Favorite 'locations' in movies?


What are your favorite "locations" of all the movies you've seen?

Some of mine are:

- Rick's Café Americaine in 'Casablanca'
- Taffey Lewis Night Club in 'Blade Runner'
- The Opium theater in 'Once Upon a Time in America'
- The red restaurant in 'Vertigo'
- West Hollywood 1950s theme dance restaurant in 'Pulp Fiction'
- The Overlook Hotel in 'The Shining'
- The milk bar in 'A Clockwork Orange'
- Bath house in 'Spirited Away'

There are of course a lot more, but these are the very first that come to mind.

The Zone in Stalker
The Room in Stalker
The Brandon's apartment in Shame
The portrayal of New York in Shame
The train in Shame

The portrayal of Tokyo in Lost in Translation
The Bar in The Fifth Seal
The Bar, hospital and square in Werckmeister Harmonies
The hotel in Last Year at Marienbad
The floating monastery in Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring

The mansion in Fanny and Alexander
The apartment in Repulsion
The ship in The Legend of 1900
The mansion in Sunset Bvld.
The room in 12 Angry Men

The radio studio in The Moth
The place, in which jazz party takes place in Titus
The Jungle in Aguirre, The Wrath of God
The O'Brien's house and surroundings in The Tree of Life

The Slaughtered Lamb in An American Werewolf in London

Delta House in Animal House

The cabin in The Evil Dead

The mall in Dawn of the Dead

The Antarctic in The Thing

The Disco in Saturday Night Fever

that's what she said...
COOL THREAD!! I'll have to post more when I have time to think about it. But the first thing that pops into mind is the BOWLING ALLEY SCENE in ACROSS THE UNIVERSE

^It's also a song so feel free to get up and dance because this song will make you do just that!!

In the Beginning...
The Antarctic in The Thing
I love that set. Some remnants of it are actually still there, where they filmed in Stewart, British Columbia, Canada. A pair of fans made the trek back in 2003 and discovered a helicopter rotor, which they kept.

Switzerland is my favorite place in movies. Most of the Bollywood movies have taken the spots from Switzerland.
Movies Ok

Jack Rabbit Slim's Restaurant - Pulp Fiction
Hogwarts - any Harry Potter film
The Bar from Death Proof (don't remember the name,it's where the lap dance took place)
I also like the bunker from Der Untergang.

I really like seeing Cape Town in movies, as that is my home. But if I really have to choose, I would choose Russia. You see the beautiful scenery, but the hardships of living in the cold there proves that no mater how pretty nature is, it still has a sharp bite.

What are your favorite "locations" of all the movies you've seen?

Some of mine are:

- Rick's Café Americaine in 'Casablanca'
- Taffey Lewis Night Club in 'Blade Runner'
- The Opium theater in 'Once Upon a Time in America'
- The red restaurant in 'Vertigo'
- West Hollywood 1950s theme dance restaurant in 'Pulp Fiction'
- The Overlook Hotel in 'The Shining'
- The milk bar in 'A Clockwork Orange'
- Bath house in 'Spirited Away'

There are of course a lot more, but these are the very first that come to mind.
I'll post some pictures too, just for the sake of it:

Rick's Café Américain

Taffey Lewis Night Club

Opium Theater


West Hollywood 1950s theme dance restaurant

The Overlook Hotel

Milk Bar


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
The Bowling Alley in The Big Lebowski
The Fire station - Ghostbusters
Sandford - Hot Fuzz
The Cabin - The Evil Dead
Shawshank - The Shawshank Redemption
The Airplane - Airplane
Cliffs of Insanity - The Princess Bride
Bates Motel - Psycho
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

The palace in Curse of the Golden Flower.
The opening scene of the vulture's eye view of Southern Utah in McKennas Gold.
Interior scenes of Frankenstein's house in Bride of Frankenstein.
The fence and sandpit scene in 1954's Invaders From Mars.
The Victorian London street scenes in Jack The Ripper, the Michael Caine version.
Most everything in Sergio Leone's westerns.

One more. The interior of the haunted house in the 2000 remake of The Haunting. The movie was average, but the house was awesome.


The graveyard in the good the bad and the ugly

Geeky, Dagobah system

The house in Beetlejuice

Edward scissorhand's castle

And i know its tv so it doesn't count but....

Thailand in The Beach