Movie Books


Enemies are so stimulating.
what in your opinion is a great movie book? can be anything from a movie review book to a book about making films etc. ive been reading easy riders raging bulls...its very good. plus i have the Halliwell's film and video guide. its quite good too but i really want something like those movies of the 90s books. they have really big pictures of the films and then little reviews too.
I don't have Parkinson's. I inherited my shaking head from my grandfather Hepburn. I discovered that whisky helps stop the shaking. Problem is, if you're not careful, it stops the rest of you too. My head just shakes, but I promise you, it ain't gonna fall off!

I thought you might find some of these books interesting and are definately worth checking out.

The American Film Institute Desk Reference: The complete guide to everything you need to know about movies

This book has been a wonderful read-me for movies and for any movie lover i suggest the check it out sometime.

DVD and Video Guides

These have always been handy for me and I've used them on many occations when i rent a movie and have been kinda fun to argue my own view on a movie to a book, hahaha

If you have any other books you'd like to suggest please post some down, i'd love to read them.
"I don't think there's anything to be afraid of. Failure brings great rewards -- in the life of an artist."---Quentin Tarantino

"You Couldn't Make It Up...!!!"
First off, and as this is my first post here, hello to you all. As it's almost Christmas I've just treated myself to a stack load of books to read over the holiday period...

And the creme de la creme of the bunch IMHO seems to be Taschen's MOVIES OF THE '70s. Being of the opinion that the 70s was the last decade for *great* films, this huge tome looks truely indespensible...

Most of the information contained therein is probably sure to be found in other books but the fabulous colour stills and lush production values makes this book the kind you'd be proud to lend to family and friends (or just leave lying around for them to pick up and have a damn good browse)...

If there's one book you should pick up ASAP, Maniac, then this is it!


High Fidelity

Fight Club

Never read the books, but the movie kick butt so the book can't be that bad.
Remember, remember, the 5th of November
I'm afraid I must bid you adieu.
He woke up one night with a terrible fright
And found he was eating his shoe.

Cool book if I get it it is going right next to my Movie Guide book!This to me is a must had!So how much money is this book anyway?
Is there a certain site I can go too to order it online?
Please if anyone knows let me know ok?Well thanks for sharing that with us and see you around!JM
Jackie Malfoy
Favorite Movie of all time:Star Wars!
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I was just given this book for a prezzie, I love it.

Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

SPIDEI2_MAN__'s Avatar
Just bought Prey by Michael Crichton...sadly i think it will turn into a movie that doesnt do justice to the book (much like timeline,disclosure,sphere,congo,andromeda strain, and many more)

Any thoughts on this?

Bruce Campbell Groupie
I got a very strong feeling that I'm getting Christopher Lee's biography for Xmas, can't wait for that, he's a hero of mine!
Gimme some sugar!

SPIDEI2_MAN__'s Avatar
Originally Posted by Knoxville
I got a very strong feeling that I'm getting Christopher Lee's biography for Xmas, can't wait for that, he's a hero of mine!
im kinda mad at him that he decided to boycott the ROTK world premier...
No matter how wronged he was..

One book I would of definately liked to read BEFORE I saw the movie, was Holes, despite never hearing about this film I really loved it.

SPIDEI2_MAN__'s Avatar
Originally Posted by CrazyforMovies
One book I would of definately liked to read BEFORE I saw the movie, was Holes, despite never hearing about this film I really loved it.
The one with shiah laboof or whatever?

Tuna's Avatar
Originally Posted by SPIDEI2_MAN__
The one with shiah laboof or whatever?
Boards don't hit back

SPIDEI2_MAN__'s Avatar
Let me know if its anygood Tuna... is the movie good?

I ran a search and to my surprise didn't see a thread on books related to movies so I thought I'd start one.

I went to the book store last night and picked up two books, 'Teach Yourself Film Studies by Warren Buckland and one I know Holden would love (and probably has) 'Scorsese on Scorsese'. I'm not very far into either of them and will update ya'll a little later.
__________________ - Movie reviews and quotes for those of us fortunate enough to not have our heads shoved up overly critical rectums!

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It's all about books and movies.
Dude you even posted there

Originally Posted by Mose
Pretty much every book Stephen King has ever written that's been adapted to the big screen had, IMHO, a great story... most of which didn't translate well to the big screen. An excellent example would be Dreamcatcher.
Perhaps you mean books written concerning movies in general mmm? wait wait I see where you are coming from , I've seen certain books that are discussed specifically but not a general one I think. Other than the Reading Tab (?)

Perhaps this is new, could be good

I have a whole library of cinema related books.

