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DAY 48: October 18th, 2008.


Here is a film that redefined the horror genre. It has been credited with the 'decline' of horror films, even though this film is particularly good. The evil spawn it created although, isn't. I still to this day, like I Know What You Did Last Summer, call it a guilty pleasure, but ever since I saw it as a kid, I dug it. Scream, on the other hand, is a film that I have seen way too many times. It's not a film that is good enough to warrant so many viewings, thus my explanation as to why I've seen this film more then a dozen times is unknown to me.

The opening scene here is infamous and do this day, I would say, still stands as a genuine horror iconic moment. It introduced us to one of, if not the, most successful horror movie Halloween costume. The Ghost Face Killer. It's so simple. It's not scary, yet terrifying at the same time. It's not until the sequels where the 'terrifying' aspect quickly becomes uncontrollable laughter.

People I think may still fail to see the comedic aspect to this film. Every time I talk about Scream to people, I throw in a comment about how funny it is, then I get weird looks. "No it's not, it's not a comedy, it's a scary movie".

I enjoyed the who's the killer aspect, it kept me interested, unlike the sequels here I called the killer within minutes of seeing their character. Scream plays up the horror homages pretty well and it knows not to take itself seriously. One just has to look to the ending to know this.