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The Exterminating Angel
Silvia Pinal, Antonio Bravo, Augusto Benedico, Bertha Moss View AllCrew
Luis Buñuel (Screenplay), Luis Buñuel (Director), Luis Alcoriza (Story) View All
Release: May 16th, 1962
Runtime: 1 hour, 33 minutes
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Reviewed by

Certainly one of the best films from the sixties, The Exterminating Angel deserves to be watched with no prior skepticism.A film best summarised by Bunuel himself in, the best explanation of this film is that, from the standpoint of pure reason, there is no explanation.

under normal circumstances i would probably care even less about a film not having sympathetic characters because i usually think that's a lame complaint for such biting satire, but when the bulk of a film's satirical content can simply be found in its premise, once the premise has been established ....