Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Battles Without Honor and Humanity saga by Kinji Fukasaku
Great Yakuza saga. The second one was my favorite and I love the way that Shozo Hirono ends his yakuza career.

The Samurai Trilogy by Yoji Yamada
The Twilight Samurai - 09/10 (Beautiful)
The Hidden Blade - 08/10
Love and Honor - 07/10

Not sure if I follow...


Kim Yun-seok is a BADASS in every damn movie

The Vengeance Trilogy by Chan-Wook Park
Sympathy for Mr. Vengerance - 09/10 (Holy ****)
Oldboy - 10/10 (One of my favorite films)
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance - 06/10


Favorite Serial Killer movie!

The Bib-iest of Nickels

Edit: This is not the Movie You're Watching Tonight thread. You'll have to wait on my rating.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I give Roth credit for actually going into the Amazon and shooting with real tribes.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

That's definitely his best film.
Eli Roth is at his best is when he makes movies about slashing nude womens throats and have other nude women find pleasure in it, little kids playing soccer with people's heads and women cutting off penises and feeding it to dogs... Geesh, yeah, what a talent.

Eli Roth is at his best is when he makes movies about slashing nude womens throats and have other nude women find pleasure in it, little kids playing soccer with people's heads and women cutting off penises and feeding it to dogs... Geesh, yeah, what a talent.
I agree. Far superior to that James Wan hack.

I agree. Far superior to that James Wan hack.
I'm a fan of both... but please James Wan's a beast
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

USS Indianapolis: Men Of Courage

Straight of the bat this was awful, immediately we are thrown into a battle that the Syfy channel would be proud of. Then it just got more sketchy, . I knew it would be bad but I had some faint glimmer of hope, considering the hefty story it would have some redeeming features... nope. Directed by Mario Van Peebles.... you did hear that correctly. Avoid at all costs.


Welcome to the human race...
Undisputed III: Redemption -

Very easy to read this as a staunchly anti-Putin film.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
... immediately we are thrown into a battle that the Syfy channel would be proud of.
Thanks for the warning, made me laugh.
"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
Goodfellas - 10/10 - I've had this movie on Blu-Ray for a while but never watched it. Not sure why. Maybe the length was too much at the time? I don't know, but I'm glad I did get to watching it!

What can I say? Martin Scorsese is excellent at making gangster movies, and the acting, story, dialogue, editing, just everything about this movie was perfect - and it's BOATS, for those who love true stories! I can see why it was nominated for Best Picture, but until I see Dances with Wolves, I can't fully say that it should've won (but just pitting it against all the 1990 movies I have seen, it definitely wins).

So yes, Goodfellas is highly recommended if you haven't seen it already - just be sure no kids are around, as this movie does have a lot of language and violence involved, which is honestly typical of a gangster movie.
Coming in 2017: two short films and (maybe) another feature-length film. More details another time.

Late to the game but finally saw it. As someone raised on the original trilogy since I was 4, I have known for two decades the set up for A New Hope. Chasing a Rebel Cruiser with a Star Destroyer blasting away at it's back. Now I get to see the build up to this epic opening scene. And I was not disappointed. At least not over all. Okay first off I will admit that this was a good movie. I had worries from the outset when certain people started to loose their minds and jumped aboard the hype train. I stayed in wait and see mode until the release. Ultimately I like the film, but the flick is really a movie of two halves.

The first half was not that great. I did like the set up and the opening. An imperial weapons designer and engineer in hiding is found by the Empire and they need him to go back to work on the Death Star so construction can be completed. They kill his wife, his kid (named Jin) runs to safety and he goes back to work for the project. This is fine. It is the rest of the first half I have issues with. Jin grows up to be a badass fighter but can't comprehend she could be used as collateral in the war against her Dad, develops some abandonment issues and checks out of the fight after her guardian Saw leaves her in a bunker with weapons and food. This seemed like a weak excuse to turn Jin into "I don't care about the war" mode. Especially when you witness your own mom die. Now battle fatigue and PTSD I can understand but her reasoning for turning criminal after freedom fighting was pretty damn weak. The rest of the cast is fine especially K2SO. But still certain characters needed some tweeking. Namely Jin and Saw. They label Saw a militant and fanatic but he does not do anything really extreme outside of a tentacle monster mind rape. Which was kinda silly. A few character motivations needed to be ironed out. Also, CGI Grand Moff Tarkin was kinda distracting. I really hope this does not become a thing. Credit where credit is due, CGI Leia was WAY better. And why the hell were the rocks falling so slowly after the planet's surface gets blown up after the first test of the Death Star? Pretty sure they had similar gravity to every other planet in the galaxy.

Then we get to the second half which is WAY better. You reunite daughter and Dad, back to Yavin 4 for a report, and then it is off to the movie's finale which is bloody epic! THIS is why you see the movie. THIS made the movie. My gripes about certain characters aside I still got invested in the final battle and the flick was all the better for it. A return to a grand space battle, dog fights between TIE fighters and X-Wings, Y-Wings, and the rest of the alphabet soup wings was great! And guess who is back in black? And it ain't AC/DC. Garth Edwards brought back James Earl Jones for Darth Vader officially making the Sith badass and menacing again.

Overall I dig the flick with my own beefs about the first half. But dammit all to hell it was entertaining.

Welcome to the human race...
They label Saw a militant and fanatic but he does not do anything really extreme outside of a tentacle monster mind rape. Which was kinda silly.