Are negative reviews mostly by generally unhappy people these days?


Psychopathic Psychiatrist
No matter if itīs THE FLASH, the latest ANT-MAN, the latest INDIANA JONES, BLACK ADAM, "bad" DC-Movies in general or now MARVEL once again being in a "crisis" because the new SECRET INVASION series seems to be "total garbage", according to lots of reviews.

Since several years i often got the idea, people are probably not as happy with their lives as they used to be and this reflects in the way how they criticize "things" (movies, series, videogames, etc.), then there are all those gritty people who just love to jump on the rant-train and so the "shittiest movie of the year" is there again, when it in fact ainīt that shitty as they are trying to make it look like.

The best example is probably MARVEL and how all of the sudden more and more people are criticizing them MARVEL MOVIES.

So the question remains: Are those "bad" movies really THAT bad, or are people just reflecting their unhappy lives as soon they start to rate something and then "good" things turns way too easily "mediocre" and something "mediocre" ends up being "terribly shitty!".

If you're just reading negative reviews, the people writing them will sound sour because you've specifically chosen to read something from someone who is discontented, by definition, so that wouldn't really be evidence.

There's also the problem of basing the idea on just vibes: thinking it "feels like" there's "more" of something. There are, of course, hundreds of thousands of reviews, and one person's random feeling about how many of X there are compared to Y years ago is going to be based on a lot of random stuff and, frankly, confirmation bias.

People do maybe tend to dogpile (random people, not professional critics as much, I don't think), but that's not a new thing or related to their personal lives. It's just what people have always done.

Registered User
No matter if itīs THE FLASH, the latest ANT-MAN, the latest INDIANA JONES, BLACK ADAM, "bad" DC-Movies in general or now MARVEL once again being in a "crisis" because the new SECRET INVASION series seems to be "total garbage", according to lots of reviews.

Since several years i often got the idea, people are probably not as happy with their lives as they used to be and this reflects in the way how they criticize "things" (movies, series, videogames, etc.), then there are all those gritty people who just love to jump on the rant-train and so the "shittiest movie of the year" is there again, when it in fact ainīt that shitty as they are trying to make it look like.

The best example is probably MARVEL and how all of the sudden more and more people are criticizing them MARVEL MOVIES.

So the question remains: Are those "bad" movies really THAT bad, or are people just reflecting their unhappy lives as soon they start to rate something and then "good" things turns way too easily "mediocre" and something "mediocre" ends up being "terribly shitty!".
They're really not so bad, like ISHTAR bad, but it seems more like it's a case of investing an awful lot of time from 2008 with the 1st IRONMAN and being devoted to every MARVEL movie that came out after this that lead to a greater thing in INFINITY WAR & END GAME and when those ended, basically, people sort of moved on and anything after the Big Finale's are small in comparison.. Also, when it comes time for AVENGERS: The KANG DYNASTY and AVENGERS: SECRET WARS, it's probably going to be a case where you have to of been a subscriber in Disney+ and keeping up with the smaller shows like "WANDA-VISION" or the God awful "SHE-HULK" to know what's going on..

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in the US, on cable (comcast), if just 1 out of 3 dislikes a movie, that 66% next to the movie will have a negative consequence. I recently saw a movie I gave an 8/10, which means it's a special movie, only to see a 59%. In a time of so many choices, I think that's the difference between seeing a movie or not. I have 60 movies saved on my DVR, and I know it has an influence on me, only in terms of priorities, but that's everything. We can never live long enough to see all the good movies. I prefer other methods, but I prefer cable. With streaming, there's a chance of pauses, and I can't watch a movie that way. Or with commercials, which is why I have TCM.

Well, those movies are all probably bad.

But most of the critics are probably bad too.

It still must be easy enough to find a review that properly puts that shit in its place though. It wouldn't be hard. Nor would it be hard to be able to determine what critics suck and which ones suck a little bit less.

I'm willing to put money on Ishtar being a significantly better movie than most superhero films.

Please, no links to box office results. I already know, and it doesn't mean anything.

I'm willing to put money on Ishtar being a significantly better movie than most superhero films.

Please, no links to box office results. I already know, and it doesn't mean anything.
Put down the smartphone, teenybopper.
Captain's Log
My Collection

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm willing to put money on Ishtar being a significantly better movie than most superhero films.

Please, no links to box office results. I already know, and it doesn't mean anything.
Ishtar is a pretty good movie, all around....especially when compared to the seemingly endless supply of brainless franchise movies that Hollywood churns out these days.

Ishtar is a pretty good movie, all around....especially when compared to the seemingly endless supply of brainless franchise movies that Hollywood churns out these days.

It's no Heaven's Gate.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It's no Heaven's Gate.
Meaning you admire Heaven's Gate? Or that Ishtar isn't nearly as bad as Heaven's Gate? Myself I'm an admirer of Heaven's Gate, the movie not the cult

Nah, movies suck sometimes and also what happens is you get kick back from everyone saying they are so great. People feel gas lighted so that's where some of the negative reviews come from.

Marvel movies aren't made for me though and ppl have to realize that sometimes and just stay away and let others do what they want to do.

You go to the movies, generally to be entertained for a couple hours, move out of your current reality, and enjoy the movie on some level. I can't help but think that part of this is your mental state when you go into the building. If you're already not feeling good, depressed or angry at life, it takes a lot for the movie to change that. A lot of people in this time are walking around half-po'ed all the time and when the movie doesn't change that, they get even more po'ed. The movie contributes but isn't the entire problem.

Reflecting back on movies I've seen from periods like the WW II era, those movies liked to have happy endings, something inspirational, maybe a song or simple escapism, followed by a patriotic logo. We haven't gotten back to that in recent movies, but it did serve a purpose in scary times.

As for Marvel movies, they seem like the contemporary equivalent of old westerns. You can only see so many of those, so many leotards and dramatic poses before the eye-rolling sets in.

I don't think it's the critics. We've had a string a of terrible huge-budget flops lately. I'm not an anti-superhero movie guy but Quantumania is the worst Marvel I've ever seen and The Flash seems like an epic disaster. Everyone is getting bored with the constant superheroes, everyone is mad at the big studios for dicking over the creatives.

Registered User
I'm willing to put money on Ishtar being a significantly better movie than most superhero films.

Please, no links to box office results. I already know, and it doesn't mean anything.
Against a $51 million production budget and up to another $20 million spent on prints and marketing costs, the film is estimated to have lost $40 million.

If losing 40 Million on a movie means nothing, then it's a good thing you're not in charge with assbackwards logic like that..

Registered User
Ishtar is a pretty good movie, all around....especially when compared to the seemingly endless supply of brainless franchise movies that Hollywood churns out these days.
Yeah, it was so good, it lost $$$$..

Against a $51 million production budget and up to another $20 million spent on prints and marketing costs, the film is estimated to have lost $40 million.

If losing 40 Million on a movie means nothing, then it's a good thing you're not in charge with assbackwards logic like that..

You didn't quite make it to my second paragraph, did you?