Fareinheit 9/11 1/2


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Yay another anti-Bush fueled propoghanda machine fueled by the brainwashed masses and driven by Moore
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Originally Posted by Animal_Mother
Yay another anti-Bush fueled propoghanda machine fueled by the brainwashed masses and driven by Moore
Yay freedom of speech.

You don't have to like what Moore says, but he has the right to say it. And I hardly see how he's brain-washing anyone. Bush won.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson


Registered User
it's just damn annoying. i think he made his point already. are we going to make a movie about every blunder in politics?
"economic girly-mahn!" - arnold scharzenegger, republican convention.

Originally Posted by Monkeypunch
You don't have to like what Moore says, but he has the right to say it. And I hardly see how he's brain-washing anyone. Bush won.
Just because Moore gets freedom of speech doesn't mean that people can't challenge vastly erroneous and overrated diatribe. Some people... whenever they smell a challenge they hide behind freedom of speech.

I wipe my ass with your feelings
Whatever happened ot that 41.11 degrees Celsius movie? When the brain melts or some ****. I was looking forward to see what the conservys had to say.

Originally Posted by Miles
it's just damn annoying. i think he made his point already. are we going to make a movie about every blunder in politics?
why not? why can't he? it's still a free country....

The idea of this movie is bad. It may do well, but only because all those who feel broken hearted over the election need to vent. This will undoubtably fan those bedraggled emotions out there. Yes of course he has the right to make this movie, but I still think it is like serving cake at a Big & Tall convention; of course the people will eat it, but should they?
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

What's the point? Other than the fact that Moore is probably realizing how incredibly short Fahrenheit 9/11's lifespan ended up being, and he's wanting some more cash. Seriously, though, what could Moore possibly hope to accomplish with this film?
Make it happen!

2wrongs's Avatar
Official Sacrifice to Holden Pike
Originally Posted by Hell_Bent
All the libs will make a mad rush to line Moore's pockets when he says, "go". Let 'em have at it. Who cares?
Ya got me feelin' hella good so let's just keep on dancin'

Registered User
Originally Posted by susan
why not? why can't he? it's still a free country....

free country, free country, freedom of speech, freedom of speech, thats why america is so screwed up. news reporters are able to say and show whatever they want even if it will hurt the country. with the prisoner abuse scandal, if the stupid reporters didn't find those photos and showed them all to the crazy bastards in the middle-east, we wouldn't have all of that hostage backlash. we should be a little more strict with what the press can show or do. sorry for my rambling i just hate all of that "free" crap. none of this has to do with michael moore.

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Originally Posted by Miles
free country, free country, freedom of speech, freedom of speech, thats why america is so screwed up. news reporters are able to say and show whatever they want even if it will hurt the country. with the prisoner abuse scandal, if the stupid reporters didn't find those photos and showed them all to the crazy bastards in the middle-east, we wouldn't have all of that hostage backlash. we should be a little more strict with what the press can show or do. sorry for my rambling i just hate all of that "free" crap. none of this has to do with michael moore.
Would you rather the Government had full control of what the press could release in the interests of the COuntry, hello Corruption!! How do you know we wouldn't have all that hostage backlash, there is a huge anti-american movement in the middle-east. News reporters need this freedom, while it can be damaging and hurtful still it's very necessary for somebody to discover the truth and reveal it so everyone has at least a reasonable interpretation of what's happening around them.

RE: F9/11 1/2


Originally Posted by Miles
free country, free country, freedom of speech, freedom of speech, thats why america is so screwed up. news reporters are able to say and show whatever they want even if it will hurt the country. with the prisoner abuse scandal, if the stupid reporters didn't find those photos and showed them all to the crazy bastards in the middle-east, we wouldn't have all of that hostage backlash. we should be a little more strict with what the press can show or do. sorry for my rambling i just hate all of that "free" crap. none of this has to do with michael moore.

I honestly don't know how to respond to that.
You're not hopeless...

Urban Cowboy's Avatar
Bad Morther****er
the first film I understand. I don't begrudge Morre for doing what he did. To make a sequel is RETARDED. First, it's beating a dead horse. I think people who love Bush aren't going to love Bush any less (assuming that they even see the film). People who hate Bust already hate him. What's the point of doing this film? Also Morre already comes of as a sort of crybaby, won't this just cement his status as a sore loser who can handle the truth. Last, doesn't this just seem like a huge money grab. I the past Morre's films have had several purposes, of which raking in cash seemed to be low on the list. This stinks of Morre becoming a money whore, which IMO takes away from his already lacking credibility.
Justice will be served/ And the battle will rage/ This big dog will fight/ When you rattle his cage/ And you’ll be sorry that you messed with the U.S. of A./ Cause we`ll put a boot in your ass/ It`s the American way.
Courtesy Of The Red, White & Blue - Toby Keith

Urban Cowboy's Avatar
Bad Morther****er
Originally Posted by Miles
free country, free country, freedom of speech, freedom of speech, thats why america is so screwed up. news reporters are able to say and show whatever they want even if it will hurt the country. with the prisoner abuse scandal, if the stupid reporters didn't find those photos and showed them all to the crazy bastards in the middle-east, we wouldn't have all of that hostage backlash. we should be a little more strict with what the press can show or do. sorry for my rambling i just hate all of that "free" crap. none of this has to do with michael moore.
Are you serious?

Registered User
ok regarding the prisoner thing, i can understand why some of you are like "holy sh*t miles!" not a good example, but i still stand strong on limiting what the press can release, and people in america having too much liberty to do anything. to tell you the truth, it's really just a personal pet peeve thing with people throwing that "it's a free country" crap in my face. sorry.

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Miles
ok regarding the prisoner thing, i can understand why some of you are like "holy sh*t miles!" not a good example, but i still stand strong on limiting what the press can release, and people in america having too much liberty to do anything. to tell you the truth, it's really just a personal pet peeve thing with people throwing that "it's a free country" crap in my face. sorry.
so...what should we do? Run a fascist government or something? To much liberty? And....America IS a free country, you know the whole "founded on freedom" thing? So please tell me, just how do you think we should live our lives? You go ahead and tell me, and I'll go ahead and officially start not listening.

"It's a free country" crap?

Yikes. That is some scary ***** right there.....
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

If you are against what Moore is saying in his documentaries, then why subject yourself to it. Don't pay money to watch the thing. The only way to make something or someone stop is to not pay any attention to it. When less people are buying or renting his documentaries, maybe this will tell him that he has gone too far and is losing respect. Moore has a right, just like everyone else to say what he wants. Do you force yourself to sit through any other movie you cannot stand, or do you turn it off and say "that's enough of that, I have better things to do." then forget about it.

I don't know about anyone else but to have someone think that I can't think for myself and I am being influenced by someone else is very insulting. And I would imagine that after reading the statement, "All the libs will make a mad rush to line Moore's pockets when he says, "go"," these "Libs" would be insulted as well. This statement is as much an insult to anyone who watches movies and enjoys them, because liking a movie or a director's work doesn't mean you bow down and kiss their feet or even like them as a person or are influenced by everything they say. Moore is not a god to "Libs". "Libs" are normal people just like you or I, who may or may not have the same beliefs as you or I. I happen to like Moores documentaries, does that make me less of a person? Does that make me stupid and not able to think for myself?

Honestly, I think Moore is pushing it a bit with this new movie. I think he is being spiteful because of this Fareinhype stuff. If he is, I am losing a bit of respect for the guy. He should stear away from this and focuss on a different issue.