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Rabbit-Proof Fence


Everlyn Sampi, Tianna Sansbury, Laura Monaghan, David Gulpilil View All


Phillip Noyce (Director), Christine Olsen (Screenplay) View All

Release: Feb. 4th, 2002
Runtime: 1 hour, 34 minutes
In 1931, three Aboriginal girls escape after being plucked from their homes to be trained as domestic staff, and set off on a trek across the Outback.
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0 Girl Injured from Falling Off a Fence
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0 Spanish Movie: Girl is hospitalized from falling from a gate/fence
Sometime between 1995 to 2010 (if I was forced to pick a time frame), I saw this ad on a Spanish language channel (I forgot the name). The advertisement's setting was daytime, it was set outside. ...
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