Random Poll: Alfred Hitchcock vs. Stanley Kubrick


Alfred Hitchcock vs. Stanley Kubrick
13 votes
Alfred Hitchcock
19 votes
Stanley Kubrick
32 votes. You may not vote on this poll

As much as I love The Shining and Full Metal Jacket, I don't really rate the rest of Kubrick's stuff.

Hitchcock all the way. I don't think he ever made a film I couldn't watch.

But, to answer the question:

It's hard to compare them. Kubrick made way less movies than Hitchcock, but managed to make masterpieces Hitchcock could only dream of. On the other hand, he also made some weaker films and so did Hitchcock, but Hitchcock's consistency throughout the years was impressive (perhaps only Bergman beats him to it). He made an amazing movie in 1927 - The Lodger, as well, as 33 later - Psycho, which only shows how good he was. I'm far from calling Hitchcock just a mere craftsman like Bergman did, but I think Kubrick was a greater auteur. Also a better director. Besides, Hitchcock never made 2001 or Barry Lyndon.

Kubrick, I choose you!

PS: Entirely subjective here, obviously.

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Full Metal Jacket, A Clockwork Orange and Paths of Glory are the only films of Kubrick that I actually enjoy. Hitchcock has North by Northwest, The Birds, Psycho, Rear Window, Vertigo, Dial M for Murder, Spellbound and Family Plot, and I enjoy them all. Hitchcock is winner.
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Both provided a hallowed horror classic, Psycho and The Shining.
Kubrick let loose an energizing force that steamrolls Psycho

Hitchcock's work was so polished and clearly well-produced and professional, but I dont know, I don't have a lot of fun watching his movies.

In this battle of master film wizard dudes I give a decisive win for Mr. Kubrick, his work feels more extraordinary to me.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Edward D. Wood, Jr. Only Wood could be genius enough to use a shower curtain and an enormous circular slide rule in a cockpit.

Plus Wood has the ultimate good vs. evil battle of any director - and the ultimate twist is you didn't realize which was which, right, Leviticus?
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

While I consider myself a decent fan of both, I think they are both pretty damn overrated. I'll choose Kubrick because I like style.

Kubrick all the way. Hitchcock made some good movies but his style feels so outdated and insular to me. Kubrick is more of an universal director who appeals to people outside of the time and place of his lifetime.

I have the utmost respect for Hitchcock, but I'd rather watch Kubrick any day of the week.
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