

Star Trek   7/18/16
by BraedenG33
It comes as no surprise to me that this screenplay is used in many film schools to teach screenplay structure and the Hero's Journey in film, because this is the quintessential hero's journey for James T.

Star Trek   6/05/14
by The Rodent
Before seeing the film I had the impression of it being a big middle finger to all the stalwart fans of Trek's history.

Star Trek   5/22/13
by TylerDurden99
I have no problem with that, except this should be a Star Trek film first, not an action film with the Star Trek title.

Star Trek   10/26/09
by The Gnat
It was a fun fest of action and story and definitely didn't skimp on either.

Star Trek   5/13/09
by Sexy Celebrity
...I have had it with remakes. I've had it with directors who aren't fans of the original material (J.J. Abrams admitted he wasn't into the franchise). I'm sick of previous movie franchises being discarded in order for "re-imaginings".

Star Trek   5/11/09
by TheUsualSuspect
Trek is entertaining, funny and will draw in a new audience. I had a great time in the theatre and liked every minute of it. I can't wait to see the direction they take this new and exciting series.

Star Trek   5/09/09
by meatwadsprite
As an initiate to the realm of Star Trek , this film was a good blockbuster romp - just as in The Wrath of Khan the characters inject much more life into the story than the warping and blasting.

Star Trek   5/09/09
by MovieMan8877445
This is pretty much easily the best movie of 2009 so far for me...

Star Trek   5/08/09
by Yoda
A clever plot device allows the appearance of a reboot without disturbing the precious Trek canon, and while it is certainly more frantic and tumultuous than the other films in the series, it retains a surprisingly comedic tone.

Star Trek   5/06/09
by Pyro Tramp
The film has some fantastic effects and once you get past the weirdnes s of seeing familiar characters replaced with new faces, it's one of better Treks.

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