Do You Binge Watch?


That's okay. Nobody's perfect!
This question probably refers to a series, than a specific movie per se.

For instance, I am currently watching Boardwalk Empire on HBO On Demand. By binge watching, I mean 3 or more episodes at one time. I have watched Netflix's House of Cards (both British and American versions). It is probably a bad habit, but interesting none-the-less.

Does anyone else admit to this bad habit?
You have to think like a hero merely to behave like a decent human being.

I binge watch television series, but usually not movies. Generally I'll do that with a season rather than a whole series though. I recently binge rewatched all of season 1 of Queer As Folk (American version).

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
We binged watched the entire series of both "Breaking Bad" and "Lost" after they were done airing, by watching about 4 or 5 episodes every day until we finished the series.

We did the same thing with the first four seasons of "Haven" until we caught up to the fifth season before it started. The first four seasons were great, but unfortunately the fifth season was a complete disappointment.

Over the Christmas holidays I actually did binge a bit of Mork and Mindy, and Brooklyn Nine Nine with my Dad and my brother.

I tend to binge watch all of the major series I follow. Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Justified. I never seem to watch during the week, get busy doing stuff on the weekend I can't during the week and repeat.

It works for me, because I have a really poor memory and it helps keep characters and storyline details fresh.

That's okay. Nobody's perfect!
I also binged on Breaking Bad, which IMO is the best way to watch it. Every episode ended in a cliff hanger which cried out to immediately want to find out what happens next. I think that is key ---- cliff-hanger endings that draw you in to want more.

I go for days, even weeks without watching anything. Then I'll watch movies, TV shows for entire days.

Most of the time, I binge watch TV shows. It's the best way to do it. Treat them like a massive movie.

Sometimes I will hear good things about a show that I haven't been watching and I will binge watch to catch up. For example, this is what happened with Scandal. I missed the first season but heard it was a really good show, so I sat down and watched the entire season in about 2 days and have been hooked ever since.

I guess it depends on how you define binge. I watch several episodes of a show in a row all the time, but I pretty rarely watch, like, 7-8 in a day, or a whole season in one day, or anything like that. I like to really watch the things I'm watching, and think about them a lot, and it's just not feasible to do that all day long. Plus, there's always a finite amount of any show you love, so part of me wants to savor it at least a little bit. So watching a few at a time is my compromise between those two conflicting desires.

The primary exception is, as Gideon says, when I want to catch up on something so I can start talking about it with others. But this is a fairly rare set of circumstances.

I think one semi-exception was House of Cards, which I think I watched 6-8 of per day at one point. I think I may have very briefly hit this number over some weekends with The Wire, but that doesn't happen much and it's definitely the upper bounds of what I'll do.

I think my brother, however, said he watched something like an entire season of Breaking Bad (not the shortened first one, either) in a single day, though.

I want to binge watch, but often I can't get myself to it...

I am currently binge watching during my rewatch of Breaking Bad though, and it works much better that way. Especially because that series has always felt like one long movie, or at least seamlessly connected.

Sometimes I do binge watch when I get to the end of a series or season. I remember binge watching many Dexter epiodes when I got to the last 3-4 episodes, and the same with Breaking Bad.

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I try to when i get the time, which isnt really happening these days. Started watching Game Of Thrones and have been bingeing a bit on that. 3 episodes last night.
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