The Election News and Predictions Thread


"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
No doubt more harassment charges will come out in the future against Trump and some will go to court. It could be his downfall.
... and I know exactly what he's going to say to his lawyers...

"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

No problem with what you say, Naisy. I'm just wondering why these things are being said about 1 party after the election, instead of both party's before the election.

No problem with what you say, Naisy. I'm just wondering why these things are being said about 1 party after the election, instead of both party's before the election.
I was one of the few people who posted Anti-Clinton stuff in her thread when no one was reading it so yeah i'm really not a Clinton supporter. Both were terrible and i don't think you guys were going to win either way; should've listened to me and voted for Vermin Supreme

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
So? I don't see the point. How much truth does there need to be?
Hopefully, a tad more than the amount that Angie saw in Brad's child abuse.

No problem with what you say, Naisy. I'm just wondering why these things are being said about 1 party after the election, instead of both party's before the election.
I live halfway around the world and I would hear all this stuff daily. don't get me wrong I am pretty sure the scenes would be just as ugly had Trump lost. Hillary's stupid emails and shady crap, Trumps pussygate and ignorant comments. All these things have been being said constantly for the last year and they will continue to be. The people that wanted "change" and to tear down the machine will get their wish but god only knows what the price for the world will be.

I was one of the few people who posted Anti-Clinton stuff in her thread when no one was reading it so yeah i'm really not a Clinton supporter. Both were terrible and i don't think you guys were going to win either way; should've listened to me and voted for Vermin Supreme
I posted something there once too.
Then, after that, no one else posted anything...
...for a long, long time.

I posted something there once too.
Then, after that, no one else posted anything...
...for a long, long time.
Yeah, you killed that thread. Hillary would've lost a few more states if you didn't post there

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Also, you don't have to be born in the USA to run for President. So Schwarzenegger 100% can run for the Presidency.
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Also, you don't have to be born in the USA to run for President. So Schwarzenegger 100% can run for the Presidency.
Pretty sure you have to be born to US Citizens though. Something like that, correct me if i'm wrong Americans?

Ted Cruz was born in Canada but was able to run because his parents were US Citizens living in Canada i believe, same thing with George Romney who was born in Mexico.

There's probably some truth to it, and there's probably some lies. He was already a huge public figure, so the timing of these women coming out stinks all to hell.

But seriously, rating women on their looks? What guy hasn't done that at some point?

Remember that Trump was in the entertainment business, and sex is in pretty much every artistic medium. You don't think your idols Britney and Shakira use sex? Was there anything wrong with Megyn Kelly talking about her breasts' nicknames and her sex life on the Howard Stern Show?

If Clinton won, would you be saying the same about her husband, who would have had a role In the economy?
Again you`re using clinton as if im talking about Trump because im a support of hers.Im anti Trump of his own doing.

As for the women coming forward,i can only echo Camo and the others. Also that when the first person comes forward its easier for the others as seen with multiple other cases.

And im not talking about being a sexual being,or talking about your own body and your own sexlife,im talking about someone who humiliates and degrade others based on gender,to use the oh but hes a man,every man does it -excuse is pretty disgusting tbh. I genuinely dont know alot of 60 year olds who talk like that.or men in general actually. You need to update yourself on what its like to be a woman and the BS we have to deal with.
Britney is my favorite

Again you`re using clinton as if im talking about Trump because im a support of hers.Im anti Trump of his own doing.

As for the women coming forward,i can only echo Camo and the others. Also that when the first person comes forward its easier for the others as seen with multiple other cases.

And im not talking about being a sexual being,or talking about your own body and your own sexlife,im talking about someone who humiliates and degrade others based on gender,to use the oh but hes a man,every man does it -excuse is pretty disgusting tbh. I genuinely dont know alot of 60 year olds who talk like that.or men in general actually. You need to update yourself on what its like to be a woman and the BS we have to deal with.
I'll tell you what, because of work I have done with women, I can tell you I'm probably more sensitive to the objectification of women than 99% of the men out there. It's fine if you don't like Trump, but if it's because you think he's a sexist and racist, and you are a Clinton supporter, than you are most certainly a hypocrite. Going by what we know, Bill Clinton is definitely more of a sexist and sexual deviant than Donald Trump. You may say well he wasn't running for president, true, but he was going to have a prominent role in the White House. As far as being racist, I would say that there's more proof out there of Clinton being one than Trump.

But ive already said im not a clinton support several times,im just anti trump
and just because you think someone is worse does not make his own behavior acceptable

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Very interesting...

2018: A Democrat Nightmare

By Peter Skurkiss

Looking ahead to 2018, the shoe will be on the other foot. For then, of the 33 Senate seats up for grabs, only 8 are Republican and 25 are Democrat, which includes two liberal independents who caucus with the Democrats, one being crazy Bernie.

