Rice's Radical Reviews

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Let's try to be broad-minded about this
Page 1:
Boondock Saints -

The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly -

Page 2:
The Cell -

Taxi Driver -

Wanted -

All the President's Men

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
Boondock Saints - 6.0\10

I was sooo excited to watch this movie because i had heard so much about it but it completely rubbed me the wrong way. To me it was over the top ridiculous and not in a good way. There were parts where it worked well (I liked Il Dulce) but the rest of the time not so much. I hated the stupid synchronization of everything the brothers did, same clothes, light their cigarettes at the same time, say their prayers at the same time...have some weird ass bapitism water dripping on them shirtless religious awakening moment...at the same time! I disliked the overdone concept of the modest badass and the over-dramatic...ness of everything, i can't even pinpoint what about the drama bothered me, because i didn't care that Samuel L. Jackson was saying a prayer before he killed people which is overdramatic and cheesy but i loved it. And Sin City made everything overdramatic and i loved it. But Boondock Saints fell short and i absolutely hated every single scene with Rocco in it. He was THE most obnoxious character in the world. That's probably a lie but since nothing is coming to mind right now that'll do. He's always loud and swearing at the top of his lungs and completely is missing the point of what the brothers are trying to do SPOILER ALERT!! I cheered when he died he was such a liability, can you imagine the brothers pulling off the ending scene of the movie with Rocco there? Nooosiree, so you're probably wondering 'if you hated it so much why give it a six?' William Dafoe. He was the only character whose screentime i actually enjoyed. If it weren't for him i would just throw this movie away with other wannabe badass flicks (like Shoot Em Up...horrible) But! He has saved the Boondock Saints with his cross dressing homo-antics. So yeah, i'd say nice try.

I would give it a six also, like you I expected more
Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I havent seen it but it does sound quite a cool film, will have to keep an eye out for it.

Nice review look forward to seeing more.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
Thank you I'll post another one when i watch whatever movie i'm going to watch today if i watch a movie....>.>

I rewatched this again recently, thing that got me the most was their dodgy accents ESPECIALLY Il Dulce (that's Billy Connoly's character, right?). I actually liked Rocco more than the others as well, at least he showed some emotion.

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
>.< He showed too much emotion way to loudly. I understand though that that's what they were trying to do with the character, make him bumbling and stupid and flawed so i can appreciate that because they accomplished it but man he drove me nuts. And i hate how perfect the brothers were too, they just happen to be magnificent at killing people but at the same time are morally sound. and he certainly looks a lot like Billy Connolly lol

Great review on The Boondock Saints. I, like you, heard great things about the film and was very hyped up to see a supposedly amazing film. I got nothing of the sort. The Boondock Saints is the epitome of pointlessness.

>.< He showed too much emotion way to loudly. I understand though that that's what they were trying to do with the character, make him bumbling and stupid and flawed so i can appreciate that because they accomplished it but man he drove me nuts. And i hate how perfect the brothers were too, they just happen to be magnificent at killing people but at the same time are morally sound. and he certainly looks a lot like Billy Connolly lol
Yeah, certainly flawed film. I just preferred him to the brothers cuz of the reasons you just said. Have you seen Ghost Dog? It's like the good version of that film, i'd highly recommend it if you haven't seen it.

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
I've never heard of it, but i'll add it to my list solely because you recommended it. feel special.

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly - 9/10

Looooved Loved Loved it. The music was hands down THE best part, the music accomplished what Tarantino only wishes his could accomplish. Since i've seen a ton of Tarantino things before i saw this, many things in this movie reminded me of that so i couldn't help but compare. I wish it was the other way around (Tarantino's stuff reminding me of this but i saw this last ) Eastwood's acting was a little primitive but it fit the role well. Angel Eyes was a complete bamf like he was meant to be. Tuco was a greedy little idiot but i didn't hate him. The style was incredibly enjoyable, the stand offs and stare downs were wayyy better than in any other movie i've seen. Again Tarantino can't touch the stand off at the end between the good (Blondie) the bad (Angel Eyes) and ugly (Tuco) It kept my attention the entire time. This is a short review because i have no complaints

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
10/10 means it's soon to be up on my top ten movies list, so it'll be verrry rare, so there are still no complaints, but i still like all the movies on my top ten better...you know?

A system of cells interlinked
For me to tag these for the review section, the rating system needs to follow the 1-5 boxes of popcorn that is native to the site. Thanks for the reviews, though!

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
For me to tag these for the review section, the rating system needs to follow the 1-5 boxes of popcorn that is native to the site. Thanks for the reviews, though!

Awww, the system I've adapted. I use to rate out of ten, I guess it was my IMDB ways.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Let's try to be broad-minded about this
i like the 0-10 rating system, i feel like i have more room but alas, i shall convert...i just need to figure out the popcorn things...

omg i did it!

I should point out that 1-10 usually works, provided the number doesn't use a decimal. For example, 9 out of 10 divides into 4.5 out of 5, but 7.5 requires us to determing whether or not we should round down to 3.5, or up to 4.

So, 1-5 is preferred, but 1-10 still allows us to determine your rating so long as it's a whole number.

And, of course, you could throw two different ratings up. Your call.