Captain America: Civil War


No, but I think the former poster made the point about how you can let it pass in a cartoon as a tool of artistic representation to show emotion.

Comic artists have been doing this from the beginning. Some artists were successful at very subtly showing changes of emotion to Iron Man's mask for instance - when in "reality," it's a metal mask - it's eyes can't widen, it's mouth hole can't frown or grimace.

It's a bit different with "live action."
I'm not saying they can't get away with it, just that we process live action differently (- under a different set of parameters of what's allowed and what's not, what can happen and what can't -) than we do with still art or animation. We are far more willing to accept representative symbology in drawings whereas we have a bit more of a hard time mixing animation aspects with live action and accepting it as a visual reality.
Oh gosh Dude, theres an easy explanation why his eyes can now show expression in the movies like in comics. Peter Parker , inventor of the web shooter fluid, invented a mask which is melded with a mood ring Now all doubts you have are erased.

I'm half-half on the Tom Holland casting. On the one hand, I'm a bit annoyed we're returning to high school Peter Parker, AGAIN, for the umpteeth time when there's such a rich history of stories to be told in the Spiderverse beyond highschool, but on the other hand, I saw that clip of Tom doing his parkour/athletic video and he looks just flexible enough to play Spidey, and I am kinda interested too in seeing an actual teenager playing a TEENAGE Peter Parker, not a 20 year old actor, for once.

If I have a choice though, I'd rather move on from the high school Parker years, but what we have here, eh, it's not the worst casting yet.

Oh gosh Dude, theres an eay explanation why his eyes can now show expression in the movies like in comics. Peter Parker , inventor of the web shooter fluid, invented a mask which is melded with a mood ring Now all doubts you have are erased.
The thing is, one of the reasons you see the current suit being so low-tech in the trailer was that they wanted to make a suit that seems believable for a teenager to create without super high-tech stuff. The simple suit design you saw in the trailer works perfectly to the effect. The eyes that can mechanically transform with Peter's expressions, on the other hand? Way too high tech, which is contrary to their original intention. Oh well.

As I said a couple pages back with Spidey's eyes... I hear that he is just starting out as Spiderman, and has a homemade suit...

And Tony Stark builds a more effective Spidey-Suit for Parker... so the eye thing might be some sort of genius piece of mechanics/robotics/tech on Stark's behalf.

As I said a couple pages back with Spidey's eyes... I hear that he is just starting out as Spiderman, and has a homemade suit...

And Tony Stark builds a more effective Spidey-Suit for Parker... so the eye thing might be some sort of genius piece of mechanics/robotics/tech on Stark's behalf.
That makes sense, though if this is true, it's a real shame that they don't use this as an excuse to insert the Iron Spider suit. I'm dying to see it on-screen in live action form just for once.


Watch the trailer again guys... when Spidey's eyes change, there's a high pitched electronic buzz type sound.

His eyes are robotic lenses... hence, Stark has probably built the suit for him.

Check out the outside edge of the eyes... there's a line... the white of the eyes filled that area, and got smaller with that *fssk* sound and left behind a black area...

I don't think they dare make tony as bad a villain as in the comic. I think spiderman only has a cameo. If anyone switches sides it will be black widow.

I don't think they dare make tony as bad a villain as in the comic. I think spiderman only has a cameo. If anyone switches sides it will be black widow.
That would be such a boring storyline though. I hope it would not happen. I hope they stick to the comics, more interesting. Besides, it's a Captain America movie. Cap shouldn't be the bad guy, and somebody has to be one or there wouldn't be a definite conclusion to the fight.

The Goal is too make us still like Tony and Cap but like all families they are having a a fight and things will have to happen for the family to fix there issues.

Watch the trailer again guys... when Spidey's eyes change, there's a high pitched electronic buzz type sound. His eyes are robotic lenses... hence, Stark has probably built the suit for him.
I watched it too! I was kind of suggesting he was not going to be on the movie, as in the big scene where they are everyone together, he was still missing BUT IT'S OFFICIAL NOW.

Also you are right, Stark must have helped him with that. I still remember this pic, amazing!

I think they should have gone older with the Spiderman casting... yes I know Andrew Garfield is 55, but he was playing a college student.

There will not be truly good or bad guys, IMO. Viewers will be free to choose whose side they would be on, just like in civil war.
There's only you and me and we just disagree.

The goal of the comic was to not have a good or bad side, and let readers pick. I think the movie will try the same thing. Of course, anybody who read the comic knows that they completely failed at that goal and made Iron Man an obvious villain, but hopefully the movie turns out better. I can't see Spiderman getting a large part. It might even be just that fight scene. Too many characters already-they need to put a lot of time into Black Panther, he's going to be a leader in Phase 3.

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.

Watch the trailer again guys... when Spidey's eyes change, there's a high pitched electronic buzz type sound.

His eyes are robotic lenses... hence, Stark has probably built the suit for him.

