What are the most movies you watched in a day?


Tried to search if this thread has been done already but felt a little overwhelmed trying to search through 40-plus pages, if there is then just close it please.

I've never really done a movie-marathon so I don't think I ever watched more than two in one day but I'm wondering how many people here have watched in a single day.

I'd imagine, regarding movies that are 2 to 3 hours in length, that the maximum number of movies that could be viewed in a 24 hour period would be about 8-12. Has anybody accomplished such a feat?

Probably 4 or 5, I can't remember what exactly, but I think that's about right. Very rarely do I watch more than 2 a day, unless I'm in the middle of a watching spree for a specific reason, Oscars, Lists etc.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I have done four on a Saturday many times. I don't think I have ever hit more than that, but may have done 5 a time or two.

Don't think I have ever watched more than 4-5 or something. I know for a fact that I have watched 4 in one day, since I was at a movie marathon at the cinema with the complete Indiana Jones-series.

But I also think that I once watched maybe 5 when me and some friends did a movie night - but that's still questionable... 4 for sure though.

Oh yeah something I forgot to add; if you remember, what were the movies you watched that day?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
4 is a good number for a nice lazy day off when the weather is crap. Five has happened, I don't recall watching six though. Actually I watched four in one day recently, and that included the four hour long Cleopatra, so it could have been six.

4 is a good number for a nice lazy day off when the weather is crap. Five has happened, I don't recall watching six though. Actually I watched four in one day recently, and that included the four hour long Cleopatra, so it could have been six.
No, it could have been 5, because Cleopatra is equivalent to 2 movies, adding the other 3 makes 5.

I'm glad I'm using Letterboxd now... Such a nice way to keep track of such things as these. I have no problem remembering like 95% of every movie I have ever watched (only those far back is cloudy), but little details like when, where and on which date? Now that is a tough question to answer.

No, it could have been 5, because Cleopatra is equivalent to 2 movies, adding the other 3 makes 5.
It's the equivalent of almost 5 of the 50 minute ones you were talking about.

I'm guessing 5 for me.

Master of My Domain
I think 5 multiple times when doing director binges. If completing a list or watching challenge I tend to watch only 1~2 films per day, but during a director binge the purpose is to dig into the director. By watching his filmography at once I can see how he/she evolves over time and analyze their style as a whole.

The day I watched 8 was such that I rated the last movie I watched in the day
perhaps because I was feeling tired and so had a higher bar for it, compared to the usual: I was feed up watching films and I just wanted to get to the magic 8 number.

Some of the stuff I watched in the 8 animated films in a day day:

I forgot the other 4 though.

A few times I've watched 2 films at the cinema then gone home and watched another.
Would love to have a whole day to myself just to watch films but it never works out that way