To make matters worse for the Democrats, many of the seats they have to defend in 2018 are in Trump country – Indiana, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, West Virginia, Florida, Ohio, and so on. And if Mitch McConnell, love him or hate him, is half the master Senate tactician he is said to be, he should be able to engineer votes to make vulnerable Democrats even more vulnerable.

But ive already said im not a clinton support several times,im just anti trump
and just because you think someone is worse does not make his own behavior acceptable
I'll agree with you on that.

Now that he's won the election and will be the president and a major world leader, it's time to stop the bellyaching, respect his position, and give him a chance.

sorry i dont agree with that.
now that hes won the election,will be the president and a world leader,its even more important to speak up about it.

sorry i dont agree with that.
now that hes won the election,will be the president and a world leader,its even more important to speak up about it.
Well personally, with knowing you're not an American, I find your attacks towards our future president very insulting, and that they carry over to our country, and the over 60 million people that voted for him.

I found your comment "I don't care if America eats itself alive" to be particularly offensive.

You should keep your insults to yourself.

Looks like she won the popular vote, the one that should count
This. Not that I'm not "content" with the results.

Some decent arguments can be made against the Electoral College. But it's annoying to see a lot of people suggest no good ones can be made for it. It has obvious benefits, and it's clear that most of the people who don't like it have essentially forgotten (if they ever knew) just what "United States" was really supposed to mean.

The problem is that people think of the U.S. as just one place. But it's not just one place chopped up into arbitrary sections: it's supposed to be lots of little mini-countries with some umbrella policies over them. When you remember (or realize) that, it makes perfect sense that we have a mechanism that equalizes their standing somewhat and forces the President to appeal to a broad cross-section of them, rather than just campaigning in high-population areas and only catering to their concerns.

Think of it more like the United Nations: every country gets one vote, because the whole point is to create a place where everyone's concerns are, at least theoretically, given the same kind of hearing. Since American states are not quite as independent from one another as nation states, the Electoral College splits the difference by equalizing some, but still weighting for population. It's a pretty ingenuous compromise, really, but admittedly one that only makes sense if you remember the original point of the system and actually, you know, value Federalism rather than centralized power.
My own personal belief has been for decades that the electoral college is a hold out from the U.S. distant past, when people could not readily travel to towns to vote, so a 'delegate/represented vote was needed.
This, of course, is the flip side of being skeptical of power. Huge distinction between being skeptical of people in power, and being skeptical of the entire system.

It's also really galling, on both sides, when people's response to results is to say the system is broken, when we can still elect whoever we want. We should all self-reflect on what vices allowed our choice to come down to these two candidates in the first place, rather than blame an electoral system that worked incredibly well for hundreds of years, through massive social upheaval.

Democracy works great when the people are thoughtful and pay attention, but it can't protect them from themselves.
I remain thoroughly unconvinced. What system of government can even be expected to function properly if it operates at such a distance that it's decisions can affect it's citizens, but it's citizens' decisions can't affect it?

We're living in a world where an institution can pass a law on one side of the country and the other side of the country is simply expected to go out of their way to find means to even HEAR about it. People need access to newspapers or websites, which are filtered through political bias, just to make sure the government hasn't stabbed them in the back when they weren't looking!

How the **** is the average person supposed to make informed voting decisions, LET ALONE be held accountable for the selection of party candidates when it's the dominant hierarchy that's abstracted out the decision making process for them!?

It's not democracy, it's perverted bureaucratic garbage!
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This. Not that I'm not "content" with the results.

I remain thoroughly unconvinced. What system of government can even be expected to function properly if it operates at such a distance that it's decisions can affect it's citizens, but it's citizens' decisions can't affect it?

We're living in a world where an institution can pass a law on one side of the country and the other side of the country is simply expected to go out of their way to find means to even HEAR about it. People need access to newspapers or websites, which are filtered through political bias, just to make sure the government hasn't stabbed them in the back when they weren't looking!

How the **** is the average person supposed to make informed voting decisions, LET ALONE be held accountable for the selection of party candidates when it's the dominant hierarchy that's abstracted out the decision making process for them!?

It's not democracy, it's perverted bureaucratic garbage!
This argument seems extremely antiquated. People now can be as informed or uninformed as they desire.

Well personally, with knowing you're not an American, I find your attacks towards our future president very insulting, and that they carry over to our country, and the over 60 million people that voted for him.

I found your comment "I don't care if America eats itself alive" to be particularly offensive.

You should keep your insults to yourself.
Well that comment goes hand in hand with your first comment. You did vote for him,fully knowing what he said and done.
as you said,hes now one of many world leader,which means despite us not having a vote the rest of us have to put up with his attitude aswell so the youre not an american argument doesnt hold up,and quite frankly suggesting people from other countries cant have an opinion about a president or someone in charge of another country is ridiculous.
and the fact that youre now not supposed to be critical or offiensive towards him because his now president just proofs my point earlier.