The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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LOL, all the discussion about Hitchcock, and he hasn't even come up on the list so far. How about that?

Anyway, here is my rough, very rough Hitchcock ranking:

1. Vertigo
2. Psycho
3. Dial M for Murder
4. Foreign Correspondent
5. Rear Window
6. The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934)
7. Notorious
8. Rebecca
9. North by Northwest
10. Shadow of a Doubt

I've seen 38 of his films.
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rbrayer's Avatar
Registered User
Here are my Hitchcock rankings:

1. Vertigo
2. Rear Window
3. Dial M for Murder
4. The Birds
5. North by Northwest
6. Psycho
7. Strangers on a Train
8. Rebecca
9. Lifeboat
10. Notorious
11. Rope

Save for Rope (which I still like), I'd give all of these at least an 8/10. Also, I imagine my ranking of The Birds above Psycho will generate some controversy.
Nice list. Here's my top 10:

1. Vertigo
2. Rear Window
3. North by Northwest
4. Notorious
5. Shadow of a Doubt
6. Psycho
7. Strangers on a Train
8. Rope
9. The 39 Steps
10. Dial M

Okay, rough index up, I'll see about pretty-ifying it a bit more later, but it should do for now.

Tomorrow's hint:

I'll take a big ol' punt on Schindler's List. Not sure about the other one yet.

rbrayer's Avatar
Registered User
Just catching up - this thread is insane. I think I need to quit my job to follow it. I wondered why Ikiru came up.

I'm very pleased that it did. It made my top 5. I am a huge Kurosawa fan (there was one other film of his on my list, and I doubt it either makes it or anyone guesses it) and he made some amazing action films, but to me this is hands down the best film he ever made.

I feel partially responsible for the substantial drop for The Searchers, had I submitted a list it would have had a 20+ point boost, it'll be interesting to see where it would have landed as this list progresses. I familiarized myself with The Searchers when after moving to a new apartment and unknowingly leaving a Blu-ray remote behind, The Searchers was seemingly the only movie to play on my Blu-ray player without the assistance of a remote. So in waiting for a new remote to arrive, I watched The Searchers over and over and over again, falling deeper under it's spell. Its iconic, final shot is still one of the most moving conclusions I've ever experienced. That'll be the day!

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Okay, rough index up, I'll see about pretty-ifying it a bit more later, but it should do for now.

Tomorrow's hint:

Man with white hair/beard with a staff, reminds me of something...........

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Okay, rough index up, I'll see about pretty-ifying it a bit more later, but it should do for now.

Tomorrow's hint:

Skepsis beat me to that fruit, so ima go with The Shawshank Redemption and maybe ...The Big Lebowski. However, the more I think on it, that staff could represent infection. Given our current pandemic state, the OBVIOUS choice would be Night of the Living Dead. But I'm not betting on obvious. No, not with master-level Jedi mind tricks afoot! This is something more subtle. Something more sinister. *taps force-blocking tinfoil hat* Kung Fu Panda is what a betting man would lay odds on!! Clever, Yoda. Very clever. So The Color of Money it is, then! (or The Princess Bride, if Yoda dared to scheme so deep). These are dark and dangerous waters you tread, my friend.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

Definitely a lot of ways to interpret this one. I will say it's a little more abstract than most of the hints so far, but it does kinda tie the two together. Sort of.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Pretty sure I just guessed 1/8th of the list. I'll check back next week!

(I think I'm being more obnoxious that usual =\ may be the coming break---that's work break, not mental break)

Trouble with a capital "T"
Okay, rough index up, I'll see about pretty-ifying it a bit more later, but it should do for now.

Tomorrow's hint:

Is that a hint for both of tomorrows movies or just one of them?

So far all the hints have applied to both, BTW. "Searching for Meaning" was not just about The Searchers, because it also relates to the story in Ikiru.

Dial M for Murder has the most British ending for a movie. I love it.

WARNING: "Dial M" spoilers below
The heroes confront the killer and his reaction is like, “Good job. Anyone want tea before the police arrive?”

Dial M for Murder has the most British ending for a movie. I love it.

WARNING: "Dial M" spoilers below
The heroes confront the killer and his reaction is like, “Good job. Anyone want tea before the police arrive?”
WARNING: "Dial M" spoilers below
The little mustache comb gets me every time.

Guys, the hint is not that hard.

It's The Ten Commandments. Somehow The Ten Commandments took two spots. There. You're welcome.

Kurosawa is one director I've been trying to go through lately. So far, I've seen four of his films: Yojimbo, Rashomon, Seven Samurai, and Throne of Blood. Got my eyes mostly on Ikiru and Ran, but also Sanjuro and High and Low. Any other recommendation?
High and Low is excellent. But then, I'm very partial to thrillers/mysteries.

Dial M For Murder is my favorite Hitchcock, for sure. But as a movie I can recognize it shows so much less skill (out of necessity, really) than his other works. It's obviously just a play. I just enjoy the story and the writing so much it makes up for the lack of technical skill on display. I wouldn't show it to someone to show them why Hitchcock is brilliant, for example, even though it's the film of his I enjoy the most.
I love Dial M for Murder is a very . . . cozy way.

But the best thing about it is once you realize that it was shot to be shown in 3D, and suddenly you realize how much is being done to add depth to the shots. Like in one of the first sequences where they are inexplicably shot having a conversation on the other side of a table full of bottles. Or when the hand holding the key comes right at the camera. (That said, the big fake finger dialing the big fake phone is one of my favorite movie things ever, so this isn't really a complaint).

I love Dial M for Murder is a very . . . cozy way.

But the best thing about it is once you realize that it was shot to be shown in 3D, and suddenly you realize how much is being done to add depth to the shots. Like in one of the first sequences where they are inexplicably shot having a conversation on the other side of a table full of bottles. Or when the hand holding the key comes right at the camera. (That said, the big fake finger dialing the big fake phone is one of my favorite movie things ever, so this isn't really a complaint).
I FORGOT ABOUT THE FINGER. Man, yeah, that's super bad. But in a way that doesn't ruin the film at all because despite the subject matter it never feels terribly serious. It feels like the whole affair is part of someone's murder mystery dinner party.

rbrayer's Avatar
Registered User
Guys, the hint is not that hard.

It's The Ten Commandments. Somehow The Ten Commandments took two spots. There. You're welcome.

High and Low is excellent. But then, I'm very partial to thrillers/mysteries.

I love Dial M for Murder is a very . . . cozy way.

But the best thing about it is once you realize that it was shot to be shown in 3D, and suddenly you realize how much is being done to add depth to the shots. Like in one of the first sequences where they are inexplicably shot having a conversation on the other side of a table full of bottles. Or when the hand holding the key comes right at the camera. (That said, the big fake finger dialing the big fake phone is one of my favorite movie things ever, so this isn't really a complaint).
I have a 3D TV and bought the 3D Blu Ray of this. It's wonderful.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
*Knowing the answers and seeing the clues*

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