Jay And SB


Whats your favorite Jay and Silent Bob Movie?
3 votes
0 votes
Clerks (The tv show)
3 votes
9 votes
1 votes
Chasing Amy
4 votes
Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back
1 votes
I dont like Jay and Silent bob
21 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Who here has seen the jay and silent bob movies?
Which was your favorite? My favorite is Strike back then mallrats

Mallrats is my favorite. Strikes Back is my second.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
I'm afraid I must bid you adieu.
He woke up one night with a terrible fright
And found he was eating his shoe.

The Strongest Girl Alive
Dogma was my fav! then mallrats, cuz everyone else in the world hated it but when I saw it I thought it was great. Clerks was kinda boring

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
I've done at least one poll on this already...but ok. I'm fairly certain my answer the first time around was Dogma, but if it wasn't, it is now.

Also, welcome to the forum Tunacubes!
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

Do you know my poetry?
My list from best to worst:

1. Chasing Amy - ****, Kevin Smith's Masterpiece
2. Dogma - ***1/2, I loved it, was very different from his other films
3. Clerks - ***1/2, Who could not like Clerks, it's funny as hell
4. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back - ***, I was laughing so hard when I saw this, but it's definately isn't better than the first three
5. Mallrats - ***, I liked it, had some funny parts, but was my least favorite

I must become Caligari..!

Jay and Silent Bob are both great characters, Starting from something to have a bit of a giggle at and cutaway to in Clerks. they have become HUGE.

The poll asks, "Whats your favorite Jay and Silent Bob Movie?", so will answer not what is my favorite Kevin Smith Movie, but what film do i think J&SB are at there best.......

1. Chasing Amy Kev's best and J&SB's best, Bob's story is great,
"Bitch, what you don't know about me I can just about squeeze in the Grand ****ing Canyon."
2. Dogma The major step in them becoming major, likable characters, Good film,
What the f*ck is this, The Piano? Why ain't this broad talking?
3. Mallrats The move was very.... Comic, and they fit this perfectly,
"Man, that b*stard's faster than Walt Flanagan's dog..."
4. Clerks. Like i said minor characters, But funny ones
"You know, there's a million fine looking women in the world, dude. But they don't all bring you lasagne at work. Most of 'em just cheat on you."
5. Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back My least Favourite Smith movie, But its still good, i didn’t really go for the changes J&SB made... Developing a consiunse,
"This isn't fair! We came to Hollywood, I fell in love. F*ckin', we got shot at, we stole a monkey, and I got punched in the motherf*cking nuts by a guy named Cock-Knocker!."
6. "Clerks: TAS" Great show, hard to compare to the movies but it is better than Mallrats and J&SBSB but J&SB character where awful, They didn’t swear, the sold Fireworks instead of drugs???
"Plaintiff, nannnannananan Plaintiff"

I am glad Kev has left them out of Jersey Girl and retired them, while there characters where good they have gotten to the end, Check out This and This thread.
It's a god-awful small affair, To the girl with, the mousy hair, But her mummy is yelling "No", and her daddy has told her to go, But her friend is nowhere to be seen, Now she walks through her sunken dream, To the seat with the clearest view, And she's hooked to the silver screen, But the film is a saddening bore, For she's lived it ten times or more...

Tuna's Avatar
Another tuna in this town? uh oh..

I have to say I personally found Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back to be horrible..some scenes made me cringe because i was embarrased for Smith, such as the rehased Brody (Jason Lee) joke from Mallrats, "Say would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?"

Good Will Hunting 2 was classic though..
Boards don't hit back

Originally Posted by Courtsnz
Clerks was kinda boring
Clerks?. . .Boring?. . .nevaa

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by led_zeppelin
Clerks?. . .Boring?. . .nevaa

I second that, as I voted for Clerks. This is Smith dialouge at it's creative best....
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Originally Posted by Sedai
I second that, as I voted for Clerks. This is Smith dialouge at it's creative best....

No kidding, the dialogue is the best in this movie IMO. It's the fastest dialogue I have ever heard in a movie. Really good stuff. Randall is the man!

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by led_zeppelin
No kidding, the dialogue is the best in this movie IMO. It's the fastest dialogue I have ever heard in a movie. Really good stuff. Randall is the man!

My fav character in the film as well, and I quote him regularly. Man, someone was asking about who wrote dialouge as well as Tarantino, and I hold Smith in the same regard. Smith's overall directing skills aren't as good to my eye, but the dialouge is right up there....

I need to track that thread down and throw his name up there.



In the Beginning...
Originally Posted by Sedai
Man, someone was asking about who wrote dialouge as well as Tarantino, and I hold Smith in the same regard. Smith's overall directing skills aren't as good to my eye, but the dialouge is right up there....
I'll agree that Kevin Smith's written dialogue is pretty entertaining (and sometimes very deep and thoughtful), but the way it is delivered by the actors in his films does not really fit the content. To me, some of the dialogue is too intellectual for its own good, and it frequently comes off sounding mechanical. I recall the famous scene in Chasing Amy in which Joey Lauren Adams, Ben Affleck, and Jason Lee are speaking about life, love, and the rest of it. The scene is great, but the way the dialogue is spoken just feels manufactured. It doesn't seem natural. If anything, I think that's an element that Smith could definitely improve upon.

The Green Lantern
Mallrats. Because it had the great Stan 'The Man' Lee.
"In Brightest Day,
In Blackest Night.
No Evil Shall Escape My Sight,
Let Those Who Worship Evil's Might.
Beware My Power...Green Lantern's Light"

--Green Lantern Oath--

"The Green Lantern Corps has battled against the forces of evil and chaos for a millennium. To serve is the ultimate honor."