Movie Reviews


In the movie reviews section, how do members get their own section of movie reviews they have written. I am talking about the list of members at the top of the Movie Reviews Section. How can I get my own?

Thanks alot.

"All the confusion of my life... has been a reflection of myself! Myself as I am, not as I'd like to be." - Guido, 8 1/2

Show your stuff and if it is deemed worthy you might get a least I think thats how it works?
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

I have posted two reviews: "Rear Window" and "Raging Bull". "Rear Window" has been replied to but no one has read or even viewed my "Raging Bull" review. How many do I need to write?

And I do not mean to sound rude or pressing.



You ready? You look ready.
Yes, 7thson is correct. My advice to you would be to make your own little review thread in the Movie Reviews section titled PrometheusFG's Reviews, or something else to your liking. Then any review you write should be posted in this thread. Also, put a link to your movie review thread in your signature. And try your hardest at writing those reviews. I think I wrote about 11 before I was even put up in that section. With hard work, you'll get up there. Good luck to ya.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Thanks alot guys. I just like writing reviews and it would be cool to get up there.

Hi Nate,

Moderators like myself have the power to "stick" threads on top of the Reviews forum. It's a judgement call, ultimately, but for a thread to be considered it has to first contain a collection of reviews, as opposed to a thread dedicated to just one film. You'll notice all the threads atop the forum are like this. Also, it needs to be updated on a semi-regular basis.

Once such a thread has a significant number of reviews in it, and/or has generated some discussion among other members, it may be placed on top with the others, usually in place of one of the existing review threads which hasn't been updated in awhile.

Thanks. I wrote my Raging Bull review about 2 days ago. No one has responded to it but can I still write another one? Or would it be pointless?

Originally Posted by PrometheusFG
Thanks. I wrote my Raging Bull review about 2 days ago. No one has responded to it but can I still write another one? Or would it be pointless?
I actually read it and I am sure others have. I would make myself a new thread and cut and paste your reviews there and just add on accordingly. Your Raging Bull review is fine, but this is just a suggestion and not a complaint. To start you should review movies that people probably havent seen yet, and although some of us may not Have seen Raging Bull yet most of us have. That does not mean you cant or shouldnt review older movies, but you will get more readers initally if they can read about a film they havent seen yet because curiosity is good bait. Anyway I hope you dont give up and you take the time to season yourself a bit. Best of luck, and welcome to Mofo.

Thanks man. I really appreciate it. And I actually just made that thread for my reviews.

Originally Posted by PrometheusFG
Thanks. I wrote my Raging Bull review about 2 days ago. No one has responded to it but can I still write another one? Or would it be pointless?
I read your review but forgot to leave a comment as i had to go out, sorry Don't give up writing.
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i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
from what i see, you don't even have to be good at the review thing, you just gotta have the quantity and dedication to make it...


good luck though...

The reviews i read are based on personal taste and are mainly for films i've not seen or am wanting to see, as 7thson says.