James Cameron Probably Hates You


The Adventure Starts Here!
I don't remember filmmaking details -- just that we laymen got to hear him say that Avatar was going to change how films were made from that point on. I figure nobody should hype anything as much as he did because you can never live up to the expectations. And he didn't.

I don't remember filmmaking details -- just that we laymen got to hear him say that Avatar was going to change how films were made from that point on. I figure nobody should hype anything as much as he did because you can never live up to the expectations. And he didn't.

I got the impression that he thought that human beings would be so inspired by his movie that we'd be moved to treat our own planet well.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I don't remember filmmaking details -- just that we laymen got to hear him say that Avatar was going to change how films were made from that point on. I figure nobody should hype anything as much as he did because you can never live up to the expectations. And he didn't.
I dont think he took into account the huge number of the cinema going population who are stereo blind (I read an article about this when vatar first came out) and refuse to watch 3D because it scrambles their brain - migraines, seizures, vertigo etc.

Thnks for the segway linkies. Will have a read. This should be fun.

The most loathsome of all goblins
I got the impression that he thought that human beings would be so inspired by his movie that we'd be moved to treat our own planet well.
Didn't he also say something about creating the first animated character that nerdy boys would rose their palms to?

I guess he never saw Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Didn't he also say something about creating the first animated character that nerdy boys would rose their palms to?

I guess he never saw Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Yeah, the delusions were strong with him in this one.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Just back to the segway hype for a sec, that's amazing but I must say, I've never seen one 'in the flesh', not even in an american shopping mall, and I had no idea a segway killed the creator. Fascinating. Thanks again, Mama Yods, and Yoda cant smack our bums for hijacking because you're the culprit this time LOL.

Back to Jim and his ideas on revolutionising film, I think he's of the mindset because he has such a mammoth ego that what he loves the entire audience will love. He lives in his own head, but that's OK because from what I've been told, he's an utter genius, and an absolute perfectionist and work-a-holic (which is no doubt what gets so many people offside. You can see it in the making of Abyss where someone calls for a break after some incredibly lengthy day of shooting and he says something like No, I'm good to continue for another few hours. LOL. Bro said that if he decided to make a movie about a brain surgeon, by the end of the shoot he'd know more about brain surgery than the surgeon.

He hasn't directed a movie worth watching in 20-30 years depending on how you feel about Titanic.
Letterboxd | ReverseShot | SlantMagazine

He seems to do everything "right" and goes above and beyond on a technical level, which is awesome, but there is something missing. As detail oriented as he is, he misses human details and those are the most important thing in a story about pleasing the planet, etc. He glosses over with some version of humanity and particularity, but nothing that ever made me laugh.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
He hasn't directed a movie worth watching in 20-30 years depending on how you feel about Titanic.
Or Aliens, or The Abyss, or T2

The Terminator and Aliens are fun but i don't really feel like seeing them again, not for a long while anyway. Hate the rest, haven't seen The Abyss though.

Remember this thread - https://www.movieforums.com/communit...hlight=cameron

Wonder if Yoda was trying to hold back his material for this essay in that thread

Also i've not read the essay yet so that comment may not make sense haha.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
The Terminator and Aliens are fun but i don't really feel like seeing them again, not for a long while anyway. Hate the rest, haven't seen The Abyss though.

Remember this thread - https://www.movieforums.com/communit...hlight=cameron

Wonder if Yoda was trying to hold back his material for this essay in that thread

Also i've not read the essay yet so that comment may not make sense haha.
The essay is a mighty fine read. I read it a few times. And The Abyss is really good (but typically cheesy as is his want to do) as is The Making Of.

You mean me? Kei's cousin?
The Terminator and Aliens are fun but i don't really feel like seeing them again, not for a long while anyway. Hate the rest, haven't seen The Abyss though.

Remember this thread - https://www.movieforums.com/communit...hlight=cameron

Wonder if Yoda was trying to hold back his material for this essay in that thread

Also i've not read the essay yet so that comment may not make sense haha.
You hate T2 and True Lies?
Look, Dr. Lesh, we don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.

Has this been published elsewhere, @Yoda?

I swear down I saw this trending on Facebook about 25 minutes ago and now I can't find it on there.
I linked it on Facebook; if you saw it trending, well, that'd be nice if it really were, but I'm guessing it's just a personalized algorithm.

You really should use a gif/video from the movie we are talking about. Dunno it always feels out of place and like a missed opportunity when you use a gif from The X Files when we are talking about Alien.

Ah, found it now... I think it was in my trending because I've "Liked" MoFo on FB and the post has 1 share as well.

I'm sorry but... who gives a flying f**k? He could be the biggest twat on the planet, it doesn't change the fact that The Terminator, T2, Aliens and True Lies are all in my all time top 10 films and likely always will be. True he's long since passed his prime nowadays, but that doesn't diminish what he achieved while he was in his prime. Maybe a few more directors should be total jerks if they could have a filmography like that...