Last bad movie you watched with great premise that needs a good remake


It's about a dude whose brother was killed and he rounds up all the suspects in the empty arena. He fights, fight-tortures them one by one to get to the truth.

The most loathsome of all goblins
The Last Starfighter has such a great concept, shame about the execution. I would love a good remake, although there is a 99% chance they would muck it up somehow

Legend in my own mind
Batman vs Superman
"I don't want to be a product of my environment, I want my environment to be a product of me" (Frank Costello)

Suicide Squad (2016) awesome characters in wreck of a movie.

Nerve (2016) should have been darker and more tense instead of focus on teenage like bickering.

"Honor is not in the Weapon. It is in the Man"

It's about a dude whose brother was killed and he rounds up all the suspects in the empty arena. He fights, fight-tortures them one by one to get to the truth.
I totally agree...this would definitely be a heck of a remake today. My issue was that the lead wasn't exactly a martial artist and he didn't look exactly great in the fights either.
It's All About the Movies

I totally agree...this would definitely be a heck of a remake today. My issue was that the lead wasn't exactly a martial artist and he didn't look exactly great in the fights either.
Even if he was a martial artist. Showing the same stuff from 4 angles time after time is annoying.

Not a bad movie necessarily but I'd like to see a remake of The Door (2009). I feel like it could be similar to The Ring in that certain problems could be ironed out.

1408 (2007)

This movie would be so much better if it just focused on the survival aspect and anxiety of being trapped in the room. Do away with the melodramatic nonsense or let Charlie Kaufman have a rewrite if you want to do it any justice. The scenes with his daughter just don't work, and the third act is way too "deep" for what this movie's strong suite is: a room escape puzzle.
Letterboxd | ReverseShot | SlantMagazine

very good question, umm let me think, i would have to say the scarlett johanseen movie "lucy" could have been done with a much much bigger scope.

very good question, umm let me think, i would have to say the scarlett johanseen movie "lucy" could have been done with a much much bigger scope.
It was bad?

It was an abortion.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel it was average just average could have had a much bigger scope to work with, i mean a person that has that much intelligence u can imagine what the director could have done with the material

1408 (2007)

This movie would be so much better if it just focused on the survival aspect and anxiety of being trapped in the room. Do away with the melodramatic nonsense or let Charlie Kaufman have a rewrite if you want to do it any justice. The scenes with his daughter just don't work, and the third act is way too "deep" for what this movie's strong suite is: a room escape puzzle.
I loved this movie, but you make some valid points here.

Not the story concept but the filmmaking concept, I was rather disappointed by XX. I think an anthology horror with all-female directors could be so cool if done right, damn you ST VINCENT!