How much Stars would you give the "Star Wars" movies and why?


I had looked and seen no topic on star wars and since it is my favorite movie I was wondering what you would rate it and what your review would be for it?
Questions like
What would you rate it?

Was the acting good did you feel like it was a good movie?

If you did it why did it you like it?


]Do you think that the old ones are better then the new ones or the other way around?

What are your views on the movie in the relion way by means of the force being conder a relion?

Well that is it for the questions see you around!JM[/color] Copy and paste these questions if you want to answear them! (Good) (Really mad!) (Not sure!) (Don't care!) (It was ok!) (Great movie I never seen!)Please also rate the movie useing the smiles if you want too!

(My rate for the movies!)
Jackie Malfoy
Favorite Movie of all time:Star Wars!
Online offline boyfriend:AdarkSideJedi(brad)
Other Sites I belong and and Adult!

Cyberdine Systems Model 101
The OT were the best movies. I remember seeing at least the first two Star Wars movies in theaters back in the 80's. A New Hope was excellent. Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford are a good cast. I'd give the very fist Star Wars movie a 9/10 The Empire Strikes Back was even bigger! Darth Vader is one of the coolest characters. Him revealing that he's Luke's son in the big screen was a big shocker. Loved this film, I give it a 10/10 Return of the Jedi was okay. But had some characters that weren't well liked. I find the ewoks to be annoying. Those small furry animals beat the crap out of those stormtroopers. The ending was sad but also a happy ending. I'll give the movie an 8/10

Now to the PT movies. They don't have the same feeling as the Old Trilogy. They’re not what I want but their also not that bad. I'm looking forward to the last one. Better not be a disappointment because the last two haven't been that good.

That's my review. I'd call myself a Star Wars fan because I've seen all SW movies in the big screen whether the critics gave them bad reviews or good reviews.

May the force be with you!
Last 5 films I’ve seen

An American In Paris ****/*****
Once Upon A Time In China *****/*****
Father of the Bride ****/*****
Spartacus *****/*****
The Hidden Fortress ****/*****

You can view my review for each of those films at T-850's Reviews

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
For me it's (out of **** stars):

Star Wars-****
Empire Strikes Back-****
Return of the Jedi-**** (Barely though...the final moments of coolness well make up for it's fuzzy flaws...)

The Phantom Menace-***.5
Attack of the Clones-***

The new ones don't have the feel or the classicness (yes, I just said classicness) of the originals, but they are excellent popcorn films.

for all.
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!" - Howard Beale

Do you know my poetry?
I'll do it like Beale did, Out of ****

Star Wars: A New Hope - **** (The beginning of a classic trilogy)
The Empire Strikes Back - **** (Wish I could give it more than 4 stars)
Return of the Jedi - **** (Although this was my least favorite of the trilogy, I still loved it and give it a 4 star rating)

The Phantom Menace - *** (I thought it was a bit long but Darth Maul was a great character)
Attack of the Clones - **1/2 (The worst Star Wars movie, overdid it on the special effects and the love lines were just embarressing but was a good popcorn movie)

Overall I thought all of them were good. My favorite one: The Empire Strikes Back

A system of cells interlinked
Using the Bealeness (yes I said Bealeness)

A NEw Hope: ****
Empire: ****
Jedi: *** (Ewok issues)

Phantom: * (I really can't sait through this movie at all, but I have watched it all finding this out)
Clones: *** (Much better story, acting, less JarJar)

So for me Phantom is a real dud, but I love the rest of the films.


to be honest, when my mates first started talking about star wars, i wasnt that interested. but when they actually sat me down and played it, i found that it was really good.
i think that id underestimated it because of the cast, but i think all the characters are cool. i think my fav has to be jar jar blinks...

luv y'all

Cyberdine Systems Model 101
First time I hear someone admit that their favorite Star Wars character is Jar Jar.

There is so much hate against that gungan

The Mad Prophet of the Movie Forums
And he deserves it. ALL of it.

Originally Posted by Beale the Rippe
And he deserves it. ALL of it.

