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Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Peter Cushing View AllCrew
George Lucas (Director), George Lucas (Writer) View All
Release: May 25th, 1977
Runtime: 2 hours, 1 minute
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The storm trooper hitting his head in Star Wars.
So I was thinking about this and watched the clip again. It was an unintentional goof that the storm trooper hit his head, and was not intended:
However, watching it again, I noticed that whe...
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Reviewed by

As I was watching today I tried to pay special attention to the aesthetics of the film and that alone is enough to make A New Hope a cinema changing film.

Even now, I still think of this film as a special-effects touchstone where the entirety of cinema can be divided into films that came before this and films that came after this, and it is very easy to see why as it comes up with all sorts of set-pieces to generate thrills and excitement even when sa....