Come up with a better name than "Hard R"


"Hard R"
In March 2007, according to Variety, MPAA chairman Dan Glickman has been trying to create a new rating called "Hard R" for films that contain too much violence, sexual content, language, and impudence; the suggested rating would also prohibit people under the age of 18 to watch the films, much like NC-17. The move is apparently motivated by parents, who have been pressuring Glickman and the MPAA to create a new rating to solve the problem because they think the R rating is too "wide-ranged". The other problem is that if Hard R horror films were rated NC-17, they would lose a large amount of the teen audience.

Film studios have also pressured the MPAA to retire the NC-17 rating, because it can make their film worthless (e.g. most Blockbuster stores refuse to carry DVDs rated NC-17 and many daily newspapers also refuse ads for NC-17 films).[17][18]


intresting idea but WTF?

"the following movie has been rated Hard R"


come up with better names for this

This film has been rated BFR*
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

i was thinking bout PG and PG-13

mayb tkae that prinicple

mayb go ahead and ablsh NC-17 (they dont do much with that rating anymore anyway)

and bring forth this rating under the name R-17 or 18 or whatever

coruse one has to wonder if this DID go thoruh (no evidence it will yet + it IS wikipedia after all) what would R even mean anymore?

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
How about Flaccid NC-17 or Impotent X?

martian leader's Avatar
RightUpTheLittleTramps@ss !
How about some of these?

O - for Offensive

NUAR - Not Under Aged Rating

SSS - Sex Sex Sex

Arnie Cunningham - All of this because some drunk ran over that sh*tter Welch?

Arnie Cunningham- Right up the little tramps @ss!

Kids, if you're reading this, all the best movies are rated R, there's got to be a reason why they're not letting you see these. So when you can't rent them from the video store, or your parents won't let you buy it because of some naughty language, download it for free from the net! And if they ever give you any problems about pirating copyrighted material, well you just tell these so called authorities that it was the only way you could ever see these movies, and curiosity happened to get the better of you. Besides, your parents will be the ones that will have to take the blame, and that'll teach them.

"So lock your kids up safe tonight, shut their eyes in the cupboard."
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

A lot of people call me 'ass hat'... is that good or bad?
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Sammieb91's Avatar
'Hard R' IS retarded!! Although in my opinion the ratings are fine as they are.

actually i tihnk the whole rating system needs to be abolished or altered severly or the MPAA itself does mayb i dunno

oh that's smart. Just call it another name than NC-17, and the newpapers and blockbusters will just prohibit/refuse to carry the Hard-Rs.

ok, so am I right in understanding that its like this:

R - Parents want this classified as "Hard R"
R - Parents want this classified as "Hard R"
R - Parents want this classified as "Hard R"



here's the thing. declassifying NC-17 isnt going to do anything other than make "Hard-R" the new NC-17 - which papers and blockbuster may treat as such - and now suddenly, you've lessened the breadth of even the R rating you used to have, and hurt yourselves in the process.

Im sure Im missing something -why would the film industry go along with this Hard-R business?
something witty goes here......

The MPAA's system dosen't really work - the majority of good movies are rated R and the amount of offensive language , sex , and violence heavily vary in all these movies.

Which one should really be rated R ?


oh that's smart. Just call it another name than NC-17, and the newpapers and blockbusters will just prohibit/refuse to carry the Hard-Rs.

ok, so am I right in understanding that its like this:

R - Parents want this classified as "Hard R"
R - Parents want this classified as "Hard R"
R - Parents want this classified as "Hard R"



here's the thing. declassifying NC-17 isnt going to do anything other than make "Hard-R" the new NC-17 - which papers and blockbuster may treat as such - and now suddenly, you've lessened the breadth of even the R rating you used to have, and hurt yourselves in the process.

Im sure Im missing something -why would the film industry go along with this Hard-R business?
yeah thats pretty much the feeling i got LOL

I'm pretty sure that Hard-R is going to make the people not supposed to get into Hard-R movies even more likely to go see them, and it also sounds exactly like NC-17.

Frankly they should play the reverse psychology game and label it Boring Stuff (BS) and see what happens
Trailer Previctions - You can judge a movie by its trailer!

Maybe the parents who are wanting Hollywood to be the gatekeeper guarding their children from exposure to certain films should go look up the definition of "parent" in the dictionary.

As for "Hard R", that sounds the bragging rights of horny teens making comparisions in the gym shower.