Check out the outside edge of the eyes... there's a line... the white of the eyes filled that area, and got smaller with that *fssk* sound and left behind a black area...

"Don't make his suit green ... or animated."

Raven73's Avatar
Boldly going.

Watch the trailer again guys... when Spidey's eyes change, there's a high pitched electronic buzz type sound.

His eyes are robotic lenses... hence, Stark has probably built the suit for him.

Check out the outside edge of the eyes... there's a line... the white of the eyes filled that area, and got smaller with that *fssk* sound and left behind a black area...

I thought Spiderman had super eyesight. Perhaps the eyes function as a camera, with a shutter - Parker is a photographer, after all.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
First reviews are out and they're hugely positive. Though that shouldn't be massively surprising given the lack of an embargo on the reviews. A lot of big films that the studio are concerned about, such as Batman v Superman, have an embargo placed on them until just a day or two before release. Marvel are allowing these to come out a good two weeks before the film is released anywhere in the world. That's some real confidence for you.

At the moment the film has got a RT score of 100%. admittedly only from 14 reviews. Here are just a few of the gushing excerpts -

Variety - The shaming of “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice” will continue apace — or better still, be forgotten entirely — in the wake of “Captain America: Civil War” a decisively superior hero-vs.-hero extravaganza that also ranks as the most mature and substantive picture to have yet emerged from the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Birth.Movies.Death - Captain America: Civil War isn’t just a great Marvel movie, it’s a great movie. And that greatness - which is dependant in part on the groundwork laid by 12 previous movies - is the final proof of the concept that Marvel Studios first tried out in Iron Man back in 2008. It’s the film that proves the shared universe concept isn’t just cool, and isn’t just a great marketing idea but that - when used right - it creates a kind of gripping, resonant longform storytelling that no one else has ever accomplished on this scale. Civil War isn’t great despite being the third Captain America and thirteenth overall Marvel movie - it’s great because of those things.

This is it, the peak of the superhero movie shared universe. Captain America: Civil War is a tight action thriller that works on its own, but when taken as the latest chapter in an unprecedented experiment in longform storytelling it’s a brilliant chapter, one that makes everything that went before seem better if only because it was all leading to this pinnacle.

Total Film - If there’s a risk of the Marvel ‘formula’ becoming stale, there isn’t any evidence of that here. Civil War isn’t just a damn-near-perfect popcorn crowd-pleaser; it doesn’t offer any easy answers for its combatants, or the world going forward. Team Cap or Team Iron Man? The real winner here is Team Marvel. 5/5

Empire - Matching its blockbuster scale and spectacle with the smarts of a great, grown-up thriller, Captain America: Civil War is Marvel Studios’ finest film yet. There. We said it again. 5/5

The Daily Beast - Finally, a big budget superhero sequel that manages to be both effortlessly entertaining and utterly sobering, instead of just one of those things-or, as we've endured too frequently in the past, neither of them. (Looking at you, Batman v Superman.)

Crave - It is entertaining without being fluffy. It has consequence without being dire. It is the floor of a child’s bedroom, covered in action figures who are perpetually in mid-conflict, whose limitations have yet to be discovered. And it bears the unmistakable promise of an thrilling future filled with even more imaginative joy.

CinemaBlend - Bringing together tremendous character dynamics; bold structure; an emotional narrative earned after years of story work; and spell-binding, fun action sequences, it’s everything a blockbuster should be.

The Marvel Cinematic Universe on the whole is filled with great films and blockbuster gems, but between The First Avenger, The Winter Solider and now Civil War, it’s been firmly proven that they have a better grip on Captain America than any of their heroes, and it can be said with confidence that the three movies come together to create the greatest superhero trilogy of all time. The new film is equally thrilling, fun, engaging, emotional, smart, and thought-provoking, and really everything you want from summer entertainment. 5/5

Uproxx - Captain America: Civil War feels like a pinnacle for Marvel. Like, I can’t imagine their movies getting any better. This feels like the crescendo. This feels like the movie this series has been building towards for eight years. After all these movies, Marvel earned this fight. This is the best Marvel movie so far. This is not hyperbole. I have my doubts they can make anything better. This is as close as things come to “superhero movie perfection.” This movie made me really happy.

Both Black Panther and especially Spider-man are getting rave reviews for their appearances in the film, while the airport sequence glimpsed in the trailers is already being talked up as the greatest action sequence in any superhero film ever

My one concern with this movie is that in Caps movie they will make it as if its all Iron Mans fault the fight and the precious Cap will come off this great symbol and Iron Man aka Tony will be despised and looked upon badly. This is why I hated them doing Civil War and hated them making Tony the creator of Ultron. Iron Man started this big event that is MCU and I think Marvel is making it where we will be happy when Iron Man dies and In my Opinion there is no since in doing Any Avengers with out Tony Stark aka RDJ. Anyone can Play Cap really. Again my concern is that Iron man should not be the grey character in this movie and Cap will win because its a Cap movie.