Can't remember movie name :-(((


Going nuts trying to remember this one. It is from the mid-80's maximum very early 90's.

It's about time travel. The only thing I can remember vividly is the ending. It when the hero approaches a choffeur-driven limo, the door opens, and there is an old couple sitting inside at the back, who I think he knew like last week or something when they were his age (time travel etc). When the door opens, a dog jumps out & goes happily to the guy.

I know its a movie I reaaaaaaaaly enjoyed, but can't remember the name !!

(I think, not sure, there is also a sequal)

Shame on me

Any ideas ?

A system of cells interlinked
The Philadelphia Experiment (Raffill, 1984)

I used to love this flick as a kid. It doesn't play as well these days, but it is still sort of fun. The scene with the ship that had been through the time anomaly with the people half frozen in steel really tripped me out as a teenager when saw it in the theater.

Have fun watching!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Man, I was almost 100 % sure that was the movie. BUT, funny thing is though, is that I just watched the Philadelphia Experiment 1 & 2 over the past 2 days, which is what sparked off my curiosity in the first place.

But there was no such ending !! The P.E 1 just ends when the hero comes back from the time-hole, and the 2 ends at his son's baseball game.

Still stuck I'm afraid :-(

Try The Final Countdown, I just watched it recently and it has the scene you're referring to in it.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

It is the Final Countdown!!!

Why do many Youtube videos say they are not avail, but if you go right to the link they are there?
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

That's it !!!!!!!! Thanks !

Aircraft carrier, time travel ... I can see how I easily confused it with the Philadelphia Experiment