Yes, I do have Scorsese on Scorsese. In fact, I think this is my third edition (they keep updating it for his new films).

I'm not going to list all the books I have for the same reason I don't list all the movies I own: too frippin' many. But to give you a taste of the size, these are all the books on Scorsese I have on my shelf...
  • Scorsese on Scorsese, Ian Christie & David Thompson editors. Faber & Faber 2003. ISBN#0571220029
  • Martin Scorsese, Interviews, edited by Peter Brunette. University Press of Mississippi 1999. ISBN# 1578060729
  • The Scorsese Connection, Lesley Stern. Indiana University Press 1995. ISBN# 0851705138
  • Scorsese, Jim Sangster. Virgin Books 2002. ISBN# 0753506424
  • Martin Scorsese, Close Up: The Making of His Movies, Andy Dougan. Thunder's Mouth 1998. ISBN# 1560251611
  • The Cinema of Martin Scorsese, Lawrence S. Friedman. Continuum 1999. ISBN# 0826410774
  • The Scorsese Picture: The Art & Life of Martin Scorsese, David Ehrnstein. Birch Lane Press 1992. ISBN# 1559721529
  • A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies, Martin Scorsese & Henry Wilson. Hyperion 1997, ISBN# 0786863285
  • AFI 25th Anniversary Life Achievement Award program printed by The American Film Institute
  • The Age of Innocence: A Portrait of the Film, Scorsese & Jay Cocks edited by Robin Standefer. Newmarker Press 1993. ISBN# 1557041431
  • Gangs of New York: Making the Movie, Interviews & Screenplay, Luc Sante editor. Mirimax Books 2002. ISBN# 0786868937
  • Taxi Driver, BFI Film Classics, Amy Taubin. British Film Institute 2000. ISBN# 0851703933
  • Perspectives on Raging Bull, Steven G. Kellman editor. G.K.&Hall Co. 1994. ISBN# 0816173451
  • GoodFellas: Ultimate Film Guide, Ian Colley. York Press 2001. ISBN# 0582452503
  • Taxi Driver screenplay, Paul Schrader. Faber & Faber 1990. ISBN# 0571144640
  • GoodFellas screenplay, Scorsese & Nic Pileggi. Faber & Faber 1990. ISBN# 0571162657
  • Casino screenplay, Nic Pileggi & Scorsese. Faber & Faber 1996. ISBN# 0571179924
  • Bringing Out the Dead screenplay, Paul Schrader. Faber & Faber 2000. ISBN# 0571204899
  • 3 Screenplays: The Color of Money, Sea of Love, Night & the City, Richard Price. Houghton Mifflin 1993. ISBN# 0395669235
  • A Cinema of Lonliness: Penn, Kubrick, Scorsese, Spielberg, Altman, Robert Phillip Kolker. Oxford University Press 1988. ISBN# 0195053907
  • Italian & Irish Filmmakers in America: Ford, Capra, Coppola and Scorsese, Lee Lourdeaux. Temple University Press 1990. ISBN# 0877226970
  • Italianamerican: The Scorsese Family Cookbook, Catherine Scorsese with Georgia Downard. Random House 1996. ISBN# 0679442820
Plus all sorts of micellaneous stuff, like press kits to various films.

So you get the idea: I've got an embarassingly large book collection as well as an embarassingly large LD/DVD collection. Oy, don't even get me started on CDs and soundtracks!
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Holden Pike
So you get the idea: I've got an embarassingly large book collection as well as an embarassingly large LD/DVD collection.

I can just picture this giant room full of film materials, I think a picture of the Pike Museum of film is requested

Anyway, just started my collection of books on film:

Kubrick : The Definitive Edition

Film Directing : Shot by Shot (Katz)

Understanding Movies
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Originally Posted by Mose
I ran a search and to my surprise didn't see a thread on books related to movies so I thought I'd start one.

I went to the book store last night and picked up two books, 'Teach Yourself Film Studies by Warren Buckland and one I know Holden would love (and probably has) 'Scorsese on Scorsese'. I'm not very far into either of them and will update ya'll a little later.

SpoOky - Read the bold part of the quote

I am through the first few chapters of the Scorsese book and am loving it! I actually signed into Netflix after the first chapter and rented a bunch of Scorsese flicks. I think it will be interesting to go back and watch each movie after reading about it in the book.

Humm... Just a thought, but has anyone ever wondered who Holden really is? I am thinking relatively well off, if not rich given the size of his movie/book collection and he resides in Portland... Doesn't Microsoft have it's HQ in the Portland area? I'm wondering if we're really chatting with Bill Gates here