Would Anyone Be Interested In Doing A Podcast About Movies?


I am planning on starting up a podcast where we would discuss movies (New releases, classics, etc). It would just be for fun, looking for 1 or 2 people to host it with me. Only requirements are that you love movies and have a mic + decent internet connection. We would likely be doing about 1 episode a week.

If this doesn't belong in this section I apologize, I just am in search for some fellow movie addicts and I figured this would be a great place to look.

That reminds me Yoda are you planning on doing another one any time soon?

Yeah I remember that, but I'm not sure that anything has happened since those initial talks. I do kinda feel bad about ending it, I didn't realize that there was people that enjoyed it as much as they did. It's just that I won't be able to get involved with it like before due to personal BS. Like I said before though, if someone wants to take it over, or if you wanna merge that idea with your Movie Club thing, then I'm all for it.

And maybe Melvinj0 can join in.

Maybe someone can bump the last mention to see if it's still going to happen? If not, in all likelihood I would wait until next month (after a trip in mid-June I've planned) and then just have one of us pick one.

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I am planning on starting up a podcast where we would discuss movies (New releases, classics, etc). It would just be for fun, looking for 1 or 2 people to host it with me. Only requirements are that you love movies and have a mic + decent internet connection. We would likely be doing about 1 episode a week.

If this doesn't belong in this section I apologize, I just am in search for some fellow movie addicts and I figured this would be a great place to look.
I'd be interested in a classic movie discussion. I have a built-in mic, good connection.

Maybe someone can bump the last mention to see if it's still going to happen? If not, in all likelihood I would wait until next month (after a trip in mid-June I've planned) and then just have one of us pick one.
I would love to participate. If anyone is looking do to one before then though I am looking to record one sometime next week. I have a decent recording/editing software so I can cover all that stuff if people would like to come on and just discuss movies/movie news for the hell of it.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I would love to participate. If anyone is looking do to one before then though I am looking to record one sometime next week. I have a decent recording/editing software so I can cover all that stuff if people would like to come on and just discuss movies/movie news for the hell of it.
I'd love to.

Awesome What days/times are you available?
Just sent you a PM. Ive never done one before so I might suck.....

I'm 100% down I run a podcast now with 500 concurrent viewers if youre interested, we currently talk about video games.