Amen to that brother. . .I feel like Hulk Hogan
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
I'm afraid I must bid you adieu.
He woke up one night with a terrible fright
And found he was eating his shoe.

Anyway, here are my reviews. . .

A New Hope: 8/10 Very good, started the whole epic trilogy, George Lucas's best dialogue here/

Empire Strikes Back: 10/10 OMG!!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS MOVIE!! Darth Vader is by far my favorite character. Well, Boba Fett is up there also. If I could rate this higher, I would.

Return of the Jedi: 8/10 I don't know why everyone hates the Ewoks. DUH they're gonna beat up the Stormtroopers, Ewoks are part of the good guys!

Phantom Menace: 3/10 Not enough Darth Maul, too much Jar Jar. George Lucas's ABSOLUTE WORST dialogue. Total lameness(yes I said lameness) I don't like this film at all!

Attack of the Clones: 6.5/10 A little better, but not good enough. Still the lame dialogue, but not as much Jar Jar thank God. Hopefully number 3 will be good, I think it will. (crosses fingers)

bright lights bright lights!
Star Wars - A New Hope ****
The Empire Strikes Back *****
Return of the Jedi ****

Phantom Menace *
Attack of the Clones **

(the best thing in AOTC is Hayden Christensen.
The worst: Ewan McGregor's acting )

Okay( *=poor **=fair ***=good ****=excellent)
Star Wars: A New Hope - ***
The Empire Strikes Back - ***
Return of the Jedi - ***

The Phantom Menace - * ( i just found it sooooo boring)
Attack of the Clones- ** (if they didn't have Hayden Christianson being such a baby in it, i would have said ***)

Registered User
The Empire Strikes Back was even bigger! Darth Vader is one of the coolest characters. Him revealing that he's Luke's son in the big screen was a big shocker.
"Luke you are my father..."

"Noooooooo.....Noooo....<Luke throws himself off the catwalk> waaaaaiiiittttt thhttaaattsss nnoootttt rrriiigghhhhhhhhttt.......


I was one of those that saw the first trilogy in the movie theaters the first time though, although I cant say I've ever made it to any of the premiers. I hope to change that for the last one though.

My Star wars reviews:

A New Hope - <In the voice of the comic shop guy from the Simpsons> Best movie EVER!

The Empire Strikes Back - What could define love if not for stuffing your best friend into the greesy, bloody, carcase, of your just dead mount?

Return of the Jedi - Where not only does Han Solo get the girl, he gets the career as well....

Episode 1 the Phantom Menace - With all those lightsabers flashing around, and all those lazer guns, WHY GOD COULDN'T JAR JAR HAVE BEEN KILLED!!!!!

Episode 2 A New Hope - Where in we learn that even Dark Vader can be a whiny pissy arrogent little biatch who needs a slap up side his smart arse mouth in his youth...

God I cant wait for epidode three...

"Its funny how the colors of the real world, only seem really real when you vidi them on the screen"
A Clockwork Orange

My Diagnosis

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace---2 out of 5 Stars--Worst..Episode..Ever

Star Wars: Attack of the Clones---3 1/2 out of 5 Stars

Star Wars: A New Hope---5 out of 5 Stars

Star Wars: The Empire Stikes Back---5 out of 5 Stars

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi---5 out of 5 Stars
"I don't think there's anything to be afraid of. Failure brings great rewards -- in the life of an artist."---Quentin Tarantino

Holy bombs make holy holes...
A New Hope: 5

The first one was the first sci-fi movie to get it all right. The plot was rich and detailed, the themes were classic and the action was perfectly paced. It came out when I was 5 and it rocked my world. Few movies do I consider worthy of their blockbuster status, but New Hope is a movie that does for sure.

Empire: 5

How do you follow up the best sci-fi movie of all time? With the second greatest sci-fi movie of all time of course. This installment is both a cliff hanger and satisfying story all in one. The Millenium Falcon going through the astroid belt is still an amazing sight to behold. Doesn't get much better than this one. Only Blade Runner, Alien and 2001 rival or equal these first two chapters.

