The MoFo Top 100 Sci-Fi Movies

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I'm watching some. I just have Existenz left to get to 100% on the current Sci-Fi list, plus I want to watch Westworld, Timecrimes, the Solaris remake, and a couple others.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I'd recommend The Solaris remake to GBG if she hasn't seen it. I liked it.

I've seen the Solaris remake, and I liked it a lot. It's going to be close to making my list, but it might just miss the cut. I'm not sure yet, but it has a chance.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
At least I recommended a movie you did like

Now try to think of a movie that I'll like, but I haven't seen yet. I already have a long list of movies that are strong candidates for my list, so you're going to have to think hard to find one that will break into my top 25 sci-fi movies.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
If anyone has any sci-fi movie recommendations, now would be the best time to suggest them.
The Fifth Element (1997), Snowpiercer (2013)

I watched Snowpiercer for the Sci-Fi HoF, but I didn't like it.

I think I've seen bits and pieces of The Fifth Element on TV over the years, but I've never seen the whole movie. Now would be a good time to finally watch the whole movie.

Thanks for the recommendations.

I didn't see these potential "exceptions" listed on the front page, though I haven't gone back and read through all twenty pages, either. So if these are duplicates, I apologize, but going by the criteria that the IMDb lists "Sci-Fi" as one of the first three genres in its categorization (whatever secret metric they are using for that), these movies are NOT considered Science Fiction but all would likely appear on my first long list of potential nominees...

The Hidden (1987)
Tremors (1990)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
V for Vendetta (2005)
Safety Not Guaranteed (2012)
Midnight Special (2016)

Some of those seem obvious, but since the IMDb didn't list them, I'm just double checking before I start to whittle my list down to twenty-five.

Also, I don't see anything about a cutoff for date as a criteria for eligibility. The lists aren't due until February 10th, but is anything released up until then fair game? Does it cut off at January 1st?

Obviously the biggest danger of submitting movies that are in current release or about to be released is that the entire MoFo voting pool won't necessarily have access to a movie for many months or longer, after its wide release in the theaters. If you think Denis Villeneuve's Arrival is good enough having seen it once or twice in recent weeks or Morten Tyldum's Passengers which doesn't open until December 21st, but you think they are good enough that they would make your top twenty-five list, you have to know going in that many MoFos who may potentially love it may not even see it until mid or late next year, or even longer. And eight ballots have already been turned in.

But besides that inherent risk of including a very recent release, is there an official date beyond which no movie, no matter how much you like it, isn't eligible?

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Holden, i'm pretty sure all of those count. You have to scroll down past storyline on the IMDB page and it lists additional genres. Nope says if it's listed as sci-fi there it counts. Eternal Sunshine for example is listed as Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Sci Fi if you scroll further down -

Anyone who hasn't see Danny Boyle's "Sunshine", might want to.

Holden, I'm pretty sure all of those count. You have to scroll down past storyline on the IMDB page and it lists additional genres. Nope says if it's listed as sci-fi there it counts. Eternal Sunshine for example is listed as Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Sci-Fi if you scroll further down -
Ah, cool. I didn't get the memo that it just has to be considered Sci-Fi somewhere in its IMDb listing, beyond those first three mentions up top. Thanks! So going by that criteria, of those six V for Vendetta, Tremors, and Safety Not Guaranteed still don't fit and would need exceptions...

Not sure why V for Vendetta’s dystopian world is not considered Sci-Fi there but 1984, Fahrenheit 451, Brazil, A Clockwork Orange, Soylent Green, and any number of others are? Seems to me you allow this one, too, or disqualify them all?

Tremors is classified as “comedy” and “horror” by the IMDb, but not as Sci-Fi. Seems like an oversight, to me. We don’t get an answer as to what the origins of the “Grabboids” are here (not sure if they get into it in the sequels or TV series as I only saw pieces of those projects in passing), but it doesn’t really matter if they are prehistoric relics, something caused by accidental radiation, Hellspawn, or from outer space. If the IMDb lists the original King Kong (1933) as Sci-Fi as well as more modern monster movies like The Host, Cloverfield, and The Mist, why wouldn’t Tremors be in a similar vein, genre wise? Big deadly monster of unknown origin counts as Sci-Fi, to me.

Safety Not Guaranteed gets IMDb tags for “comedy”, “drama”, and “romance”, all of which are apt, but it does also involve a time machine and time travel. True, the movie keeps the viewer guessing whether the machine exists/works or is simply a delusion of the supposed inventor, but spoiler alert….it works. That intentional ambiguity and deviation from the genre tropes and tone is what made the movie so delightful, for me. I may very well be the only person here who wants to vote for this one, anyway, but I’d appreciate a ruling, all the same.

I think Nope should add the extra listed genres on IMDB thing to the first post to avoid further confusion. Most of the discussion about it happened in the Sci-Fi Recommendations thread i started -

With it being 20 pages long (which is also the reason i listed all of the suggestions in the first post) it's understandable that people wouldn't want to read it all and it is something important that everyone should know before making their list.

He also said that if someone makes a good case for a film that is not listed Sci-Fi on iMDB he would consider it. Personally, i'd say all three of those should count. Surprised none of them are listed as Sci-Fi when you consider some of the films that are.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...If anyone has any sci-fi movie recommendations, now would be the best time to suggest them.
I went through my master list of sci fi movies, that I think are great and copied the titles that I 'think' you might like but haven't seen?

Apollo 18 (2011)..'found footage' movie, I liked it not sure if you would
Cherry 2000 (1987)
Dark City (1998)
Fantastic Voyage (1966)
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1994)
Never Let Me Go (2010)
Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964)
The Monolith Monsters (1957) (the monsters are rock crystals)
The Spirit of '76 (1990)
When Worlds Collide (1951)

Which of these have you seen? your thoughts?

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Is anybody watching Sci-Fi for this? I was but I'm in a 1940s mode right now. I will try and get back to it though.
Have gone through some, but not as much as I want to yet. These are the one I've seen so far:

The City of lost Children
Dark City
Solaris '76 (30 min so far)
Solaris '02
20,000 leagues under the sea
Journey to the center of the earth
The time machine
Time after time
Fantastic voyage
The thirteenth floor
Twelve Monkeys
La Jeteé
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

If anyone has any sci-fi movie recommendations, now would be the best time to suggest them.
Out of what you haven't crossed off on your Sci-Fi list, I think you might like The Abyss and The Andromeda Strain.

Out of my favorites, you might not like any of them.