'm plugging away with it, even though I have the Shadow of the Colossus remake waiting to go, for a few more days at least. It's mainly the same Capcom crew who made Dragon's Dogma, a game I have a huge soft spot for, and in the absence of a new DD game, Monster Hunter World is scratching an itch.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I've been contemplating my retirement from videogames. The plan was to go out with a bang, the next Red Dead game.

Guess that won't be happening until after Oct 26.

Plenty of time to reconsider your choices

There was a huge gap in gaming for me between the PS1 and one day breaking down to buy the PS3 because a coworker introduced me to CoD MWII. That game was so great that I had to buy a system for it. Ended up buying MW1 by mistake (I had no idea there was a sequel, let alone a running franchise at that time!) and completing it. Every time I talked with my coworker about the level designs, he had no clue wtf I was talking about but kept nodding as if he did. It was a very weird several weeks. After completing it we finally realized the mix up.

I think I may have stopped playing again right at that point, just using the console for movies or Netflix access. Gaming comes and goes with me. I wish I had more devotion to it as I did when I was younger.

Anyway. What I've learned is that one never truly retires from gaming. So don't make it too long.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

What I've learned is that one never truly retires from gaming. So don't make it too long.
I will probably just start collecting retro board games. Then I won't worry about playing them, bc nobody wants to play boardgames.

In addition to RDR, I will have to play Detroit and FF VII...well, that one's not gonna make it on the PS4.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I got back seriously into games around the time of the 360/PS3 launches, mainly due to my accelerated decrepitude. In those pre-Netflix days it was an awful lot cheaper (in a cost per hour way) to buy a game and spend 40 hours on it than to buy or rent DVDs.

there's a frog in my snake oil
I was definitely sliding back out of games recently. Only Rocket League was giving me those online adrenaline kicks, and even that was becoming pretty rote. Nothing was laying down a red carpet on the escapism side, and the peak fun of co-op silliness (Majicka etc) only happened super rarely.

But then came VR . It's all the same gaminess. Just with different substrates, and real estates, unique qualia and delirium safaris. And many other ridiuclous words

Incommunicableness aside though... If the games keep maturing, and the next gen gets into living rooms over the next few years, don't be surprised if anyone who's flagging gets juiced right back up again

/bi-weekly rant

(^^and yes that's a Star Citizen meme. I've fulfilled my daily rant quota too )

there's a frog in my snake oil

Ok, forget all the legal ninjas. Some pretty seismic Star Citizen gossip just hit SomethingAwful. It purports to be a message from a dev:

Let me be clear and plain: mechanics for space flight, ground and space combat, trading and basic professions are 18 to 24 months away. This means out of our pre-alpha testbed and working how we want them to work. Notice that this might clash with how you, the backer, wants them to work.

18 to 24 months. For basic things. What this means, ultimately, is that things we've sold you -- things you have already purchased -- will have drastic changes and reductions. I'm not suggesting you refund; in fact, quite the opposite. In order to fulfil your earlier purchases -- even in reduced form -- we need you to pledge more. By internal estimates, we have another $200 million worth of tech that needs to be created, implemented, tested and released. This can take anywhere from 4 to 8 more years. 4 is best case, expecting no turnovers or unexpected problems -- which their always are.
Full thing here. Whether it's legit? Well 'TheAgent' does have a reasonable track record for insider leaks. He seems to be a dev working near their California offices who just quizzes old and new employees mercilessly. (It does read as something that a dev in this pressure cooker might write too. Politically naive perhaps, and not producer tier or anything, but high enough up the chain to be in on planning and production estimates etc. It seems possible to me. Although there are some doubts.)

I mean none of the above is surprising (dream designs reduced to reality, many more years even for minimum viable product etc...). But if legit, it's good to hear some straight talking


EDIT: I'm just going to chuck this Chris Roberts quote in too. Because, despite paying lip service to annual budgeting, it kinda backs up the 'rolling income' theme:

We run the business like a live business - we look at what we bring in every month, every year and plan our business by that. If that changed, we would change what we do. Outside the fact we're not finished or released, the company runs like we had an online game which was monetised every day. Which it essentially is - we have people joining every day, buying a starter pack or a ship. All the money we've raised dictates our budget - to a certain point where we have pretty much everything on our wishlist. Right now it's a very not-for-profit enterprise where we plough the money back in.

Have any of you played this?

Looks like something I'd enjoy. Plus it's only 4 bucks on steam right now. Eh, why not.

Have any of you played this?
I played Beholder for a bit, yeah. Kind of interesting for a short while, but I bailed on it after less than an hour. My (admittedly fuzzy) memory is that it seemed really linear: you're basically told what to do, and when you're not, you're actively confused about what you should be doing.

Given the emphasis on choice, it's possible there are some good payoffs later on, but I didn't stick around to find out.

Definitely the kind of game I would've played through back in the day, but which is a casualty of the sheer number of great games available now.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I've been contemplating my retirement from videogames. The plan was to go out with a bang, the next Red Dead game.

Guess that won't be happening until after Oct 26.
I see myself scaling back a bit. I'm getting way too many games and I don't have enough time to play them all. I got the new COD WWII game, but I never finished BLOPS3. That's a first for me, not finishing a COD campaign.

What I have on the back burner to play:

Batman: Arkham Origins
Batman: Arkham Knight
Battlefield 1
Dark Souls III
Life is Strange
Metal Gear V
Dues Ex
Just Cause 3
Sly Cooper Collection

I have all these games and here I am playing either Rocket League or Fortnite.

Huge into the Fortnite right now.

"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I played Beholder for a bit, yeah. Kind of interesting for a short while, but I bailed on it after less than an hour. My (admittedly fuzzy) memory is that it seemed really linear: you're basically told what to do, and when you're not, you're actively confused about what you should be doing.

Given the emphasis on choice, it's possible there are some good payoffs later on, but I didn't stick around to find out.

Definitely the kind of game I would've played through back in the day, but which is a casualty of the sheer number of great games available now.
Really? I was expecting a bit more freedom, considering it's supposed to be heavy on decision making. Maybe you're right, it might improve on that as the game progresses. I hope so, anyway. Either way it's something to do, I guess.