Jedi: 3

A somewhat sharp drop off from the first two. Besides the obvious of not liking the Ewoks, I just felt this movie was a little too commercial. The Death Star battle and saber duel between Luke and Darth are first rate, there are just a few too many cutesy scenes in this one for me. In now way did I think it would get worse though...

Phantom Menace: 2

I might have given this movie 3 stars a couple of years ago but its appeal has diminished even further over time. First of all, if any of your watched the extras and specifically the auditions for the part of young Anakin, it is obvious to me that the other kid was by far the better actor than Jake Lloyd. Jake's horrendous acting, the insipid script and Jar Jar Binks prove too much for this movie to handle. It drives me crazy while I watch it because just taking the core of the story, I can easily fantasize a much better way of telling it. This is the first sign that Lucas should have hired good writers to do the script and maybe let some other voices into the creative flow of the film.

It gets two stars for the saber duel and for showing us sights we hadn't seen before like Coruscant. The pod race scene is enjoyable but the ludicrous alien characters Lucas came up with cheapen it by their sheer goofiness. What happened to the cool aliens from the Mos Eisley Cantina of New Hope? I better stop, I could go on for days listing all the lame aspects of this movie...

Attack of the Clones: 1

I really should give it a half star but it's Christmas and all...the blue screen and CGI affects get out of control in this one. Whatever scrap of decent story there is in this movie get buried in the camp once again. Why Lucas has decided to turn this series into one big silly joke is beyond me. The Yoda teaching scene...lame, the whole romance segment between Anakin and Padme...lamest.

The end battle scene is so CGI drenched that it just looks completely fake, specifically the part where Padme falls out of the transport and has that stiff conversation with the Storm Trooper. Also, this one didn't even really have a good saber fight, the one between Dooku, Anakin and Obi was too short and the Dooku/Yoda fight just looks sillier and sillier each time I see it.

I really can't say that I enjoy much of anything about this movie. I started out a huge fan of this series but I can't be anything other than honest when it comes to what I call good film making. The first two weren't perfect, the faults were just much more miniscule.

Peace out.
Arthur: Well, I am king!
Dennis: Oh king, eh, very nice. And how'd you get that eh? By exploiting the workers! By 'anging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society. If there's ever going to be any progress with the--
Woman: I didn't know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective.

-The Holy Grail

Ah- nice to be back after a 3 month MoFo Hiatus....

Overall, i would consider myself a starwars fan. Okay, i'll admit it, i am an outright freakazoid Jed-Hed. And, due to some construct in my brain of which i cannot yet understand, it is nearly impossibble for me to not enjoy a Star Wars film, with or without Jar Jar.
And while im on the subject of Jar Jar, it ocurred to me recently that back when the OT was released, C-3PO was considered a 'silly', 'stupid', 'annoying horribble movie-ruining son of a gundark'. Im not suggesting that one day Jar Jar will be a timeless classic character like C-3PO, but maybe too many of you are thinking about him too much. Anyway, on to the ratings:

TPM: Loved it, but i believe a lot of the story was sacrificed for special effects. Lucas got hold of all this money and technology, (A.K.A., 'my preeeccciiooouuuss', and became corrupted. It gave him unnatural long life and almost prolonged old age)

AOTC: I liked it a lot better that TPM, just the tone and feel. Suffered a few of the same problems of TPM.

ANH: Wonderful. Nothing more to say.

ESP: Splendiferous. Nothing more to say.

ROTJ: Spedoinkle. Good, but its sad that the second death star was destroyed with all those roofers, plumbers, and independant contractors within, victims of their own personal politics.

Sorry for the Clerks refrence, but give me a break, im not even supposed to be here today.

Messenger from Hades' Gate
Originally Posted by Zeiken
ROTJ: ...its sad that the second death star was destroyed with all those roofers, plumbers, and independant contractors within, victims of their own personal politics.
I never thought of like that before! Which side is the dark side?
Rapture warning is now at ORANGE